Architecting Scalable Serverless Architectures with GraphQL Api

Developer Advocate

Web / Mobile / VR / AR / IoT

GDE, author, consultant

What is Serverless

The big three

But there more



Microservices architecture Architecture

What is GraphQL


A query language for your API

What's wrong with REST

Resfull API

The core idea is to have a URL for every resource

RESTfull API problems

Description of resource is coupled to implementation



chaining requests to server to get needed data

So how does GraphQL solve it

Avoid over-fetching

Prevent multipe API calls

Lesser communication with API developers



Let's see it in action

First assignment

  • Fetch last 5 todos and order them by name
  • Find your own user id by name
  • Fetch user with specific id and his last 5 todos, order them in ascending manner by
  • Insert a new todo
  • Update todo

Tip: If you are not sure with how to write GraphQL syntax use Explorer feature

How do you start?

What is Hasura

open source and free engine that gives you auto-generates real-time GraphQL API on top of new or existing Postgres database


  • Can be deployed to any cloud or run locally
  • Compatible with all Authentication solutions
  • Can run on top of new or existing Postgres database
  • Supports Postgres addons (PostGIS, TimescaleDB)
  • Auto-generates GraphQL api
  • GraphQL queries are compiled to performant SQL statements using native Postgres features


  • Comes with hasura-cli which has awesome tools like migrations and more
  • Can work with custom SQL statements
  • Has configurable access controls for data
  • Can be connected to your own GraphQL server (does schema stitching)
  • Has eventing system which enables to trigger serverless functions

Let's see it in action

Assignment 2

Section 3 - Building frontend

Follow to pick a framework of your choice and build a frontend app 

Thank You


Architecting Scalable Serverless Architectures with GraphQL Api - Workshop

By Vladimir Novick

Architecting Scalable Serverless Architectures with GraphQL Api - Workshop

  • 1,399