What are the symptoms of ketoacidosis caused by diabetes?

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes that can be life-threatening. Therefore, patients need to pay attention to the signs of diabetic ketoacidosis to detect and promptly handle the complications of diabetic ketoacidosis.

1. Causes of ketoacidosis

Stop insulin therapy or treat inadequate insulin in type 1 diabetes.

Decompensated episode of type 1 diabetes mellitus (20-25%).

Suffering from acute conditions:

Infections (30-40%): pneumonia, urinary tract infection, digestive tract infection, ...
Heart attack
Acute pancreatitis
Using drugs such as corticosteroids, clozapine, cocaine, lithium, terbutaline, ...

An injury has occurred.

2. Manifestation of diabetic ketoacidosis

When ketoacidosis due to diabetes, patients often have signs of diabetic ketoacidosis such as:

Symptoms of hyperglycemia include excessive urination, increased thirst, overeating and weight loss.
Early signs of diabetic ketoacidosis include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and increased ventilation (rapid and deep breathing, Kussmaul breathing pattern). Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting can be caused by pancreatitis or abdominal infection, both of which are likely to trigger diabetic ketoacidosis.
Severe total dehydration with dry skin manifestations, decreased skin elasticity, dry mucous membranes, pale eyeballs, tachycardia, hypotension or shock.
Often there is hypothermia (but hyperthermia can occur when the decompensator is infection or severe intracellular dehydration).
When hyperglycaemia worsens neurological symptoms may appear and progress to drowsiness, CNS damage, stupor, convulsions, and coma. You need to see more documentation: Diabetes treatment.

3. Laboratory diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis

WBC urine test
Urine analysis are some of the tests performed to diagnose ketoacidosis
Blood tests used in the diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis:

Acute hyperglycemia, usually above 20 mmol / l.
Appearance of blood ketones.
Measure blood pH. The concentration of ketones in the blood increases, making the blood acidic. This can damage organs in the body.
In addition, some additional tests may be done to determine if the patient has complications or other medical conditions that contribute to the development of diabetic ketoacidosis, such as:

Electrolyte test
Urine analysis
X - cardiopulmonary x-ray

4. Treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis

Treatment of coma caused by ketoacidosis consists of many stages that must be resolved simultaneously. Note the following important steps:

Correct diagnosis
Intravenous infusion and fluid replacement
Use of insulin: the goal is to reduce the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue, thereby reducing the fatty acid load to the liver and reducing the production of ketones. Insulin also inhibits the production of glucose from the liver and increases the absorption of glucose into the muscle
Balance electrolyte water disorders: prevention of hypokalaemia, reduction of symptoms of acidosis
Prevent brain edema
Reduce the risk of embolism
Treat comorbidities such as infections
Caring for the comatose
5. How to prevent ketoacidosis in people with diabetes
Diet for people with high blood pressure: Pay attention to reducing salt
Reduce salt with every meal to limit the risk of high blood pressure
To prevent ketoacidosis caused by diabetes, patients need to perform the following measures:

In patients with type 1 diabetes, it is necessary to prevent infections, injuries, and insulin injections in sufficient doses, properly every day.
For people at risk of diabetes, blood sugar should be checked 2-3 times / year to promptly detect and treat.
Reduce salt with each meal to limit the risk of hypertension, especially in people who already have diabetes. If people with diabetes have hypertension, need regular monitoring at home.
Need to practice your habits of eating science, exercising and exercising every day to avoid the risk of overweight and obesity.
Ketoacidosis in diabetic patients is a dangerous complication that can lead to coma or death. Therefore, people with diabetes need to actively prevent this complication. At the same time, when there are warning signs of ketoacidosis due to diabetes, the patient should immediately visit a doctor for a definitive diagnosis and a timely and effective treatment direction.

What are the symptoms of ketoacidosis caused by diabetes?

By Tran Cong

What are the symptoms of ketoacidosis caused by diabetes?

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes that can be life-threatening. Therefore, patients need to pay attention to the signs of diabetic ketoacidosis to detect and promptly handle the complications of diabetic ketoacidosis.

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