modV, some chiptune and open source

Sam Wray


Software Developer

Digital Artist


Some chiptune

But, how?

Little Sound Dj

Runs on the soundchip of the Game Boy

Input notes in patterns

Save individual songs

Load whole songs

4 channels

Different instruments

Nanoloop (2)

Runs on the soundchip of the Game Boy

Input notes in looping sequences

Save individual banks of sequences

Load sequences independent of bank

4 channels (polyphony on channel 3)

Per-step sound parameters

Why Chiptune?

Remote controlling modV at Super Gaming Warehouse Party


My name is Pavel, (aka pashutk on github :) ) I'm pretty impressed by modV, and your art as 2xAA artist.

I'm watching your projects for a while and want to express my respect) At this moment I'm changing my workplace and have a time to contribute to modV, if you don't mind. Do you need my help?

I'm good with javascript and I want to participate in modV development.


Hands up!


Twitter: @_2xAA

Everything else: @2xAA

modV, some chiptune and open source

By Sam Wray

modV, some chiptune and open source

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