
productivity matters?

Eimantas Tauklys,
Senior FE engineer  @ USBank

First of all it's all about hours you REALLY put in

In the book "The Goal" by Eli Goldratt, there is a story about an old machine and a new machine. The old machine is slow and has been in use for a long time, while the new machine is much faster and more efficient. The protagonist, Alex Rogo, is a factory manager who is struggling to improve the performance of his plant. He meets a physicist named Jonah, who introduces him to the Theory of Constraints (TOC). Jonah uses the analogy of the old machine and the new machine to illustrate the concept of constraints in a manufacturing process.

The old machine represents the bottleneck or constraint in the production line, causing delays and inefficiencies, while the new machine symbolizes the potential for increased throughput and productivity once the constraint is addressed and resolved

Then it's about removing constraints:

If BE is lagging and you improve FE that's not improvement

Type chrome://settings/search in url bar

You can find recorded in dev tools clicking arrow

Mnemonic in Jetbrains

Record: ctrl+shift+number

Call it: ctrl+number

or just add letters with

Furthermore, #planning your projects is another essential productivity tip.

Good planning can help you save time, reduce stress, and comfortably meet deadlines, ultimately leading to increased productivity and a more efficient workflow.


Navigate through chrome tabs

Bonus tip if you are working from home mac. @Raycast app

Master of choices



function p1() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => reject("Error in p1"), 1000);
  }).catch((error) => {

function p2() {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve("p2 resolved"), 1000);

function pAll() {
  Promise.all([p2(), p1()])
    .then((results) => {
      console.log("All data resolved:", results);
    .catch((error) => {
      console.error("Error resolving data:", error);



By Eimantas Tauklys