CS110 Lecture 25: MapReduce and Wrap Up
CS110: Principles of Computer Systems
Winter 2021-2022
Stanford University
Instructors: Nick Troccoli and Jerry Cain
CS110 Extra Topic: How can we parallelize data processing across many machines?
Learning Goals
- Apply our knowledge of networking and concurrency to understand MapReduce
- Learn about the MapReduce library and how it parallelizes operations
- Understand how to write a program that can be run with MapReduce
Plan For Today
Extra topic: MapReduce
- Motivation: parallelizing computation
- What is MapReduce?
- [Extra] Further Research
- Course Recap
- Systems Principles
Plan For Today
Extra topic: MapReduce
- Motivation: parallelizing computation
- What is MapReduce?
- [Extra] Further Research
- Course Recap
- Systems Principles
Distributed Systems and Computation
- We have learned how concurrency can let us split up large tasks to perform simultaneously.
- We have learned how networking can let us write programs that communicate across machines.
- What happens if we put these two ideas together?
Key Idea: take a task that isn't feasible to perform on one machine, and split it up over many machines that coordinate over the network.
- Distributed systems: systems that are spread out over multiple machines that coordinate with each other.
- MapReduce is a system that lets us easily split certain kinds of tasks among many machines. But first, let's explore the general idea of distributed computation.
Parallelizing Programs
Task: we want to count the frequency of words in a document.
Possible Approach: program that reads document and builds a word -> frequency map
How can we parallelize this?
Idea: split document into pieces, count words in each piece concurrently
Problem: what if a word appears in multiple pieces? We need to then merge the counts.
Idea: combine all the output, sort it, split into pieces, combine in each one concurrently
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
Idea: split document into pieces, count words in each piece concurrently. Then, combine all the text output, sort it, split into pieces, sum each one concurrently.
Example: "the very very quick fox greeted the brown fox"
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 2
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
very, 2
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 2
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 2
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
very, 2
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 2
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
2 "phases" where we parallelize work
- map the input to some intermediate data representation
- reduce the intermediate data representation into final result
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
The first phase focuses on finding, and the second phase focuses on summing. So the first phase should only output 1s, and leave the summing for later.
Example: "the very very quick fox greeted the brown fox"
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 2
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
2 "phases" where we parallelize work
- map the input to some intermediate data representation
- reduce the intermediate data representation into final result
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Question: is there a way to parallelize this operation as well?
Idea: have each map task separate its data in advance for each reduce task. Then each reduce task can combine and sort its own data.
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
Idea: have each map task separate its data in advance for each reduce task. Then each reduce task can combine and sort its own data.
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
bucket # = hash(key) % R where R = # reduce tasks (3)
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Parallelizing Programs
Task: we have webpages, and want to make a list of what webpages link to a given URL.
Possible Approach: program that reads webpages and builds a URL -> list(webpage) map
How can we parallelize this?
Idea: split webpages into groups, find URLs in each group concurrently
Problem: what if a URL appears in multiple groups? We need to then merge the lists.
Idea: use hashing to split the intermediate output by reduce task, and have each reduce task merge, sort and reduce concurrently.
Example: Inverted Web Index
Idea: split webpages into groups, find URLs in each group concurrently. Then, use hashing to split the intermediate output, and reduce each piece concurrently.
Example: 3 webpages (1 per group): a.com, b.com, c.com
a.com: Visit d.com for more! Also see e.com.
b.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see e.com.
c.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see d.com.
a.com, b.com
a.com, c.com
d.com, a.com
d.com, c.com
e.com, a.com
e.com, b.com
a.com, [b.com, c.com]
d.com, [a.com, c.com]
e.com, [a.com, b.com]
d.com, a.com
e.com, a.com
bucket 2
bucket 3
a.com, b.com
e.com, b.com
bucket 1
bucket 3
d.com, c.com
bucket 1
bucket 2
a.com, c.com
Example: Inverted Web Index
a.com: Visit d.com for more! Also see e.com.
b.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see e.com.
c.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see d.com.
a.com, b.com
a.com, c.com
d.com, a.com
d.com, c.com
e.com, a.com
e.com, b.com
a.com, [b.com, c.com]
d.com, [a.com, c.com]
e.com, [a.com, b.com]
d.com, a.com
e.com, a.com
bucket 2
bucket 3
a.com, b.com
e.com, b.com
bucket 1
bucket 3
d.com, c.com
bucket 1
bucket 2
a.com, c.com
2 "phases" where we parallelize work
- map the input to some intermediate data representation
- reduce the intermediate data representation into final result
Example: Inverted Web Index
a.com: Visit d.com for more! Also see e.com.
