Angular JS
an opinionated developer's journey
to adopting an opinionated framework
My journey begins...
- Multimedia developer
used Flash for interactivity
- IPhone == death of Flash
- Jumped ship early
a new hope
- Native javascript & jQuery
- "Roll your own" libraries
Internet Explorer:
the empire strikes back
- Internet Explorer != standards
- Spend effort avoiding or working around issues rather than innovating
Modernizr & Backbone:
return of the jedi
- Feature not browser detection
- MVC approach to frontend
- Frontend developers start to engineer rather than hack
Hipster developers:
the phantom menace
- Frontend development becoming trendy and fashionable
- Some developers give frontend a bad name
- Conflict with backend developers
"Your frontend developer is probably an uber-hipster who would keel over and die without his mac and latte"
Library explosion:
attack of the clones
- Selecting tools becomes a skill of it's own
- Constantly trying to keep up
- Framework fatigue
- Developers learn many, but master none
Web Apps:
revenge of the sith
- Web apps bring radical increase in complexity
- Development teams cobble together unmaintainable solutions
- Clients want features not fluff
Angular JS:
the force awakens
- Angular provided opinionated framework for professional development
- Backed by Google
- Gained popularity
very rapidly
Angular 2:
episode viii
- A complete rewrite fixes mistakes
- Simpler component based architecture similar to React
- Typescript
Angular JS
By Tim Berman
Angular JS
Presentation for Oakton tech catchup.
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