The Digital Innovation Platform

“Two guys in a Starbucks can have access to the same computing power as a Fortune 500 company.” 

"Companies of all sizes have the ability to disrupt, or face the prospect of being disrupted."


The Cloud

Faster Time to Market




Open & Highly Scalable

Reduce IT Investment

1. No Hardware Cost

2. No Infrastructure Cost

3. No Hardware Maintenance Cost

4. No Software License Cost

5. No Software Implementation Cost

6. No Software Maintenance Cost

7. No System Integration Cost

Faster Time to Market

Reduced IT Investment


For Startup: It's about being Lean

Accurate & Stable

Flexible & Agile

For Corporate: It's about 2-Speed IT

Virtual Machines


Minimum Viable Product

"The smallest thing you can build that delivers customer value and measures feedback"

Minimum Viable Product

Minimum Viable Product


Bluemix Garage

Bluemix Garage Methods

"If you look at history, innovation doesn't come just from giving people incentives; It comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect"

                   Steven Johnson

Copy of Bluemix_Intro_with_Garage_v1

By Touchapon Kraisingkorn

Copy of Bluemix_Intro_with_Garage_v1

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