GearUp Denver
Matthew Hyrka, Allison Livingston, Keith Decker, David Gurley, Shaun Carter

- What is GearUp?
- Video Demo
- Technologies Used
- Project Challenges
- Keys to Success
- Future Plans
- About Us
Gear Up
- Outdoor equipment rental is not available everywhere.
- If you have gear you cant always use it.
- Provide a platform for the gear-less to browse items that will greatly improve their next outing.
- Allow gear owners to easily manage their rentals from a single location.

Video Demo
Technologies Used
- React
- Semantic UI - React
- Firebase Auth
- React Notifications Package
- Express
- Cypress
- JS
- Node

Challenges Encountered
- Our first true development group project with a timeline (initial anxiety)
- Form Validation (error handling)
- Delete Functionality
- Toggle with Semantic UI React
- Header behavior and appearance
- React Notifications - the correct alerts and some styling issues
- Overall best practices to reduce merge conflicts

Keys To Success

- Meticulous planning before any code was written.
- All teammates rotated between tasks and partners.
- Paired programming on larger features.
- Positive attitude and leaving our egos at the door.
- Respect the SCRUM master and the overall process.

Future Goals
- Email notifications post gear rental request.
- Geolocation services to expand outside the Denver area and dynamic page changes to reflect this.
- Social media share links
- Payment services (PayPal Venmo)
- Retail chain inventories also listed

Contact Us

Allison Livingston
Email :
Github : livingstona16
Keith Decker
Email :
Github : keithdecker3
Shaun Carter
Email :
Github : trescara
David Gurley
Email :
Github : davidmgurley
Matthew Hykra
Email :
Github : mhyrka
Gear Up
GearUp Denver Matthew Hyrka, Allison Livingston, Keith Decker, David Gurley, Shaun Carter
Galvanize GearUp Denver - Group Project
By trescara
Galvanize GearUp Denver - Group Project
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