4developers 2018 summary

In general

  • Self-promotion for companies
  • 10 + tracks and only 2 really interesting (DDD by Bottega and .... soft skills :D )
  • If you have a choice better go to someother conference. 

Event storming

Event storming

Modular architecture

- Microservices doesn't need to have unified architecture. Don't be a communist programmer :D

Modular architecture

Monolith -> Modular monolith -> microservices.


If you try to have shorter path you will get distributed monolith


Distributed monolith is when you have to deploy all of your 36 microservices at once

Modular architecture

Microservices should be done via domain separation, not technical.

Modular architecture

First services to extract are utility services. Logging, notifications, emails, monitoring.

Modular architecture

Each service has it's own db and communicate with http.

Next conferences

  • Programistok - Białystok, Autumn
  • Boilingfrogs - Wrocław, Spring

4developers 2018 summary

By vrael560

4developers 2018 summary

  • 506