Chef Meetup tokyo
Hiroyuki Urasoko
twitter: @urasoko
facebook: h.urasoko
Creatioline, Inc.
twitter: @creationline
facebook: creatioline
about Creationline
Chef Server 12
- Premium features
Chef Client 12
- Chef DK 0.4.0
- knife-softlayer
- knife-google
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Chef server 12
Open Source
Enterprise Chef
- Private Chef
- Hosted Chef
Enterprise Chef
Try it
- Be inspired Chef Server 12 - Mischa Taylor's Coding Blog
- Author of "Learning Chef" with Seth Vergo.
- for CentOS/RHEL (tested by opscode-centos 6.6)
- Install Chef Server 12.0.3 rpm
- Install Manage UI from packagecloud
- Install Reporting from packagecloud
- with Vagrant
- "kitchen verify"
- chef dk
- https://localhost:4433/
- "kitchen verify"
- Be inspired Chef Server 12 - Mischa Taylor's Coding Blog
on google cloud
- knife-google
- Hosted Chef
Sign Up Now!
View on softlayer
- Tokyo DC
- Software VPN
- knife-softlayer
multi tenancy
Each API Endpoint
- for organization
CLI control for user/organization
- chef-server-ctl user-create
- chef-server-ctl org-user-add
chef-server-ctl org-delete
on Hosted Chef
Ask to Support
Ask to Support
on Hosted Chef
version 12.0.3
Key control
Chef Server 12.0.3 Released | Chef Blog
- I've not tried yet.
Chef Server 12.0.3 Released | Chef Blog
- In case upgrade from version 12.0.2
- pivotal.pem wasn't authed...
chef-server-ctl update
service is down
- chef-server-ctl start
service is down
github issue
- So quickly...
chef-server-ctl update
- pivotal.pem wasn't authed...
High Availability
- "Tier" topology
- Front end - Back end
- "HA" topology
DRBD on Back ends
- Active - Standby
DRBD on Back ends
(See Console on SoftLayer)
- Graceful fail over
- API request error
- chef-client retry 5 times
- misc: High Availability AWS
PremiuM features
Web UI
- Same as Hosted Chef's UI
Web UI
- (See web on SoftLayer)
In case upgrade to 1.2.2
- Release: Reporting Add-on 1.2.2 | Chef Blog
- "Add in partitions for 2015"
I forgot run GRANT SQL ...
- I asked to support "Year first converge error..."
- knife-reporting plugin
PremiuM features
Version 1.1.x
Redirect failure...
Path is not end with slash...
- chef-docs updated
Path is not end with slash...
Redirect failure...
- Rule
- Notify
- (See web on Softlayer)
Version 1.1.x
premium features
Push Job
knife ssh ... ?
- Job (another server/client)
Require open 10000-10003 port
- From Node to Server
- compile runit
- regist service
- white-list
- require user define
knife ssh ... ?
Chef client 12
See Release Notes ...
- Ruby version
SSL Verify
Chef 12: Fix Untrusted Self Sign Certs - jtimberman's Code Blog
- knife ssl check
knife ssl fetch
- trusted_certs
Chef 12: Fix Untrusted Self Sign Certs - jtimberman's Code Blog
Change custom template option
- --distro -> --bootstrap-template
What's custom template?
Bootstrapping without the Internet - Tom Duffield
Working with Chef Behind Your Firewall | Chef Blog
Chef DK
- Before version 0.3.x ...
- Chef Dev Kitty ...
- Chef Client version depends 11.x ...
- Chef Dev Kitty ...
ChefDK 0.4.0 Released! | Chef Blog
- Include Chef Client 12
- Why?
- I want to use stable version client
- Version 12 SSL check
- Version 11 don't send trusted_certs to nodes
- I want to use stable version client
- Why?
- chef generate
- chef-repo
- Before, git clone
- Confuse when pushing...
- Before, git clone
- chef-repo
- Include Chef Client 12
Chef DK
- Test Kitchen
- Include kitchen-vagrant
- Download boxes from bento
- Which case do you use Vagrant?
- Test!
- I don't write Vagrantfile
- To .kitchen.yml
- Use kitchen command
- Sometime I use vagrant command
- Useful for VM life cycle
- Test!
- provisioner:
name: chef_zero
- provisioner:
knife softlayer datacenter list (options)
knife softlayer datacenter show DATACENTER
knife softlayer flavor list (options)
knife softlayer global ip list (options)
knife softlayer image list
knife softlayer key pair create
knife softlayer key pair list
knife softlayer server create (options)
knife softlayer server destroy (options)
knife softlayer server relaunch <NODE NAME> [<NODE NAME>]
knife softlayer vlan create
knife softlayer vlan list (options)
knife softlayer vlan show ID (options)
- fog-softlayer 0.4.0
- knife-softlayer
- fog-softlayer = 0.3.29
- knife-softlayer
- google-api-client
knife google disk create NAME --gce-disk-size N -Z ZONE (options)
knife google disk delete NAME -Z ZONE (options)
knife google disk list -Z ZONE (options)
knife google project list (options)
knife google region list (options)
knife google server create NAME -m MACHINE_TYPE -I IMAGE -Z ZONE (options)
knife google server delete SERVER [SERVER] -Z ZONE (options)
knife google server list -Z ZONE (options)
knife google setup
knife google zone list (options)
- known_hosts issue ...
- disk named same as server ...
- attached to same name server ...
- disk isn't deleted when server delete ...
- google-api-client 0.8.2
- sysadvent: Day 14 - Using Chef Provisioning to Build Chef Server
- Light Chef Server
- MAD...
- Drivers are Cloud Native ...
- I (We?) need simple ssh ...
- But chef-metal-ssh is still metal ...
- MAD...
we wantedly you!
Chef Conf 2015
3/31 – 4/2 • Santa Clara, CA
Santa Clara Convention Center
Chef Meetup Tokyo Feb.10 2015
By Hiroyuki Urasoko
Chef Meetup Tokyo Feb.10 2015
- 5,769