Thesis presentation

What is the impact of the it security 
in a company?

Why this document ?

Computer security sensitization

The danger is greatly underestimated and misunderstood

Who AM I to do this ?

I find this topic interesting 

A security fanatic

where are danger?

The first IT security flaw is the human !!!

Marketing services tend to want to sell an illusory security

Something unexpected can be dangerous

a few figures

250,000$ loss in average when a company is hacked

Only 40% of employees take seriously their company computer security 


Examples of non-IT security unexpected


  • First name
  • Last name
  • Number of credit card
  • Expiration date
  • List the last twenty operations

  • The country
  • Currency
  • The amount
  • Date


  • Barnaby Jack
  • Shocks of 830 volts
  • 10 meters
  • Rewrite its firmware

Any questions ?

Thesis presentation

By treemo

Thesis presentation

  • 1,691