MVC In Angular
Definition Recap
Model: How we model our data in the code
View: What the user sees
- Controller: How the model and the view communicate
Model, in Angular
The model still represents the state of the program and the important data.
Angular lets us model data in plain old JSON objects
- Angular GIVES us "Services" and "Factories" which are helpful data modeling tools
Model, in Angular
Persistence has to be managed through AJAX, since we're trying to avoid nasty "page loads".
- All model code in Angular is client side JS code, but there may be a corresponding database model. Probably exposed by an API.
View, in Angular
- The view, in Angular, is still represented by HTML.
- Custom directives, and a special templating syntax are used.
- Render data: {{ exaluatedJavaScript }}
2-Way data binding:
<input ng-model="variableName" >
Controller, in Angular
Built with a specific Angular component, called a "controller"
Behavior is defined in JavaScript
Views must declare their controller in HTML using a custom attribute
Controller, in Angular
// JavaScript Controller Definition
// Application name, followed by an array of dependencies
// dependencies are similar to 'require' statements
var application = angular.module("myapp", [])
// Register a controller on our application
// Name, followed by the code for instantiating the controller
application.controller("HelloController", function($scope) {
// $scope is VERY special. We'll get to that.
$scope.hello = {};
$scope.hello.title = "World";
Controller, in Angular
<!-- Declare the application that this view belongs to -->
<html ng-app="myapp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hello, World!</title>
<!-- declare the controller this div (and it's children) belongs to -->
<div ng-controller="HelloController">
<!-- hello.title here, is tied to $scope.hello.title -->
<h2>Hello, {{hello.title}}!</h2>
$scope: "View Model"
All communication between the view and the controller is managed by the $scope variable.
If you want something to be used by the view, you have to put it on the "view model", which in Angular is the $scope variable.
A Mental Model
JS, specifically constructed in a
.controller function
User input flows from
the view to the ctrl
Data from the program flows from the ctrl to the view
MVC / MVVM / MVW in Angular
By Tyler Bettilyon
MVC / MVVM / MVW in Angular
- 1,840