Controllers & $scope
Advice On Getting into Angular
A Note on "Rules"
All rules are meant to be broken.
If you know WHY a rule exists, you can break it well.
"Rule" 1
Controllers should manage interactions of a single "state"
Landing Page Controller
Shopping Page Controller
Checkout Page Controller
Controllers are the main source of complexity in Angular.
Keeping our controller scheme simple saves us mental energy
Landing Page Controller
Shopping Page Controller
Checkout Page Controller
Landing Header Ctrl
Landing Form Ctrl
Landing Form Ctrl
Landing State
Shopping Items Ctrl
Shopping Cart Ctrl
Shopping Filters Ctrl
Checkout Form Ctrl
Checkout Coupon Ctrl
Checkout Upsell Ctrl
Shopping State
Checkout State
Avoid Confusing Controllers
"Rule" 2: Use $scope judiciously
$scope is used to expose data and functions to the "view": our HTML.
Anything on $scope has an expensive "watcher". Too many watchers === slow code
- "Judiciously," means, "as little as possible."
"Rule" 3: $scope is "this" and your controller function is a constructor.
angular.module("app", []).controller("ShoppingController", function($scope) {
// This is your constructor function.
// Anything you do here should be bootstrapping
// The initial state of your app
// Anything added to the $scope object is available to the view
$scope.boundValue = "Initial Value for boundValue";
"Rule" 4: Be as precise as possible with ng-controller, $scope, and $rootScope
$rootScope properties are like global variables -- use if you absolutely must.
- ng-controller should be covering the least amount of HTML it can.
"Rule" 5: Refactoring is part of the deal
As an application grows in size and complexity, Controllers and Services will outgrow their original designs.
Expect to break them down into smaller components every so often.
Assets Structure
Angular lends itself to grouping by application vs grouping by
Model / View / Controller
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ ├── images
│ └── js
│ ├── appConstructor.js // Handles creation of the application (ng-app)
│ ├── checkout // Everything for the 'checkout' state
│ │ ├── checkoutController.js
│ │ └── priceService.js
│ ├── routing // Setup the routes, point them to controllers
│ │ └── angularRoutes.js
│ └── shopping // Handles everything in the 'shopping' state
│ ├── cartDirective.js
│ └── shoppingController.js
// Below here is SERVER SIDE STUFF
├── controllers
├── models
└── views
Assets Structure
Controllers, $scope,
By Tyler Bettilyon
Controllers, $scope,
- 1,255