Dissertation about Understanding the Role of Law in Copyrights and Trademarks in Business Transactions

By Tutors India Academy

Dissertation about Understanding the Role of Law in Copyrights and Trademarks in Business Transactions

Copyright proposes authors a legal instrument that compensates them for their creative works. Copyrights are not outright, and a copyright holder never has comprehensive control over all probable practices of the work. A copyright is the right given to inventors for their artistic works or literature, incorporating mediums such as books and e-books, newspapers, plays, computer programs, databases, films, musical compositions, paintings, photographs, sculpture, architecture, advertisements and maps. Copyright does not hold concepts, processes or procedures, mathematical concepts or systems of operation1. The objective of copyright law is to rule out the unlawful use or piracy of any artistic work or literature by a third party. Works that are not secured by copyright law belong to the public. https://bit.ly/2QDA9BZ For Law Dissertation Writing services Contact: Website: www.tutorsindia.com Email: info@tutorsindia.com Whatsapp: +91-8754446690 Uk: +44-1143520021

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