What have I learned about the technologies whilst constructing this product

Technologies used ...



Final Cut Pro

When I obtained the footage from filming, I had to edit it in final cut pro. This was a very long process but once I got the hang of it It was quite simple. I learned how to cut clips, how to crop clips, how to merge clips together , add effects to the clips and add different transitions.

Garage Band

When producing the sound for the film, we wanted to make the process easy for us. We used a copyright free soundtrack from soundcloud. Despite this we still had to add in sounds such as train tracks people talking etc. I used the soundtrack and also the sound from the final product, where sounds were not clear enough; I raised the volume of the sound or decreased the sound. Using garage band made the film seem seamless but also by adding non-digetic sounds to the film it made the film have emotion and character. 

Conclusions about the technologies


The hardware technologies such as the Mac and the Cannon camera allowed me to create seamless and clear videos. The cannon created HD videos allowing the quality of the imagery to be clearer for the audience. Morever the Mac allowed me access to the software apps to create the final product of the film.

Conclusions about the technologies


Products such as final cut pro allowed me to create and add together videos to produce the final product. this allowed me to edit the overall product and construct it together. Motion allowed me to create professional looking idents to add to my title sequence. Handbreak allowed me to compress videos to upload to the blog and help promote the film on sites such as youtube. Garage band helped create the overall sound of the title sequence, both non-diegetic and diegetic sounds. 

What have I learned about the technologies whilst constructing this product

By vivianvu97

What have I learned about the technologies whilst constructing this product

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