
wassim chegham

Hey Google, is there any presentation about ChatBots at ngVikings 2018?

developer advocate for the open web at sfeir

disclaimer for online viewers

please mute your Google home devices

how "chatbots" are made?

how to build Apps for voice, chat, web and mobile...

"ok google, talk to squats master"

Angular Universal

Core Team Member

Google Developer Expert

Angular & Google Assistant

Node.js Foundation

ESM Modules Working grp.

Angular Compodoc




Developer Advocate Engineer

let's chat irl


check me out at

it all started when...

Going back in Time...

Remember this?

the new generation of BOTS

ML—Driven NATURAL LANGUAGE understanding

ML—Powered Voice Recognition

Modern Chatbot Concepts

I am






* remember the details of the conversation


Your Bot Workflow




What to build

How to build it

How to ship it


What to build

Start by creating your persona

give your bot a personality

core brand attributes

design principals

voice, style and dialog

bio sketch

use dialogflow to design the conversational experience

dialogflow Integrations

Actions on Google
Google Home, TV, CARS… and more to come

External integrations
Slack, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Twilio, Skype, Tropo, Telegram, Kik, LINE, Cisco Spark, Alexa, Cortana...


How to build your bot

Life of A


"Ok Google, talk to bot"

"Sure! Here is bot"

Invoke an action

"Hi!  Welcome to bot. i can help you do..."

"I want to hear more about Chatbots"

"Chatbots are…"

Speech to Text, NLP, Knowledge Graph, ML Ranking, User Profile Text to Speech

Speech to Text = ASR

Text to speech = TTS

intents matching

Cloud Function—


A "serverless" platform for building event-based microservices

Microservices oriented Completely Serverless & fully managed service

this is a cloud function

Counting speakers

cloud functions triggers

Cloud Storage

Cloud Pub/Sub

Direct HTTP calls

Cloud Firestore*

Real-time Database*

Firebase Authentication*

Google Analytics for Firebase*

A common use case

other use cases

Preparing the

dev environment


faster feedback loop

Deploying A local Cloud Function

# With Firebase
$ firebase serve --only functions

# Deploy Locally
$ functions deploy agent --trigger-http

# Open a remote tunnel
$ ngrok http 8010
$ ngrok http -subdomain=wassimchegham 8010


How to ship your bot

use the action simulator

Deploying A Cloud Function

# With gcloud
$ gcloud beta functions 
                agent --trigger-http

# With Firebase
$ firebase deploy --only functions

Review and Approval

Web-based portal
→Triggering Information
Merchandising and information


Automatic and manual policy checks
Turn around in about 1 week

demo time

where to start?

dude, this is an angular conference!

current features

next ng conference, current version, find a library or an article, info about core team and contributors

→"I wanna learn about animations..."

→help you scaffold a new project !?

a few ideas

tweet your ideas to @manekinekko #itsjustangular


one more thing

be creative,

think outside the box...

 Thanks for listening...


Hey Google, is there any presentation about ChatBots at ngVikings?

By Wassim Chegham

Hey Google, is there any presentation about ChatBots at ngVikings?

My presentation at NgVikings 2018

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