October 13

November 10

December 8


Unitarian Universalism

  Day:    4th Sunday of every month

Time:  9:30 a.m. in the Fahs Room
and on Zoom at

September 22: Values and Beliefs

October 27: History and Theology

November 24: Faith

December 22: Social justice

All are Welcome!

Volunteers Needed for Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers are teams of volunteers that work 1-2 hours once every 4 (fall and winter) to 8 weeks (spring and summer) to mow and maintain the UUSS grounds. There are currently four teams of 3-4 people each working Thursday or Saturday mornings.


We’d love to have you join us!

Contact us at Grasshoppers@UUSS.org

or sign up at the activity table.

Want to meet people, get connected and help out at UUSS?  

Several groups and programs need assistance. Check out the list of UUSS Volunteers Opportunities for current volunteer opportunities, dates and contact email address on the UUSS website under the “Get Connected” tab.

Email the respective group for more information and to offer your assistance. They will get back to you very soon.

The UUSS Parkway Stewards

The second Saturday of every month between 8:45-9:00a.m.  participate in trash collection for one hour as part of the American River Parkway Foundation’s efforts to maintain the Parkway’s natural beauty and its accessibility for the public.

Join the group in the parking lot, behind Panera Bread (next to the levee, at the end of Northrop Avenue, off Howe Avenue). Trash bags are issued and new folks are oriented. Afterward, many of the group meet nearby at Panera for refreshments and conversation.  All are welcome to participate!

For more information, email parkway@uuss.org.


 Readers meet on the LAST Thursday of each month in Fahs at 7 PM to 8 PM+. Sign up at uuss.org/uureaders to receive a meeting reminder each month or if changes in book dates change. Nov 21 is a week earlier due to Thanksgiving. No December meeting


  • August 29 Like A Complete Unknown, by Anara Guard (author attending)
  • September 26 Up Home: One Girl’s Journey, by Ruth J. Simmons

  • October 31 The Silk Roads, a New History of the World, by Peter Francopan

  • *Nov. 21 The Reading List, by Sara Nisha Adams                


SEPTEMBER 26: No One is Talking About This, by Patricia Lockwood
OCTOBER 31: Up Home: One Girl’s Journey, by Ruth J. Simmons
NOVEMBER 21*: The Silk Roads, a New History of the World, by Peter Francopan We are meeting a week earlier than usual due to Thanksgiving holiday.
JANUARY 30: The Reading List, by Sara Nisha Adams


Ukulele Strum-Along 

1:30 for tutoring or to borrow a uke.

Contact: ukes@uuss.org

Second Mondays ...All Welcome

October 14

In the Fahs Room

2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

For info on how to join the email distribution list, contact:  theologyontap@uuss.org

Theology On Tap

Building a Spiritual Community

One Pub at a Time.

We meet on the Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at different pubs
around the Sacramento area.

We have a topic, generally from a sermon from the previous month, and talk in groups about that topic. We are a safe place to present your ideas and beliefs and welcome all. You DO NOT have to enjoy the alcoholic beverages. That is not a requirement but an added benefit.  We hope you will join us for companionship and conversation.

The next TOT meeting is on

We will be meeting Tuesday September 17 at:

SacYard Community Tap House

7-9 PM


1725 33rd St. Sac


(on hiatus)

Saturday Stitchers and Crafters

Saturday, October 5

Welcome Hall – 10AM to 1PM

  Bring your favorite hobby and

join in the fun and conversation.

JOIN BLOSSOMS AND BUSHES, an enthusiastic group who plant, weed, deadhead, weed, trim plants and weed in the front of the church and the Succulent-Cactus garden.

It is ONLY 1 HOUR A MONTH.  Blossoms meets the second Monday in each month at 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM, in summer, then we meet at 11 AM to Noon in cooler months.  

Contact blossoms@uuss.org  for more information or just show up with your gloves, clippers, and sun screen.


Over 23,000 Served  

With your donation assistance UUSS Mercy Pedalers have served 23,699 houseless, 15 cats and 1,201 dogs on the streets of Arden Arcade, Carmichael and College Glen/Greens since their startup in 2018.


" Please come to the UUSS Mercy Pedaler table in the lobby to pick up a list of the supplies you can donate. Your Mercy Pedalers will take the supplies to our houseless neighbors."


Sunday Slideshow

By uussinserts

Sunday Slideshow

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