b.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see e.com.
c.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see d.com.
a.com, b.com
a.com, c.com
d.com, a.com
d.com, c.com
e.com, a.com
e.com, b.com
a.com, [b.com, c.com]
d.com, [a.com, c.com]
e.com, [a.com, b.com]
d.com, a.com
e.com, a.com
bucket 2
bucket 3
a.com, b.com
e.com, b.com
bucket 1
bucket 3
d.com, c.com
bucket 1
bucket 2
a.com, c.com
Parallelizing Programs
Case Study: Counting Word Frequencies
Standard Approach: program that reads document and builds a word -> frequency map
Parallel Approach: split document into pieces, count words in each piece concurrently, partitioning output. Then, sort and reduce each chunk concurrently.
Case Study: Inverted Web Index
Standard Approach: program that reads webpages and builds a URL -> list(webpage) map
Parallel Approach: split webpages into groups, find URLs in each group concurrently, partitioning output. Then, sort and reduce each chunk concurrently.
Parallelizing Programs
Word frequencies: split document into pieces, count words in each piece concurrently, partitioning output. Then, sort and reduce each chunk concurrently.
Inverted web index: split webpages into groups, find URLs in each group concurrently, partitioning output. Then, sort and reduce each chunk concurrently.
We expressed these problems in this two step structure:
- map the input to some intermediate data representation
- reduce the intermediate data representation into final result
Not all problems can be expressed in this structure. But if we can express it in this structure, we can parallelize it!
Plan For Today
Extra topic: MapReduce
- Motivation: parallelizing computation
- What is MapReduce?
- [Extra] Further Research
- Course Recap
- Systems Principles
MapReduce is a library that runs an operation in parallel for you if you specify the input, map step and reduce step.
Published by Google in 2004. Read it [here].
- Goal: a library to make running programs across multiple machines easy
- Many challenges in writing programs spanning many machines, including:
- machines failing
- communicating over the network
- coordinating tasks
- etc.
- MapReduce handles these challenges! The programmer just needs to express their problem as a MapReduce program (map + reduce steps) and they can easily run it with the MapReduce library.
- Example of how the right abstraction can revolutionize computing
- An open source implementation immediately appeared: Hadoop
Programmer must implement map and reduce steps:
map(k1, v1) -> list(k2, v2)
reduce(k2, list(v2)) -> list(v2)
Here's pseudocode for the word counting example:
map(String key, String value):
// key: document name
// value: document contents
for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
// key: a word
// values: a list of counts
int result = 0
for v in values:
result += ParseInt(v)
MapReduce Terminology
map(k1, v1) -> list(k2, v2)
reduce(k2, list(v2)) -> list(v2)
- map step - the step that goes from input data to intermediate data
- reduce step - the step that goes from intermediate data to output data
- worker - a machine that performs map or reduce tasks
- leader or orchestrator - a machine that coordinates all the workers
- task - a single piece of work (either mapping or reducing) that a worker does
MapReduce Process
- User specifies information about the job they wish to run, such as:
- input data
- map step code
- reduce step code
- # map tasks M (perhaps set to reach some target size for task data)
- # reduce tasks R (perhaps set to reach some target size for task data)
- MapReduce partitions input data into M pieces, starts program running on cluster machines - one will be leader, rest will be workers
- Leader assigns tasks (map or reduce) to idle workers until job is done
- Map task - worker reads slice of input data, calls map(), output is partitioned into R partitions on disk with hashing % R. The leader is given the location of these partitions.
- Reduce task - reducer is told by leader where its relevant partitions are, it reads them / sorts them by intermediate key. For each intermediate key and set of intermediate values, calls reduce(), output is appended to output file.
- If a worker fails during execution, the leader re-runs and reallocates tasks to other workers.
