• Intersection observers

  • KCP - Uvod

  • HTML za KCP

  • 18. Transitions

  • 09. ponavljanje

  • 06. box model

  • 07. inline vs block

  • 05. Specificity

  • 04. Selectors

  • 03. Color

  • 02. Inheritance

  • 01. CSS syntax

  • Intro to CSS

  • 16. HTML ponavljanje

  • 15. HTML quote

  • 14. HTML forme

  • 13. HTML audio & video

  • 12. HTML iframe

  • 11. HTML tablice

  • 10. Semantic elements

  • 09. HTML layout elements

  • 08. html lists

  • 07. HTML images

  • 06. HTML links

  • 05. HTML attributes

  • 04. Typography

  • 03. HTML komentari

  • 02. HTML elementi

  • 01. Struktura dokumenta

  • CSS family

  • Labster 2.0

  • #12 To Bootstrap or Not To Bootstrap


  • #11 Video Killed My Data Plan

    A short introduction slides for SCSS meetup in Zagreb

  • From zero to (s)hero

    A presentation I had on Trans Summer camp 2019

  • CSS Pseudoelements


  • DOM 101

  • JS fundamentals revisited

  • SVG 101

  • HTML semantic elements

  • Flexbox

  • Media Queries

  • CSS pseudo-classes

  • CSS grid

  • CSS

  • CSS gradients

  • HTML tables

  • Front end fundamentals

  • Reopening the box model 2

  • Reopening the box model

  • HTML refresh