Building Data Driven AR Apps with GraphQL
Developer Advocate
Web / Mobile / VR / AR / IoT
GDE, author, consultant
Augmented Reality
reality 2.0
reality 2.0
How it all started
How we can create AR apps today
Let's see it in Action
So how do I create awesome AR apps
Getting started with Viro
- get your Viro
api key from -
npm install -g react-viro-cli
react-viro init MyAwesomeARApp
Basic anatomy of an app
What about data and how do we bring it to AR
What is GraphQL
A query language for your API
Building GraphQL backend with Hasura
What is Hasura
open source and free engine that gives you auto-generated real-time GraphQL API on top of new or existing Postgres database
- Can be deployed to any cloud or run locally
- Compatible with all Authentication solutions
- Can run on top of new or existing Postgres database
- Supports Postgres addons (PostGIS, TimescaleDB)
- Auto-generates GraphQL api
- Comes with hasura-cli which has awesome tools like migrations and more
- Can work with custom SQL statements
- Has configurable access controls for data
- Can be connected to your own GraphQL server (does schema stitching)
- Has eventing system which enables to trigger serverless functions
Let's create GraphQL backend for our AR app
Go to
Click on Get started with Heroku
Click on
Enter your app name
Hasura Console overview
- GraphiQL - run your queries in in-browser IDE
- Data - manage your data, access control, relations, permissions
- Remote Schemas - stitch GraphQL schema of your custom GraphQL server
- Event Triggers - connect your serverless functions
So what is this data all about?
{ Show me the code }!
So what type of apps you can create today
Location based AR - Games
- Retail apps
- Indoor navigation
- Tools
- Visual assistance
- Travel
- and much more
Want to learn more about GraphQL?
Building Data Driven AR apps with GraphQL
By Vladimir Novick
Building Data Driven AR apps with GraphQL
- 3,290