Who Are We?
Richard Shapiro
- BA Psychology, MS Exercise/Sports Science
- 15 years teaching Snowboarding
- 10 years heading ShoShin Kai Karate School
- 13 years study of Taoist Life Sciences
- Co-author "Liu Bin's Zhuang Gong Bagua Zhang"
Founder Two Trees Internal Arts 2006
- Private Training
- Group Training
- Tui Na Healing
Aaron Murray
- Co-founder Fractal @wearefractal, wearefractal.com
- Full-stack javascript development
- Training and Conferences
- 4 year Two Trees / Taoist arts student
Hackers are brain athletes!
- Coders are brain athletes - high performance
- Occupational Hazards
- Brain Fog, Burnout, RSI, etc.
- Unlike physical athletes, mental performance is left to chance, luck or innate ability
- Top performers want to go better, faster, longer
- Taoist Meditators for thousands of years have faced these same problems and have developed tools to overcome them
What is Taoism?
- A philosophy and life science
- A body of knowledge and methods
- Based on naturalness, smoothness, and continuousness
- Focused on long-term results & continuous development
- Includes many arts that have a focus on health, high-function and quality of life
- Some Taoist arts include:
- Tai Chi Chuan / Bagua Zhang martial arts
- Meditation
- Qi Gong
- Tui na Healing
What is Hacking the Tao?
- A program developed to bring the benefits of the Taoist life sciences to modern coders
- Includes
- training for good body mechanics and energy flow while working
- supplemental training to manage and overcome the common issues coders face (Brain fog, RSI, etc)
- High performance training to increase mental capacity, nerve smoothness, comfort and creativity
- Superlative tools for stress management
- Tui na therapy for when you hit the wall
Tai Chi Typing
- Using Taoist technology to optimize typing
- Excellent against RSI and related
- Improves endurance physically and mentally
Qi Gong
(internal energy development)
- Develops body and energy through Ease vs Stress
- Gentle, not forceful
- Useful for healing, reversing burn-out and aging well
- The science that "powers" the internal martial arts
- Example: Circling Hands
Special Topic:
The Nervous System
Taoist Breathing
- Breath is a whole-body process, not just for your lungs
- Optimizes organ function
- Stabilizes and balances the spine and the body
- Smooth, Circular and Continuous
Tai Chi
(Taoist internal martial art)
- Soft, Slow
- Develops relaxation and healing
- Meditative
- Excellent to combat burn-out
- Example: Cloud Hands
- Spectacular fighting art at high level
Bagua Zhang
- Brother Art to Tai Chi
- Active and smooth
- Highly energizing
- Develops the capacity to deal with change
- Particularly suited for high performance
- Example: Circle Walk, Single Palm posture
Tui Na
- Healing Art, like doing Tai Chi "on you"
- Optimizes physical alignments and releases tension
- Balances nervous system
- Balances and Builds Qi
Hacking the Tao
- Two Trees Internal Arts
- Public class: Tues 9 AM @ Cole Park, Tempe
- Private and group training available
- Tui na
My Teachers
- Tricia Yu, Tai Chi Health and Meditation Master
- Zhang Jie, Master of Bagua & Chinese Culture
- Liu Bin's Zhuang Gong Bagua Zhang:
- http://www.amazon.com/Bins-Zhuang-Bagua-Zhang-Volume/dp/1583942181/
- Bruce Frantzis, Taoist Lineage Master, Water Method
Hacking the Tao
By wearefractal
Hacking the Tao
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