Tumor Segmentation Techniques



Tsvetan Dimitrov, Fac. No.:201212015

  • Image Segmentation

  • MRI

  • Segmentation Techniques

    • Thresholding

    • Region Growing

    • Clustering

    • Watershed Algorithm

    • Graph Based

Image Segmentation

  • partitioning of a digital image into multiple sets of pixels (superpixels)

  • enables easier analysis when presenting a simpler representation of the image

  • regions with common characteristics depicted from same color, texture and intensity


  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of organs and structures inside the body

  • images produced by MRI are then processed using segmentation techniques

Segmentation Techniques

Thresholding / 1

  • regions of the image belonging to different ranges of the gray scale

  • each peak of the histogram of the image represents one region

Thresholding / 2

  • the valley between the peaks represents a threshold value

  • divide image into halves and compare their histograms to detect the tumor

Region Growing

  • partitioning based on examining and adding of neighbouring pixels to a region

Clustering / 1

  • organizing objects into groups based on some feature

  • supervised and unsupervised

Clustering / 2


  • e.g. construct a representation of grey matter, white matter and tumor region

Clustering / 3

Fuzzy C-Means

Each data point belongs to a cluster to a degree specified by a membership value:

  1. Divides a collection of N vectors into C fuzzy groups.

  2. Finds a cluster centre in each group such that a cost function of dissimilarity measure is minimized.

Watershed Algorithm / 1

  • watershed is defined by highpoints and ridgelines that descend into lower elevations and stream valleys

Watershed Algorithm / 2

  • improves the primary results of K-Means in tumor segmentation

  • applicable only if foreground and background of the image can be identified

Graph based

  • nodes -> pixels

  • edges -> neighbouring pixels

  • use of dissimilarity metrics on common boundaries and pixels in each of the regions themselves 

Thank you!

Tumor Segmentation

By Tsvetan Dimitrov

Tumor Segmentation

  • 150