đź”–TAG Intro

13 May 2018

Daniel Appelquist


https://tag.w3.org/ (Current Work)

What is the TAG?

Special group in W3C chartered to:

  • document and build consensus around principles of Web architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary;
  • resolve issues involving general Web architecture brought to the TAG;
  • help coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C.


 5 6 elected, 3 appointed, 1 permanent chair (Tim),
1 staff contact (Yves)

Tim Berners-Lee (W3C) Chair

Daniel Appelquist (Samsung) co-Chair

Kenneth Christiansen (Intel)

Peter Linss  (Invited Expert) co-Chair

David Baron (Mozilla)

Hadley Beeman (Invited Expert)

Yves Lafon (W3C) staff contact

Travis Leithead (Microsoft)

Sangwhan Moon  (Odd Concepts)

Lukasz Olejnik (Invited Expert)

Alex Russell (Google)

Current work of the TAG

  • Pondering deep questions about the web
  • Writing stuff: findings and other output
  • Design reviews (nĂ©e “Spec Reviews”)
  • Joint work with other groups
  • Play a role in cross-organization liaisons
  • Developer community engagement

Design Reviews

The TAG's “Heartbeat” 💓

Requesting a TAG Review

Open an issue with us on GitHub

(live demo)

What happens during a TAG review?

  • One TAG member will own the issue
  • We will likely invite someone to a TAG call or to join us at a f2f
  • You will get live feedback from us in the github issue
  • If appropriate we will issue a more formal feedback document

Where can I find the current work of the TAG?

Visit our page at https://tag.w3.org

Visit our meetings repo:

(all minutes linked from agendas)

Client-side API Design Principles

Developer Outreach

15 Developer Outreach Events since 2013

Mix of panel discussions and unconference-style “summits” (https://extensiblewebsummit.org)

Berlin / Boston / London / Melbourne / San Francisco / Tokyo

~1000 developers

Some have been documented:

Some have been streamed:


Next event at next F2F: Seattle, 27 July


Take advantage of locations.

Talk to and hear from web developers.

Raise awareness of emerging web technologies.

Be visible: this is your web.

Get direct feedback from developers.

Help to prioritize.






The TAG has a diversity problem

The TAG should reflect the web technical community

We can best address this issue by nominating more diverse candidates

Please consider this when putting forward candidates for our upcoming elections

We're on github: https://github.com/w3ctag

Follow @w3ctag on Twitter

TAG Update for W3C AC May 2018 Meeting

By Daniel Appelquist

TAG Update for W3C AC May 2018 Meeting

TAG Update for W3C AC May 2018 Meeting

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