How you can contribute to Node.js


Troy Connor


Who am I ?

Software engineer at Emerging

Technology Advisors


Before we start

  • All opinions and jokes are my own and do not represent those of my employer
  • Laughing at gifs are optional but highly encouraged

What is Node.js

You mean I can contribute too?

They encourage it

How do I start?

Before we start....

Let's Fork it

And then....

  • We make our branch
  • We commit our changes
  • We rebase from "upstream"
  • Test our changes

How do we test?

//Unix or OS X 

./configure && make -j4 test


> vcbuild test

How do we test?

Submit your Pull Request

See your commit land in master

More Resources

Thank you

How you can contribute to Node.js

By Troy M. Connor

How you can contribute to Node.js

  • 1,646