Intro to HTML & CSS
Presented By:
Tiffany Tse
Special Thanks
Making Makers
Mozilla Thimble
Create an Account on
Create an account on
- Click “Create Account” in the top right and type in a username, email address and password for your account
- If you don't have an email address you can sign in with:
username: adventurespassword: Pa55word
The Internet
How do you think a webpage is made?
Did someone draw it on paper and then scan it into a computer?
Did someone make it using a word processor (like Microsoft Word)?
- Did someone yell at the computer until it made a website?
The internet is made with CODE!
- Websites are created using a language called HTML
HTML stands for: Hyper Text Markup Language
Browsers don’t understand English. So we use HTML in order to communicate
- When we use HTML, we are telling our browser information about our webpage and what kind of content to display
How do we read and write HTML?
- We use tags to start and stop a dialogue with our browser
The <head> </head> tags display information about our webpage. One example of this is a title
- A title refers to the text you see at the top of a webpage, in a tab, or even in Google search result
In between the open and closed head tags, edit the title to the following:
<title> Welcome to my awesome website! </title>
What kinds of things do you see on a webpage?
This is a paragraph. We can write all kinds of
stuff in here!
This is a paragraph. We can write all kinds of
stuff in here!
- An opening tag tells the browser what is about to follow.
- In this case, <p> stands for paragraph
Describe what your site is all about in a paragraph
- Computers are picky (and also pretty dumb)!
- Always open < > and close </ > each tag, or your computer will think you’re speaking a foreign language!
Debugging Time!
What’s wrong with this?
p> this is my paragraph </p
Tags with attributes
- The <a> tag (also known as an anchor), tells a browser to link to another webpage.
- But how does it know what URL to link to?!
- We need to tell the browser more information - to do this, we use an attribute
href is an attribute and stands for hypertext reference
- In the example below, “” is the value of the href attribute and is the URL the link will direct to
< a href = “” >
Click me to go to Google
Add a link to a website
Images use the <img> tag and like links, also need attributes
- The src attribute (meaning source) tells the browser where to find our image
<img src = "" >
Add your own image
- Open up Google and search for your own image!
Once you’ve found an image you like, select it and then click “View image”
- Copy the image’s URL, and paste it as your image source
Try combining these two to create an image link
Image Links
To create an image that is linked to a URL
- Put the image tag and it’s src attribute inside the opening link tag with it’s attribute and the closing link tag
<a href=”” >
<img src=” >
Are you ready for CSS?
CSS is our way of making our HTML look pretty!
CSS stands for: Cascading Style Sheets
In a nutshell, HTML handles content while CSS handles design
Where do we put CSS?
- Remember the <head> </head> tags we created in HTML?
CSS must go somewhere in between those two tags (normally we see it at the bottom, just inside the head, after the <title>)
To tell the browser that we are going to start using CSS we use the <style> tag
- To tell the browser we are going to stop using CSS we use the </style> tag
<html> We’re going to start communicating with you using HTML!
<head> Information about our webpage starts here
<style> We’re going to start communicating with you using CSS
</style> Our CSS communication with you is over
</head> Information about our webpage stops here
<body> Content to display starts here, browser. Pay attention!
</body> Please stop displaying our content
</html> Our HTML communication with you is over
Add the opening and closing style tags inside the <head>
Writing CSS
Everything you’ve created on your webpage so far can be individually styled!
To do this, we use CSS selectors. Each selector has within it, one or more properties and each property has a value that you can customize
body {
background-color : red;
selector {
property : value;
CSS Selectors
Refer to an element in your HTML
CSS selectors use
{ to start making something look pretty and
} to stop
Remember: within { } is our property and value.
To end a value, use ;
** Most code is written with American spelling for things like 'color '
HEX Codes
The word “red” will only ever display one shade of red for us. But there are so many other shades available on our screens!
A hex code is a made up of 6 numbers or letters and is just another way of saying a specific color.
Hex Codes
We use the # sign before our 6 digits to tell our browser we are referring to a hex code
- Example: the hex code #984E48 is another way of saying a specific shade of red
- Try adding your using own hex code to background-color using
There are a number of font families that are considered "web safe.”
A few of them are:
Arial, Times New Roman, Georgia, Courier
- Fonts can also have a specific font-size (in the example below, this number is in pixels!) and a specific color
font-family: Helvetica ;
font-size: 18px ;
color: #FFFFFF;
What else can we style?
Okay, so we’ve styled the body. But what if we want all our paragraphs to be a different color than what the body is?
Recall the <p> </p> HTML tags we used earlier
We can use ' p ' as a CSS selector
Styling a paragraph
To change the font color of a paragraph, we use the following:
p {color : #FFFFFF;}
Try adding your own color hex code, font-family and font-size
Now...back to our HTML
HTML has a neat little tag called the <div>
On it's own, this tag actually does nothing, its just a transparent box. But if we make the div unique, we can better organize and style our content
- Adding an id attribute makes a <div> unique for styling
Adding a class attribute makes a <div> unique for styling
An id is an attribute that can only used once on a webpage with its specific name
For example, we can wrap all of our paragraphs, links and images inside a label called main content and then style it using CSS.
- If we then use the id as our selector in CSS, the style for it will only ever be seen once on our webpage
Find where you created your first HTML paragraph/link/image
Above that line of code, add the following:
<div id = “ maincontent ” >
Now, find where you created your last paragraph/image/link
Below that line of code, add the following:
Styling an id
To style an id in CSS, we always put # before the name of the id
Add the following in between your two style tags
#maincontent {background-color: #FFFFFF;}
text-align: center;
border-top: 10px solid #000;
border-bottom: 10px solid #000;
- A class is an attribute that can be used multiple times on a webpage with its specific name.
- For example, we have one paragraph and one image and want to wrap each one in it’s very own box - the catch? The boxes need to look exactly the same. Although these two boxes contain completely different content, we can use a class so that they have the same style
Find a paragraph/link/image that you want to place in it’s own box. Above that line of code, add the following:
<div class=“box” >
Below that line of code, add the following:
Find a second paragraph/link/image that you want to place in it’s
own box. Above that line of code, add the following:
<div class=“box” > - Below that line of code, add the following: </div>
Styling a class
To style a class in CSS, we always put
before the name of the class
Add the following in between your two style tags
.box {background-color: #E9F7A0;
border-width: 2px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #FF2D6A;
More CSS ideas
img {border-width: 2px;border-style: solid;border-color: #000000;}
a:link {
text-decoration: none; }
#maincontent {padding: 20px;}
You’ve made your first webpage! Be sure to click “Publish” in the top right and share the link with your friends and family!
If you would like to edit your published webpage, simply go to, sign in, and hover over your username in the top right
Select “My Makes” from the drop down menu, hover over your project and select the pencil icon
Happy webmaking!
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Intro to HTML & CSS
By tset
Intro to HTML & CSS
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