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Viewing a feed in feedly

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This button marks all posts in the current feed as read

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This button marks all posts in the current feed as read

Useful but not always

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Currently hiding (or marking a post as read) is cumbersome. 

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Currently hiding (or marking a post as read) is cumbersome. 

Hover on the item and click hide

  • Tiny
  • Undiscoverable
  • Too much work

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Instead, what I want to see is this button on each individual post

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Like so

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Like so

Go to feed and Bam, Bam, Bam

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  • Useful
  • Discoverable
  • Feels like a game

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  • Useful
  • Discoverable
  • Feels like a game

Plus, its an opportunity to learn how users interact with feeds

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Assumption: On applications like feedly and email readers, users get a sense of fulfilment when

  • Completing tasks
  • Marking them as done
  • Deleting them  

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By incorporating this change, we aim to give users the feeling of being productive in feedly

Or, the feeling of Zero Inbox

Feedly - Mark post as read

By Vinay Raghu

Feedly - Mark post as read

  • 1,641