Let's learn it in a pragmatic way

Victor Ribero

Frontend Developer 👨‍💻

Productivity and efficiency addict 🤓

Human and animal interaction lover 🐶

Insatiable Traveler 🛫

The goal for today

Explain what is Agile.

The importance of being Agile.

Explain a way of working with Agile (Scrum).

Point out the pain points of the Scrum methodology.

How to facilitate an Agile environment.

In +50 slides

¿What is Agile?



Customer Centric



Agile Frameworks

- Kanban


- Extreme Programming

Agile Frameworks

- Kanban


- Extreme Programming


The devil of all developers


2- Benefits and disadvantages

4- What is each thing we need?

3- What do we need?

5- Rituals and anti-patterns

1- What is and how SCRUM works

2- Benefits and disadvantages

4- What is each thing we need?

3- What do we need?

5- Rituals and anti-patterns

1- What is and how SCRUM works

A way of working that is based on iterations and deliverings

following some rules.

A way of working that is based on sprints and product increments following some agreements.




Things to do

Time to do them

Things done

2- Benefits and disadvantages

4- What is each thing we need?

3- What do we need?

5- Rituals and anti-patterns

1- How SCRUM works


👀 Visibility
😀 Client satisfaction

☯️ Transparency and honesty

👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 Team spirit environment


🔝 Productivity increase

🔄 Continuous improvement

👮 More autonomy and responsibility

💑 Emotional bonds


😑 A lot of meetings

❗ Not applicable to big hierarchies

🆘 Difficult to deal with external dependencies

⏳ No finite end 

2- Benefits and disadvantages

4- What is each thing we need?

3- What do we need?

5- Rituals and anti-patterns

1- How SCRUM works

👪 People to work
📋 Things to do
📃 A way to do things

👪 SCRUM Team
📋 Product Backlog
📃 Agreements

People to work

Things to do

A way to do things

2- Benefits and disadvantages

4- What is each thing we need?

3- What do we need?

5- Rituals and anti-patterns

1- How SCRUM works

Who develop features.

1- SCRUM Team





Who decides what

to do.


Who ensures the Agile values





DEV Team

1- SCRUM Team





Product Owner


SCRUM Master





Who decides what to do

Who develops features

Who assures Agile values

👨‍💻 DEV Team

Multidisciplinar group of people who can develop, deliver and deploy to production all kind of User Stories

🧐 Product Owner

Decides which way should the product go. He prioritizes the Product Backlog and motivates the team

🤴 Scrum Master

Ensures the team lives agile values and principles and follows the processes and practices the team agreed they would use

1- SCRUM Team

1- SCRUM Team

👨‍💻 DEV Team

Multidisciplinar group of people who can develop, deliver and deploy to production all kind of User Stories

🧐 Product Owner

Decides which way should the product go. He prioritizes the Product Backlog and motivates the team

🤴 Scrum Master

Ensures the team lives agile values and principles and follows the processes and practices the team agreed they would use

1- SCRUM Team

👨‍💻 DEV Team

Multidisciplinar group of people who can develop, deliver and deploy to production all kind of User Stories

🧐 Product Owner

Decides which way should the product go. He prioritizes the Product Backlog and motivates the team

🤴 Scrum Master

Ensures the team lives agile values and principles and follows the processes and practices the team agreed they would use

A list of tasks that:

2- Product Backlog

👉 It never ends

👉 Gives value to the user

👉 Is prioritized by the Product Owner periodically

👉 The level of detail depends on the position of the task

👉 Is estimated, at least the top priorities

The team should agree on:

3- Agreements

✔️ Requirements for a task to be considered

✔️ Requirements for a task to be considered finished

✔️ When do the meetings

Bad practices:

The company decides when to do the meetings

There is no definition of ready or done

Product Owner

DEV Team

Scrum Master




🧐 Product Owner

👨‍💻 DEV Team

🤴 SCRUM Master




Creates & prioritizes


Promotes and assures

📋 Product Backlog

🎁 Product Increment

💞 Agile values

👪 SCRUM Team

2- Benefits and disadvantages

4- What is each thing we need?

3- What do we need?

5- Rituals and anti-patterns

1- How SCRUM works


🗣️ Daily meetings

🏁 Sprint planning

📝 Backlog refinement

Meetings that have to be celebrated in order to do SCRUM.

🎉 Sprint review

🛡️ Retrospective

🗣️ Daily Meetings

Know the status of the sprint and the team

  1. What I did yesterday
  2. What I will do today
  3. Is anything blocking me?

🙅 Bad Practices  in the Daily Meetings

Implementation details. Alert!!

Off-topic conversations

Technical conversations finding solutions

Reporting to the Product Owner

💁 Tips

Cut things fast. Break wrong habits. Ask for focus

Have to talk something? Do it later.

Make a circle

🏁 Sprint Planning

Plan the work of the next sprint

👉 The Product Owner explains the goal of the sprint

👉 Ask as much as needed for knowing the requirements

👉 The DEV Team decides how much they can afford

👉 Think about details. How to implement?

👉 Detect possible blocks

👉 Detect third party dependencies

🙅 Bad Practices  in the Sprint Planning

Setting unrealistic expectations

Don't have a prioritized backlog

The Product Owner decides how much work

💁 Tips

Break tasks into smaller tasks. Dividi e vinci. 

Check tasks complexity the spring before.

Ask for a constant Product Backlog prioritization

📝 Backlog Refinement

Update the Product Backlog

👉 The Product Owner and some of the DEV Team

👉 Add/Remove Stories

👉 Estimate tasks

👉 Update old tasks

🙅 Bad Practices  in the Grooming

Big estimations at the top of the Product Backlog

Tasks not estimated

Too much details for each estimation

💁 Tips

Use timers for each task 5 min top. Sometimes, 3 min extra

Question Stick. Who has the stick has to ask. Then pass it.

🎉 Sprint Review

Show the product increment and analize the next move

👉 Show the result of the sprint

👉 Explain the Goal and what has been achieved

👉 Impediments the team found

👉 In which direction should the product go

👉 Should we stop? Should we continue? METRICS!

🙅 Bad Practices in the Sprint Review

Selfish Product Owner. He says: I did

Cheating. Showing development with bugs

The team doesn't explain challenges

It's called or treated as a DEMO

The PO is presenting all the results

💁 Tips

Each team should present their User Stories.

Ask for challenges.

Use timers.

Team should only present working software

🛡️ Retrospective

Analyze and improve as a team

👉 What went well

👉 What can be improved

👉 Actions for next sprint

🙅 Bad Practices  in the Retrospective

Taking as personals some comments

Tell what happens in retrospectives to the outsiders

The actions have no owners:

Outsides/managers are coming

Not review past actions

Discussions dominated by one or two people

"improve communication"

"Refactor more"

💁 Tips

Take it seriously. Be honest with your workmates.


Encourage people to participate, make everyone speak and give constructive feedback .


Materialize opinions with post-it. Each has 3 votes, do DOT VOTING


After, assign owners to the actions

2- Benefits and disadvantages

4- What is each thing we need?

3- What do we need?

5- Rituals and anti-patterns

1- How SCRUM works

🧐 Product Owner

👨‍💻 DEV Team

🤴 SCRUM Master


📋 Product Backlog

🎁 Product Increment

🧙 Rituals

🔁 Sprint

✔️ Agreements

😃 Client Satisfaction


Assist to

Assist to

Assist to





Develops during



So, What's next?🤔


Thank you 🙏

Finally we finished!!

Agile with Pareto's law

By Victor Ribero

Agile with Pareto's law

Introduction to agile from my point of view.

  • 47