Technical Diving
What it is and why I am passionate about it.
Independent consultant
Web / Mobile / XR / IoT / AI
Engineer, GDE, author, Trainer
It was not enough for me
- I wanted to learn underlying principles
- physics of diving
- decompression theory
- dive better/longer deeper
Recreational diving is considered
No Decompression diving
The physics
Boyle’s law
Pressure goes up -> Volume goes down
Dalton law
Sum of partial pressures of gases is Ptotal = P1 + P2 + … Pn
.79 ATA + .21 ATA = 1.0 ATA
Narcosis and toxicity
The deeper you go - the more nitrogen narcosis you get
Partial pressure of oxygen higher than 1.4 or 1.6 during decompression will cause oxygen toxicity
Symptoms: Dizziness lightheaded, slow reactions (drunk)
Tunnel vision, tingling, potential convulsions and drowning === death
Bubble Formation
As the pressure of gas surrounding the solution lowers, gas molecules inside the solution want to escape if the rate is fast than they form bubbles at gas micronuclei sites
How do we stay longer/go deeper
- Dive planning based on physics and physiology
- Doing decompression stops to release gases from tissues
- Breath different mixes of various oxygen (and helium) percentage at different depths
Gas switches
So what is the roadmap for me
- Dive to 100+m next year
- Under Ice diving
- Cave diving
- Advanced wreck diving
- Dive in abandoned mines
Technical Diving
By Vladimir Novick
Technical Diving
- 1,195