Architecting Scalable Serverless Architectures with GraphQL Api
Developer Advocate
Web / Mobile / VR / AR / IoT
GDE, author, consultant
What is Serverless
The big three
But there more
Microservices architecture Architecture
What is GraphQL
A query language for your API
What's wrong with REST
Resfull API
The core idea is to have a URL for every resource
RESTfull API problems
Description of resource is coupled to implementation
chaining requests to server to get needed data
So how does GraphQL solve it
Avoid over-fetching
Prevent multipe API calls
Lesser communication with API developers
Let's see it in action
First assignment
- Fetch last 5 todos and order them by name
- Find your own user id by name
- Fetch user with specific id and his last 5 todos, order them in ascending manner by
- Insert a new todo
- Update todo
Tip: If you are not sure with how to write GraphQL syntax use Explorer feature
How do you start?
What is Hasura
open source and free engine that gives you auto-generates real-time GraphQL API on top of new or existing Postgres database
- Can be deployed to any cloud or run locally
- Compatible with all Authentication solutions
- Can run on top of new or existing Postgres database
- Supports Postgres addons (PostGIS, TimescaleDB)
- Auto-generates GraphQL api
- GraphQL queries are compiled to performant SQL statements using native Postgres features
- Comes with hasura-cli which has awesome tools like migrations and more
- Can work with custom SQL statements
- Has configurable access controls for data
- Can be connected to your own GraphQL server (does schema stitching)
- Has eventing system which enables to trigger serverless functions
Let's see it in action
Go to
Click on Get started with Heroku
Click on
Enter your app name
Click on deploy button
Click on View app
Follow to configure Hasura and Auth0 for your backend
Assignment 2
Section 3 - Building frontend
Follow to pick a framework of your choice and build a frontend app
Thank You
Architecting Scalable Serverless Architectures with GraphQL Api - Workshop
By Vladimir Novick
Architecting Scalable Serverless Architectures with GraphQL Api - Workshop
- 1,399