Serverless Computing
Someone Else's Servers
Tusa Viktor @ Xively
Computational Unit
- Different aspects
- Business: What you pay for
- Unit: $
- Developer: What your program use
- Unit: CPU/Memory/Time
- Ops: What you manage
- Number of servers/databases/log lines/metrics
- Business: What you pay for
- Mainframes
- Time-shared usage
- Not easy to extend capacity
- PCs/Data Centers
- Roles are separated on different servers
- Monolith applications
- Easier to extend capacity
- Virtualization/Containerization
- Fine-grained capacity on different apps
- Still need to know the whole capacity
- Public Cloud/IaaS/PaaS
- "Capacity is not my problem anymore"
- Computational unit is still one container/server
- Hardware management
- Data Center (on-premise)
- OS management, patch management
- IaaS
- App management
- PaaS
- New computational model
- Computational unit is 1 function call (Function-as-a-Service)
- If no function call happens, nothing to pay for
- Other category: Backend-as-a-Service, DB-as-a-Service
- Event driven architecture
- Triggers + Functions
- Messages, Schedules, State changes
- Billing unit: GB-seconds
- Constraints:
- memory
- execution time (5 min in Lambda)
- parallelization
- Stateless
Common aspects of application
- Authentication, Authorization, User tracking
- eg: Auth0, Firebase
- Heavily used in Mobile development
- API driven
- Easy to integrate
Serverless Systems
- AWS Lambda
- First amongst public clouds
- Nicely integrates with other part of AWS
- Azure Functions
- Very similar to AWS Lambda
- Two "Consumption Plans"
- Google Cloud Functions
- Still in Beta
- OpenWhisk/IBM Bluemix
- Open source
- Over kubernetes serverless:
- Funktion, Kubeless, Fission
Serverless Architectures
- Event-driven, "nanoservices"
- Supports popular runtimes
- Java, NodeJs, Python, C#
- IoT is main target
- Events, Triggers
- HTTP triggers
- eg.: AWS API Gateway
- Pub/Sub triggers
- Message queue triggers
- State changes
- Uploaded file to blob storage
- Scheduled events ("cloud cron")
- HTTP triggers
Serverless Cons
- Not easy to estimate costs upfront
- Can be expensive
- 3mill req, each 1 sec, 512 MB memory
- AWS: 15$, Azure: 20$
- smallest instance: 5$/month both in Azure/AWS
- "Cold start"
- First call after idle time is slow
- Function initialization is not deterministic
Serverless Cons #2
- Patching is not in our hand (fixed runtimes)
- No service discovery
- Cannot attach debugger
- More logging needed
- Hard to test locally
- AWS SAM Local
- Azure Functions Runtime
Serverless Framework
- Formerly JAWS,
- First framework to utilize AWS Lambda/API GW
- CLI written in node
- Support major serverless platforms
- Azure
- Google Cloud
- OpenWhisk
Bottom Line
- Lot of Cons, but what are the pros?
- Very easy to deploy
- Ideal for prototyping
- No need for classic ops (patch management, software install & config, ssh, etc).
- Free tier can handle small websites
- Use cases:
- Event driven architecture
- IoT
- Automation
The End!
Thank you!
Serverless Computing Someone Else's Servers Tusa Viktor @ Xively @talien
Serverless computing
By Tusa Viktor
Serverless computing
- 1,402