Quick Recap:

In the previous class, we learnt about variables.

ANIMATION means controlling the behaviour of any object or character through code.


Do you like animated movies?

Can you name some animation movies you have watched?

Let's play a Game to guess Today’s Class!

Can you guess the movie?

Ice Age - Where animal characters talk with each other.

Can you guess the movie?

Toy Story - Here the toys from a little boy’s collection interact with each other in their own world.

Can you guess the movie?

The Incredibles - Superheroes and imaginary characters come to life and go out on a mission.


You can go Ahead

Example of Computer Events

These are known as keyboard events that can occur on  press of a key (key down), release of a key (key up), and so on.

Example of Computer Events

Mouse Events: Some mouse events are push of left mouse button, push of right mouse button, and mouse move.

Example of Computer Events

Touchscreen Events: Some touchscreen events on a Tablet/iPad are detecting touch on the screen and gestures.

EVENT is a trigger or action that makes something happen.

Wrap-up Activity: Thunkable Login

Click on the link

Well done all of you

ADV-C6-1:4-Visual Aid

By whjrvisual15

ADV-C6-1:4-Visual Aid

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