CSS Media Queries

Made by Antonija with


  • CSS logic
  • if else statement
  • detects the size of the screen


  • responsive web design
  • css that adjusts to different screen size and different devices


  • using @media rule with min-width or max-width and screen type (print, screen)
  sets body's bg color to blue to screens
  that are wide 768px or wider than that 

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    body {
        backgorund-color: blue;    
   sets body's bg color to blue for
   screens that are not wider than 767px 

@media (max-width: 767px) {
    body {
        backgorund-color: blue;    

min-width and max-width in @media

Media queries target different media types

@media print {
    /* styles applied only to print (printers) */
    body {
        background-color: blue;

@media speech {
      styles applied only to print devices
      that read the page out loud    
    body {
        background-color: blue;

Media Types

Mobile first approach

  • adds CSS styles for mobile devices first
  • global and desktop styles are outside of the media queries
  • apply styles from the smallest to the largest
  • uses only min-width
  • overwriting in the media queries is important
  • order of media queries is important
body {
     body is black unless it gets
     overwritten by media query

     body will be black on all every
     screen size that is larger than
     or equal to 768px

   background-color: black;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
   body is orange only on the screens
   that are not wider than 768px
   body {
     background-color: orange;

Benefits of the mobile first approach

  • constraints of mobile are solved first

  • "heavy" (video, large imgs) content loaded only on desktop => faster page

  • loads the minimal content of the page

Desktop first approach

  • adds CSS styles for desktop devices first
  • global styles are outside of the media queries
  • apply styles from the largest to the smallest
  • uses only max-width
  • overwriting in the media queries is important
  • order of media queries is important
body {
     body is black unless it gets
     overwritten by media query

     body will be black on every
     screen size that is larger than
     but not equal to 991px

   background-color: black;

@media (max-width: 991px) {
    body {
        background-color: orange;

@media (max-width: 767px) {
    body {
      background-color: purple;


Coding time!

I heard you worked with floats last time, is that right?


Let's create responsive layout with floats 


Open code editors!


Media Queries

By tonkec palonkec

Media Queries

  • 297