From zero to (s)hero

Final product

What is my intention

  • I want to attract more LGBTIQA+ people into IT world

  • I want to show you how you can improve your life and teach yourself to code for free

  • I want to introduce you to the new world you might not be aware of

  • I will not teach you to code, but I will show you how you can do it on your own

Who am I?

Why I taught myself to code?

  • need of independence
  • wanted fresh start
  • intelectual skill
  • fun for introverts
  • low requirements
  • prove them wrong
  • personal reasons (depression & co)

Coding changed my life for better 🤗

Why YOU need to learn to code?

1. It's fun!

  • problem solving mindset
  • it will change the way you think
  • object-oriented thinking
  • you can connect with millions of other coders
  • you can join coding communities
  • it opens lots and lots of doors

2. "Anyone" can do it

  • things you will need to teach yourself to code
    • WiFi
    • laptop
    • time
    • self-discipline

3. You don't need any "special" skill

  • you don't have to be predetermined to learn to code
  • you don't have to have high IQ
  • you don't have to have deep knowledge of math (fundamentals are required)
  • you don't have to go to college at all!
  • you don't need any special equipment
  • you don't have to have money, lots of free courses

4. You will be super(s)hero

  • you will be able to code something that you use every day
  • you will be able to debug
  • you will understand world around you better
  • you will keep up with the latest technologies

5. You can work from anywhere in the world

4.8 million independent workers currently describe themselves as digital nomads, and many more, 17 million, aspire to someday become nomadic.

6.7 million Americans doing freelance work today

6. The whole world is your market

  • you can work from Croatia for EU/US salary 
  • you can work with any remote company in the world
  • you can get a job ANYWHERE

7a. Freelancing

  • 50% of the Workforce Will Be Remote by 2020

  • The Remote Workforce Has Grown by 140% Since 2005

  • Digital Nomads Save Up to $7,000 a Year – Or More

  • Nearly 30% of #remotework companies were either founded by women or have a female CEO.

7b. Freelancing

  • Freedom

  • Being your own boss

  • < 8hrs per day, <160hrs per month, but same or higher income

  • biannual work schedule (6 months off)

  • choose your own projects and stack

  • choose your own hourly wage

  • no alarm to wake you up in the morning

7c. Freelancing

  • pay less taxes

  • get eu or usa salary, live in cheaper location (croatia)

  • save up => invest in funds, bitcoins

8. Sky's the limit

  • you can start your own company
  • you can work with already existing companies: instagram, facebook, slack, hubspot, linkedin, doodle, tumblr
  • you can move anywhere in the world => coding is ubiquitous language
  • you can start your own startup
  • FinTech, Bitcoins

9. You are "safe"

  • future is in technology, one way or the other
  • not highly likely that internet will go down or disappear
  • even if some technology dies, you will be able to transition to a new thing easier if you already have some background

10. Salary

  • you don't have to be super ninja to earn decent money
  • you can be average and earn enough
  • you can find job easily, especially locally


  • lots of new things to learn all at once
  • you'll need at least 6 months to learn everything and land a first job
  • bugs :( 
  • while you teach yourself to code, you will probably not have "lots" of social life
  • sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the technologies
  • freelancing can get lonely


Let's look at some statistics

aka more reasons to join us!

87% of professional devs are self-taught

Sexual orientation


> 90% white cis straight males


  • discrimination in the workspace
  • lower salaries for discriminated
  • lots of problems were not even tackled software-wise because of one way of thinking
  • our future might be programmed by the dominant class in industry
  • we need more people that are queer!!


  • I personally have always been the only queer person and the only female in the whole dev team in every team I have ever worked on

    • not taken seriously

      • I am just trying to code, I am not a real dev

      • "why don't you learn what she does, it's easy!"

    • lower paycheck:

      • ​"You can be happy with our offer. When I had first started, I was offered much less"

      • "you don't need money, you are girl"

    • subtle comments in Croatian communities

      • "are you looking for a husband?"

      • "is that your own company or your dad's?

      • "it's so weird to talk to a girl about coding"

Why can't girls code

Famous female coders

We/I need more people like you!

How to teach yourself to code?

(and land a first job ^_^)

Decide what do you want to work on

  • front-end => UI
  • back-end => servers & data
  • full-stack => FE + BE
  • mobile developer => mobile apps

Study current state of market

  • make sure you know which tech is the most wanted
  • make sure you know what do you want to build

Let's say you chose FE


  • core languages of the web
  • html for structure
  • css for styles
  • js for behaviour (and lots more)

Where to learn HTML&CSS&JS

Learn one language thoroughly

Practice makes perfect

Tools you need to learn

Show off your skills

  • code your own projects

  • host code on github

  • contribute to open source

  • write blog for your learning process

Create portfolio/cv

  • describe your projects
  • show them code
  • purchase your domain
  • send job applications!

Show time!

Let's play...

More magic!

  • connect to wifi MARE: MARE1234

  • open on your cell phones


Thank you!

From zero to (s)hero

By tonkec palonkec

From zero to (s)hero

A presentation I had on Trans Summer camp 2019

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