How testers can be a liability


Ulrika Malmgren

Testers break stuff


Programmers can't test their own code



Factors which affect quality


Quality of the conversations


Quality of the conversations


Temperature reading - Virginia Satir

Measuring collective intelligence - MIT

Ways of working


User Story Map - Jeff Patton



User Story Mapping


User Story Mapping


User Story Mapping



Given ...

When ...

Then  ...

Mind Maps


Techniques to identify problems



Reading tip! Elisabeth Hendrickson - Explore it!

Testing dojos


San Francisco DePOT


San Francisco DePOT


Bug hunt with retrospective


Experience report - Ulrika Malmgren

Testing quadrants and how they relate to our team

Definition of done

Definition of ready

Checked vs explored

Who are our stakeholders?

How can we test earlier?

Zero bug policy - book circle

Root cause analysis

Bug analysis


Don't be a risk!


Raise the knowledge level of your team

Reflect on communication

Work with understanding

Sharpen your tools

Testers - Don't be a liability

By Ulrika Malmgren

Testers - Don't be a liability

Presentation @ Booster conference in Bergen 2016 Abstract "- You know, testers in a team can be a liability for the quality of your product. - How can you even say that? We hire testers to improve quality! Besides, aren't you a tester? - Yes, and because I know of this risk I can do a better job. - Alright, I'm intrigued... how? - Look, there are three main perspectives to keep in mind when talking about quality and by being deliberate about them you can mitigate the risk that the tester poses. I've got lots examples of techniques for each perspective and I'd love to tell you all about the perspectives and the techniques."

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