Hello Web !

Techno India University,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

[ Artificial Intelligence Teaching Tool in Python ]



  • Why?
  • How?
  • Usage
  • Installation
  • Contribution
  • Currently Working on
  • Vision


To eradicate web illiteracy among the people we developed an Artificial Intelligence which can teach verbally and graphically in an interactive way thus making the whole learning process easy and interesting.


We have used regular expression and natural language processing to understand human languages better.

Through Google gTTs Engine along with Sapi5 (windows) and espeak (for linux)
speech engine the voice interaction is


OS and Webdriver module have been used throughout the  script for interactive learning process.

doss = os.getcwd()
FACE = '''
        |#Author: ALienTrix                     |
        |#Date: 01/06/2016                      |
            (   )                               
          .-.| |    .--.    ___ .-.      .---.  
         /   \ |   /    \  (   )   \    / .-, \ 
        |  .-. |  |  .-. ;  | ' .-. ;  (__) ; | 
        | |  | |  | |  | |  |  / (___)   .'`  | 
        | |  | |  | |  | |  | |         / .'| | 
        | |  | |  | |  | |  | |        | /  | | 
        | '  | |  | '  | |  | |        ; |  ; | 
        ' `-'  /  '  `-' /  | |        ' `-'  | 
         `.__,'    `.__.'  (___)       `.__.'_. 
        |                                       |
        |                                       |
while (i<1):
    r = sr.Recognizer()


Mass Teaching Tool

Virtual Assistant

Insights Generator

Automation of Manual



  1. Download the source code zip here
  2. Extract the zip
  3. Open terminal or command prompt
  4. Run this command oooooooooooooooooooooo

pip install -r requirement.txt


The humans behind this project are,
Pritam Mondal, Amit Kumar, Subham Saha, Anurag Banerjee, Antar Saha

We are Open Minded : ) Anyone can start contributing right away in the project, Other than Master two branches are there that are for, one for the GUI (add-main-gui) and other for developing more training modules (add-training-moudules). Send PRs and may want to notify with emails to mailto:ultimaterdp@gmail.com [Sub: HelloWeb]

Currently working on

We are currently working on the following aspects of the project anyone interested to work with us is always welcome : )

  1. Graphical User Interface Development
  2. PHP, JavaScript Learning modules Integration
  3. Self-Learning Algorithm implementation for Student Assessment 
  4. Remote Setup


We are developers, we want to make the world a better place but if we look around a little then just a very little amount (like 6.16% of the population) of people in India are actually Computer Literate, and even lesser people know how to use Internet and fraction of them know anything about coding.

We are building something that is both Useful and Attractive to young minds, an Artificial Intelligence at their resolve that will help teach them and as well as inspire them continuously
Thats why the Last learning module we will be including in this project will be To develop a Simple Artificial Intelligence for yourself

HelloWeb !

By Pritam Mondal

HelloWeb !

Artificial Intelligence Teaching tool in Python

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