Laravel Code Generator based on MySQL Database
Tuhin Bepari
Lets make a model from Database Table.
php artisan laracrud:model posts
Here posts is the name of database table.
Please review and write all of the necessary code for your Model. For example define relation, adjust fillable property etc. It will helps a lot when you are generating Request, View files. Because it reads from your model
By default Model name will be the singular of table name. But if you want to rename then pass your model name as second argument. Like php artisan laracrud:model posts BlogPost
Lets make a Policy Class
php artisan laracrud:policy Post
Here Post is the name of the Model we just created
When you already have a controller and model then you should use pass --controller=YourController. It will read your controller's method and generate policy methods accordingly
Lets register Policy and Model class to AuthServiceProvider
namespace App\Providers;
class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
protected $policies = [
Category::class => CategoryPolicy::class,
Post::class => PostPolicy::class,
Tag::class => TagPolicy::class,
// others methods will be here
Its time to create Request classes for our post resource
php artisan laracrud:request Post
Here --resource=all means it will generate Index, Show, Create, Store, Edit, Update, Destroy Request classes
namespace App\Http\Requests\Posts;
class Update extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
return auth()->user()->can('update', $this->route('post'));
php artisan laracrud:request Post --controller=PostController
Here it will read controller public methods and create individual request class for each of the method.
Its time to create a Controller
php artisan laracrud:controller Post
Here Post is the name of the Model
By default controller name will be ModelName+Controller. You can rename your controller by pasing second argument. Like php artisan laracrud:controller Post MyPostController
php artisan laracrud:route PostController
Lets generate routes from our newly created PostController
This command will read controller's method signature and register routes based on that. For example, post controller may have approve method along with resourceful methods.
public function approve(Request $request, Post $post, $status){}
This will generate routes like below
Its time to generate view files.
php artisan laracrud:view Post
Resourceful routes name on blade files are generated with table name like posts.index etc. But if we pass --controller as options then it will get correct route name for your links and forms action. Moreover if you have a custom routes which needs a blade file then it will generate too.
You can pass --page= options value can be index, show, create, edit, form, table, modal panel. This will create one specific page instead of all.
You just created a crud for your posts resource
Want to see some advanced stuff then stay with us for few minutes.
Package Development
php artisan laracrud:package Blog
It create packages/blog folder. It a barebone Laravel Package folder.
Register parent namespace Blog to your composer.json file.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"Blog\\": "packages/blog/src/"
Add your BlogServiceProvider to providers array
'providers' => [
run composer dump-autoload
Package configuration
By default all of your classes will be stored on inside app folders. But we can changes its destination to newly created package folder.
// open config/laracrud.php file and update following keys
'rootNamespace' => 'Blog',
'view' => [
'path' => base_path('packages/blog/resources/views'),
'namespace' => 'blog'
'web' => 'packages/blog/routes/web.php',
'api' => 'packages/blog/routes/api.php',
Root Namespace is really important. Because all of our Models, Requests, Controllers etc are stored under this. For example Blog is register to 'packages/blog/src/' folder. So php artisan laracrud:model posts will saved to packages/blog/src/Models instead of app/Models folder. Same is true for view files. Also view namespace are important too. Because its tells laravel where to find your view files. For example blog::posts.index will tells laravel find to packages/blog/resources/views/posts/index.
Reverse Mygration
php artisan laracrud:migration posts
Migration usually create database table. Here we are going to reverse. Database table will create a migration file.
Here posts is the name of database table
public function up()
Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
This code is generated by above command. Its awesome is not its ?
Customize Code Template
Coding Style differ from developer to developer. So you can control how your code will be generated. Code templates are organized by folder in resources/vendor/laracrud/templates . Go there and change the style. After that your code will be generated by reading these files. Please do not remove or change @@placeHolder@@. This will be replaced by application.
By Tuhin Bepari
Laravel Code Generator based on Database
- 2,870