Clone Boxes

Whether you are just starting with your first home grow kit or are ready to move up to larger-scale production, eventually, every cultivator considers whether they should start cloning. Clones are an inexpensive way to farm seedlings quickly. It is economical, efficient, and it takes many of the variables for larger-scale production out of play.

With the right set-up and access to a good series of “mother plants,” clones can help ensure a marijuana grower many harvests. Eventually the genetics of your crop will degrade and will will be time to order new cannabis seeds and start the process over again.

Rather than give a step by step “how-to” manual on clone production, this article will show you how to create your clone box. By controlling the environment and managing the conditions in which we grow the clones, it will produce healthy and consistent plants season after season for growers from Oregon to North Carolina, and everywhere in between. Different seeds available online like purple kush seeds and white widow seed, and get some papaya strain seeds.

This is one easy method to produce an effective and efficient, low-cost and low maintenance clone box and use it continuously for years. The setup is simple, but you must follow the process carefully. Maintaining the proper conditions and environment for growing clones is an exact science and one should approach this project as an investment of both time and money.

Always remember to check with local laws before beginning a project like this.

Selecting A Grow Box

Finding the right container for making a clone box depends on several factors. Considerations such as location, hardware availability, cost, and desired production output will all come into play. However, all germination and incubation chambers have certain things in common because of the specific nature of cannabis plant cloning and cultivation.

This article will assume that anyone who wishes to create a cloning chamber will have already overcome the consideration of location, the availability of materials and considers that at least a moderate cost will be invested into this project. This leaves only the question of scalability in terms of the volume of clones you wish to produce each week and the size of the associated cabinet or storage container.


Resourceful growers can make any cabinet or closet into a cloning chamber. However, if it is too small, it may make it challenging to work inside such a limited space. You must be able to move trays and plants into and out of each level without upsetting or damaging light fixtures or disturbing the other trays. Also, these light fixtures will produce heat, and if they are too close to the plants, they can easily damage them and ruin an entire production cycle.


For ease of access and simplicity of design, growers should start with a cabinet at least 1.5 meters tall, 1 meter wide, and with a depth of at least 40 – 50 centimeters. Depending on the location, it is also advisable that the front doors of the cabinet have a locking mechanism and can be secured. This is especially useful if your clone box is inside a commercial location or if you place it in a residence with children or flat mates.


With even a modestly sized clone box, one person should be able to produce around 250 – 300 clones each week. This creates a sustainable rotation for your outdoor Colorado greenhouse or indoor Tennessee grow-room.


Clone Boxes Whether you are just starting with your first home grow kit or are ready to move up to larger-scale production, eventually, every cultivator considers whether they should start cloning. Clones are an inexpensive way to farm seedlings quickly. It is economical, efficient, and it takes many of the variables for larger-scale production out of play. With the right set-up and access to a good series of “mother plants,” clones can help ensure a marijuana grower many harvests. Eventually the genetics of your crop will degrade and will will be time to order new cannabis seeds and start the process over again. Rather than give a step by step “how-to” manual on clone production, this article will show you how to create your clone box. By controlling the environment and managing the conditions in which we grow the clones, it will produce healthy and consistent plants season after season for growers from Oregon to North Carolina, and everywhere in between. Different seeds available online like purple kush seeds and white widow seed , and get some papaya strain seeds . This is one easy method to produce an effective and efficient, low-cost and low maintenance clone box and use it continuously for years. The setup is simple, but you must follow the process carefully. Maintaining the proper conditions and environment for growing clones is an exact science and one should approach this project as an investment of both time and money. Always remember to check with local laws before beginning a project like this. Selecting A Grow Box Finding the right container for making a clone box depends on several factors. Considerations such as location, hardware availability, cost, and desired production output will all come into play. However, all germination and incubation chambers have certain things in common because of the specific nature of cannabis plant cloning and cultivation. This article will assume that anyone who wishes to create a cloning chamber will have already overcome the consideration of location, the availability of materials and considers that at least a moderate cost will be invested into this project. This leaves only the question of scalability in terms of the volume of clones you wish to produce each week and the size of the associated cabinet or storage container. Resourceful growers can make any cabinet or closet into a cloning chamber. However, if it is too small, it may make it challenging to work inside such a limited space. You must be able to move trays and plants into and out of each level without upsetting or damaging light fixtures or disturbing the other trays. Also, these light fixtures will produce heat, and if they are too close to the plants, they can easily damage them and ruin an entire production cycle. For ease of access and simplicity of design, growers should start with a cabinet at least 1.5 meters tall, 1 meter wide, and with a depth of at least 40 – 50 centimeters. Depending on the location, it is also advisable that the front doors of the cabinet have a locking mechanism and can be secured. This is especially useful if your clone box is inside a commercial location or if you place it in a residence with children or flat mates. With even a modestly sized clone box, one person should be able to produce around 250 – 300 clones each week. This creates a sustainable rotation for your outdoor Colorado greenhouse or indoor Tennessee grow-room.

Clone Boxes

By unitedcannabisseeds

Clone Boxes

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