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
- User specifies information about the job they wish to run:
- input data -> the very very quick fox greeted the brown fox
- map step code -> see at right
- reduce step code -> see at right
- # map tasks M = 3
- # reduce tasks R = 3
map(String key, String value):
// key: document name
// value: document contents
for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
// key: a word
// values: a list of counts
int result = 0
for v in values:
result += ParseInt(v)
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
2. MapReduce partitions input data into M (=3) pieces, starts program running on cluster machines - one will be leader, rest will be workers
map(String key, String value):
// key: document name
// value: document contents
for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
// key: a word
// values: a list of counts
int result = 0
for v in values:
result += ParseInt(v)
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
3. Leader assigns tasks (map or reduce) to idle workers until job is done.
map(String key, String value):
// key: document name
// value: document contents
for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
// key: a word
// values: a list of counts
int result = 0
for v in values:
result += ParseInt(v)
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Map task - worker reads slice of input data, calls map(), output is partitioned into R (=3) partitions on disk with hashing % R. The leader is given the location of these partitions.
map(String key, String value):
// key: document name
// value: document contents
for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
// key: a word
// values: a list of counts
int result = 0
for v in values:
result += ParseInt(v)
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Reduce task - reducer is told by leader where its relevant partitions are, it reads them / sorts them by intermediate key. For each intermediate key and set of intermediate values, calls reduce(), output is appended to output file.
map(String key, String value):
// key: document name
// value: document contents
for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
// key: a word
// values: a list of counts
int result = 0
for v in values:
result += ParseInt(v)
Example: Counting Word Frequencies
the very very
quick fox greeted
the brown fox
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
bucket 2
bucket 3
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
the, 1
bucket 1
bucket 2
brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
brown, 1
fox, 2
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 2
very, 2
Leader assigns tasks (map or reduce) to idle workers until job is done.
map(String key, String value):
// key: document name
// value: document contents
for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
// key: a word
// values: a list of counts
int result = 0
for v in values:
result += ParseInt(v)
MapReduce Diagram
MapReduce Notes
- We have to execute map code before reduce code, because maps may all feed into a single reduce.
- The number of workers is separate from the number of tasks; e.g. in the word count example, we could have 1, 2, 3, 4, ... etc. workers. A worker can execute multiple tasks, and tasks can run anywhere.
- MapReduce library handles parallel processing, networking, error handling, etc...
- MapReduce relies heavily on keys to distribute load across many machines while avoiding moving data around unnecessarily.
- Hashing lets us collect keys into larger units of work
- for N tasks, a key K is the responsibility of the task whose ID is hash(K) % N
- All data with the same key is processed by the same reduce task
- Hashing lets us collect keys into larger units of work
Plan For Today
Extra topic: MapReduce
- Motivation: parallelizing computation
- What is MapReduce?
- [Extra] Further Research
- Course Recap
- Systems Principles
Further Research
MapReduce was one framework invented to parallelize certain kinds of problems. There are many other ways to process large datasets, and MapReduce must make tradeoffs.
- must consider network traffic that MapReduce causes - too much?
- what if the leader fails?
- Leader can become a bottleneck - what if it cannot issue tasks fast enough?
(In practice, MapReduce doesn't face this, but other frameworks like Spark do) - what about jobs that don't fit the map-reduce pattern as well? (Spark)
- Can we do better than MapReduce?
- Research project from Phil Levis (Stanford CS) and others -> "Nimbus"
Further Research - Bottlenecks
- Leader can become a bottleneck - what if it cannot issue tasks fast enough?
(In practice, MapReduce doesn't face this, but other frameworks like Spark do) - "Control plane" -> sending messages to spawn tasks to compute
"Execution Templates: Caching Control Plane Decisions for
Strong Scaling of Data Analytics"
Omid Mashayekhi, Hang Qu, Chinmayee Shah, Philip Levis
In Proceedings of 2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '17)
Further Research - Bottlenecks
- Leader can become a bottleneck - what if it cannot issue tasks fast enough?
(In practice, MapReduce doesn't face this, but other frameworks like Spark do) - "Control plane" -> sending messages to spawn tasks to compute
- Idea - what if there are only workers, and no leader?
- What if a worker fails? How do you coordinate?
- How do you load balance?
Further Research - Bottlenecks
Idea: what about caching?
- Caching control plane messages allows Nimbus to scale to support over 100,000 tasks/second, while Spark bottlenecks around 6,000
- Caching control plane messages (Nimbus) is as fast as systems that do not have a centralized master (Naiad-opt), and much faster than systems which have a centralized master but do not cache messages (Spark-opt)
Demo: MapReduce
./mr_soln --mapper ./mrm_soln --reducer ./mrr_soln --config odyssey-full.cfg
Plan For Today
Extra topic: MapReduce
- Motivation: parallelizing computation
- What is MapReduce?
- [Extra] Further Research
- Course Recap
- Systems Principles
We've covered a lot in just 10 weeks! Let's take a look back.
Illustration courtesy of Ecy King, CS110 Champion, Spring 2021
Course Topics Overview
- Overview of Linux Filesystems - How can we design filesystems to store and manipulate files on disk, and how can we interact with the filesystem in our programs?
