Travel Nursing Assignment for 4 weeks

By Tutors India Academy

Travel Nursing Assignment for 4 weeks

Assignments usually last 13 weeks, after which the travel nurse may consider another job, take some time off between appointments, or potentially get a contract extension. Although hours and days vary depending on recruiting firms and employee contracts, travel nursing jobs generally include 40-hour workweeks, five 8-hour, four 10-hour, or three 12-hour shifts. Each contract cycle usually begins with a multi-day orientation session. When you're on duty, your job schedule is set up to allow you to visit your permanent residence daily. For example, if you're scheduled to work four 10-hour shifts, you'll have three days to glide back to your base or discover your new surroundings. Contact: 🌐: 📧: 💬(WA): +91-8754446690 🇬🇧(UK): +44-114352002

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