
Mistakes, pain and learnings of scaling Python applications on millions of IoT devices

I am Vipul!



  • Product Owner & Documentation Lead at balena
  • Run a docs initiative called Mixster
  • Volunteers @ PyCon India & ALiAS
  • Pronouns: He/him/his


This is a Raspberry Pi


It ain't much ...


Devices like this power...

CO2 sensors, farms, smart dustbins, cars, locks, your room, home devices...


and more like this...

Underwater drones, satellites, parking, and your talking wireless speakers



The challenges

With smart cities & even your toaster running applications.
The stakes have never been higher

While building software is hard.


Building it right for IoT is painful.





Considerations when selecting
an IoT device

  • Architecture?
  • CPU, RAM, GPU?
  • Wifi/ethernet/sim?
  • Peripherals needed?
  • TPM chips? 
  • GPIO headers? 


Considerations using
Python for IoT

  • Is it supported on ARM v8?
  • Is 4GB of RAM enough to run it?
  • Does the use-case need internet? 
  • Is there a gstreamer wrapper library?
  • Does it support microcontrollers?




Ideating your IoT product

  • What resources you need?
  • What limitations your usecase has?
  • What hardware is available out there?
  • Repeat.

Your will decide if your product or dies before launch. No pressure.


That's what we are talking about today


Tight feedback loops between environments

Dev == testing == staging == prod


Build an SBOM

Track, assess and obsess





"It works on my system"

Adding another dimension of hell


Memory Management and Resource Constraints


Let me tell you a story ...



Storage Considerations for IoT Devices

  • SD cards in production. Toxic relationship.
  • Go easy on storing all your print() and logging.info()
  • Use services like Datadog to store your logs.


Reproducible Self-Healing Setup

  • Recovery of the device is better than crashlooping
  • Proper crash reporting pays dividends
  • If you have to reboot, then you are doing wrong




Make sure your code

  • Retries with exponential backoffs
  • Can take into account race conditions
    • Doesn't rely on timing but on eventual consistency
  • Perform setup or teardown processes
  • Has a "heartbeat" comms 


Building Fault-Tolerant Applications

  • Handle intermittent network issues gracefully.
  • Prevent excessive bandwidth consumption.
  • Don't be using your swap memory. 
  • Connect your peripherals on runtime, not bootime



Going beyond the code

  • HiTL pipelines for testing
  • Choosing a space-efficient embedded OS
  • Keep a way to remotely access a device
  • Communication infra optimized for IoT
    • Use MQTT instead of HTTPS
    • Use pub-sub model
    • Account for flaky connectivity 


But Vipul, how can I use this now at work?




And, that's about it!

Questions? Collaborate? Work with us? Reach out!

Vipul Gupta

Reviews cheesecakes, solves GitHub issues & "rights" docs

And, that's about it!

Questions? Collaborate? Work with us? Reach out!

Vipul Gupta

Reviews cheesecakes, solves GitHub issues & "rights" docs


  • https://acoptex.com/wp/overview-of-raspberry-pi-4-model-b/ 
  • https://pythondev.readthedocs.io/platforms.html
  • https://imgflip.com for the memes
  • https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Smart-Parking-System-Talking-of-the-above-mentioned-figure-it-depicts-a-parking-area_fig1_303842610
  • https://mixster.dev/2022/10/18/no-soldering-ambient-lighting/
  • https://blog.balena.io/assets/2023/02/os-testing-autokit-rig.png
  • https://blog.upbound.io/hashicorp-bsl-license-change
  • https://www.cisa.gov/sbom
  • https://github.com/balena-io-examples/balena-python-hello-world
  • https://raspberrypi.org

[PyDelhiConf '23] Deploying Python on the edge: Mistakes, pain and leanings of scaling Python applications on millions of IoT devices

By Vipul Gupta

[PyDelhiConf '23] Deploying Python on the edge: Mistakes, pain and leanings of scaling Python applications on millions of IoT devices

Unlock the power of Python on the edge! Optimize your deployments for resource-constrained uptime-critical environments. Join the session to level up your IoT applications using Python.

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