ios sensors


  • Camera
  • Bluetooth
  • Audio
  • Accelerometer
  • Magnetometer
  • Gyroscope
  • GPS
  • Speaker
  • Microphone
  • Proximity


  • Measures  acceleration about all three axis.
  • Current position of device relative to ground.
  • Measurement is with respect to gravity.


  • When the phone sets on your desk with the screen pointed upward, The accelerometer would give you a value of -1g in the Z Direction. If you were to put the phone face down it would give a 1g value.
  • Holding the phone straight up and down would have a value of -1g in the Y direction, Assuming you can stay 100% still. Again, you can probably guess what happens when you hold the phone with the screen facing you and the home button on upward.


  • If you hold the phone with the screen facing you and then rotate it 90 degrees left, you’ll get a -1g value in the X direction. Rotate it right, And you’ll see a 1g value.
  • The g here stands for gravity or 9.8m/s^2, at any given time when the phone is at a stand still, the earth is pulling down with the force of gravity. In free fall, the accelerometors read 0.


  • Senses rotation around any XYZ axis.
  • Output data in terms of units rotations per second.
  • If you were to rotate the iPhone 5 times around the Z axis in one second, The output would be eitehr -5 or 5 depending on wether or not you rotated it in the clockwise or counterclockwise direction.


  • Report to a direction  in which device is pointing.
  • Magnetometer data can be obtained in two ways:

  1. using core Location
  2. using core motion

  • can be used to report to a direction in which device is moving.




ios sensors

By Torry Harris Business Solutions