Front End JS Frameworks
JS Frameworks
- Provide a suite of functionality to do common tasks
- Express.js is a "server framework"
- Angular and React are "frontend frameworks" in JavaScript
- Bootstrap is a CSS framework
Why Use One?
- Using a framework helps us do common tasks more efficiently
- Frameworks force us to write code in a common language (which is good)
- Frontend frameworks tend to focus on dynamic browser interactions
- Frontend Frameworks often provide features that overlap with server frameworks.
- "Should I use EJS or Angular" for this suddenly becomes a legitimate question.
The Good
- Robust features for dynamic browser applications (animations, 2-way databinding, user input)
- More fluid DOM manipulation
- Standard tools for common tasks (form validation, AJAX)
- Standardized patterns and language
The Ambiguous and Context Dependent
- Puts more responsibility / processing into the browser
- Leans strongly towards API + AJAX to talk with the server / database
The Bad
- Adds weight to initial payload due to significant extra JS assets
- Harder to debug and test due to added complexity
- Harder to refactor, especially as you build components that depend on each other
Relevant Industry Trends
- We're in the "Age of JavaScript" and it's unlikely that FEFs will be abandoned
- Adoption of a FEF is extremely common, but no consensus on which is "best"
- New kid on the block syndrome: There is a new FW released every 3rd day, but once you pick one you are stuck
Front End Frameworks
By Tyler Bettilyon
Front End Frameworks
- 1,307