Robotics and Intelligent Systems

Robotics and Intelligent Systems

Creating and researching systems for demanding run-time environments.

Robot Design, Simulation, Assembly, and Evaluation


  • We work with real robots and simulations.
  • A goal is to reduce gap between simulation and reality.

  • Create novel methods for design (e.g., evolution) and dynamic body shapes (morphology).

PIRC targets a psychology-inspired computing breakthrough through research combining insight from cognitive psychology with computational intelligence to build models that forecast future events and respond dynamically.

PIRC - Predictive and Intuitive Robot Companion

Biopsy instrument under guidance by ultrasound imaging

Robotic surgery and needle insertion


The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) – aims to strengthen Norwegian research and education within artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics.


Read more on:

Some of our prototyping tools:

Copy of ROBIN

By Vegard Søyseth

Copy of ROBIN


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