- Multiprocessing - How can our program create and interact with other programs?
- Multithreading - How can we have concurrency within a single process?
- Networking - How can we write programs that communicate over a network with other programs?
- Additional Topic: MapReduce - How can we parallelize data processing across many machines?
1. Overview of Linux Filesystems
Key Question: How can we design filesystems to store and manipulate files on disk, and how can we interact with the filesystem in our programs?
Unix Filesystem Inode Design [source]
2. Multiprocessing
Key Question: How can our program create and interact with other programs?
Chrome Site Isolation [source]
3. Multithreading
Key Question: How can we have concurrency within a single process?
- multi-core processors in many devices to execute tasks in parallel
- challenging to coordinate different tasks!
Nginx and Thread Pools [source]
4. Networking
Key Question: How can we write programs that communicate over a network with other programs?
- Networking on Linux similar to file reading/writing
- Learn how our devices send/receive data (e.g. web browsers)
5. MapReduce
Key Question: How can we parallelize data processing across many machines?
- Combining networking and concurrency to tackle extremely large tasks
Dataflow for Spotify Wrapped [source]
Overarching Course Questions
- How can we implement multithreading in our programs?
- How can multiple programs communicate with each other?
- How can we implement distributed software systems to do things like process petabytes of data?
- How can we maximally take advantage of the hardware and operating system software available to us?
Overarching Course Goals
- To enable you to better understand the designs and a tradeoffs of large systems
- To give you practice navigating large codebases and understanding many interacting components while adding to them
- To introduce you to new ways of thinking about program execution (concurrency, multiprocessing, multithreading, networking)
- To excite you about the many topics that branch out from the CS110 course material!
Overarching Course Goals
- To enable you to better understand the designs and a tradeoffs of large systems
- To give you practice navigating large codebases and understanding many interacting components while adding to them
- To introduce you to new ways of thinking about program execution (concurrency, multiprocessing, multithreading, networking)
- To excite you about the many topics that branch out from the CS110 course material!
Principles of System Design: Abstraction
Key Idea: separating behavior from implementation (use vs. implementation)
- filesystems
- file descriptors and general descriptors
- processes and thread implementations
- networking
Principles of System Design: Modularity and Layering
Key Idea: organization of modules that interact hierarchically, layering on top of each other
- filesystem layers
- networking layers (application layer, transport layer, network layer, link layer)
Principles of System Design: Naming and Name Resolution
Key Idea: names provide a way to refer to system resources, and name resolution converts between human-readable names and machine-friendly names
- inode numbers
- IP addresses and DNS lookup
Principles of System Design: Caching
Key Idea: remember recently-generated results so that future requests for the same data can be faster.
- filesystems and vnode table
- HTTP Proxy cache
- DNS cache
Principles of System Design: Virtualization
Key Idea: abstraction mechanism used to make one resource look like many, or many resources look like one.
- "many look like one": load balancers (myth.stanford.edu)
- "one look like many": virtual memory
- virtual machines
Principles of System Design: Concurrency
Key Idea: running multiple tasks in parallel and coordinating between them.
single-core vs. multi-core CPUs
How can languages better support concurrent programming?
Principles of System Design: Request and Response
Key Idea: organizing functionality into modules with well-defined communication protocols and responsibilities.
networking client/server
function call and return
system call execution
Overarching Course Goals
- To enable you to better understand the designs and a tradeoffs of large systems
- To give you practice navigating large codebases and understanding many interacting components while adding to them
- To introduce you to new ways of thinking about program execution (concurrency, multiprocessing, multithreading, networking)
- To excite you about the many topics that branch out from the CS110 course material!
So, what's next?
What's Next?
CS110 enables you to take some awesome next classes if you want to explore the topics further. What are some options?
- CS140/212 - how are operating systems implemented?
- CS144 - how are networks implemented? (how does TCP work, how do packets get from one location to another?)
- CS143 - how are compilers implemented to translate your code into machine-readable code?
- CS155 - how can we design secure systems?
- CS145 - how can we design and employ databases to store and represent data?
- CS149 - how can we further explore parallel computing?
Thank you!
We hope you can take the time to fill out the end-quarter CS 110 course evaluation. We sincerely appreciate any feedback you have about the course and read every piece of feedback we receive. We are always looking for ways to improve!
Question Time!
What questions do you have about CS110, life after CS110, or anything else?
CS110 Lecture 25: MapReduce and Course Wrap-up
By Nick Troccoli
CS110 Lecture 25: MapReduce and Course Wrap-up
- 3,422