
& bringing types to our JavaScript

William Beard

Engineer @ CA Agile Central
etc., etc., etc.

Some context

You're just not my type


Object is not an Immutable.Map
Immutable.Map is not an Object

Cross-app Actions

Runtime Errors


  • Know when something is Immutable and when not.
  • Know what a function expects & what it returns.
  • Reduce runtime errors.


What is flow?

A static type checker for JavaScript

  • Built in JS types (number, string, boolean, etc).
  • Custom JS types (immutable ships with flow type definitions & you can write your own).
  • CLI & integration with Atom with nuclide.
  • Incrementally introduce into codebase.
  • Babel plugin for removing annotations & other cruft.

How it works

  1. Creates a dependency graph of your modules.

  2. Runs the modules' interactions through a rules engine.

  3. Screams loudly if you break the rules.

Why it works for us

  1. No more spilled cheetos.

  2. Screams loudly when we pass the wrong thing to a function.

  3. Know the shape of the payload an action expects.

  4. No bugs ever again (LOL). But seriously, no more "cannot read property foo of null".

How to use Flow

cd path/to/your/project

npm install --save-dev flow-bin babel-transform-flow-strip-types

touch .flowconfig

# add // @flow to a file, any file


Adding types to a file

// @flow

function doABarrelRoll(barrelName: string, timesToRoll: number): string {
  return `${barrelName} is doing a barrel role ${timesToRoll} times`;

doABarrelRoll({ name: 'Stan' }, 'hi');
  6: doABarrelRoll({ name: 'Stan' }, 'hi');
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function call
  6: doABarrelRoll({ name: 'Stan' }, 'hi');
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
  2: function doABarrelRoll(barrelName: string, timesToRoll: number): string {
                                        ^^^^^^ string

  6: doABarrelRoll({ name: 'Stan' }, 'hi');
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function call
  6: doABarrelRoll({ name: 'Stan' }, 'hi');
                                     ^^^^ string. This type is incompatible with
  2: function doABarrelRoll(barrelName: string, timesToRoll: number): string {
                                                             ^^^^^^ number

Immutable.js types

Get for free when you import immutable.
import { List, Map } from 'immutable';

export const listToArray = (list: List): array => list.toJS();
export const mapToObject = (map: Map): object => map.toJS();

Action Creators

// @flow
import { Map } from 'immutable';

type UserStoryCreatedAction = {
  type: string,
  payload: Map

export function createdUserStory(userStory: Map): UserStoryCreatedAction {
  return {
    payload: userStory
// @flow
import { createdUserStory } from './userActions';

var userStory = {
  title: 'Create a user story',
  estimate: 13

  9: createdUserStory(userStory);
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function call
  9: createdUserStory(userStory);
                      ^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
  7: export function createdUserStory(userStory: Map): UserStoryCreatedAction {
                                                 ^^^ Map. See: userActions.js:7

Null safety

// @flow
function doABarrelRoll(barrelName: string, timesToRoll: number): ?Object {
  return { name: barrelName, roll: timesToRoll };

function ultraBarrelRoll(): string {
  var barrelRoll = doABarrelRoll('Stan', 3);

  return `${barrelRoll.name} is now doing ${barrelRoll.roll} ultra barrel rolls`;

  9: return `Ultra ${barrelRoll.name} is now doing ${barrelRoll.roll} barrel rolls`;
                                  ^^^^ property `name`. Property cannot be accessed
                                       on possibly null value
  9: return `Ultra ${barrelRoll.name} is now doing ${barrelRoll.roll} barrel rolls`;
                       ^^^^^^^^^^ null

  9: return `Ultra ${barrelRoll.name} is now doing ${barrelRoll.roll} barrel rolls`;
                                                                ^^^^ property `roll`. 
                                    Property cannot be accessed on possibly null value
  9: return `Ultra ${barrelRoll.name} is now doing ${barrelRoll.roll} barrel rolls`;
                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^ null

Custom Types

  1. <PROJECT_ROOT>/flow-typed

  2. [libs] in .flowconfig

  3. Declaration file next to implementation file (why Immtuable types are free)

    • Project Root

      • actions

        • UserStoryActions.js

        • UserStoryActions.js.flow

type UserStoryCreatedAction = {
  type: string,
  payload: Map


aka Ignore a lot of your node_modules


Specify a specific version of flow


Run analysis on code external to your project


Don't analyze these files. Useful for excluding problems that live in dependencies.
# Malformed json in `test/pkg-bower-json-malformed/bower.json:2`

# Malformed json in `test/broken.json:11`

# Malformed json in `test/fixtures/node_modules/invalidPackageJson/package.json: 1`


Tell flow where your custom types live.
As of flow 0.24.0, it will check for custom types in <PROJECT_ROOT>/flow-typed.


A lot you can do here. tldr; Enable certain es2015+ features.
# Ignore flow warnings about not supporting decorator types

# Ignore flow warnings about not support static fields

# Ignore flow warnings about not supporting instance fields


npm install -g flow-bin
apm install nuclide

Flow errors in atom

Autocomplete w/ function signatures

Also Type hinting & jump to definition

npm task

// package.json

"scripts": {
  "flow": "./node_modules/.bin/flow"

Results may vary

Speed has been inconsistent. Nuclide can be a pain.

Learn more



Flow all up in our javascripts

By willb

Flow all up in our javascripts

  • 1,223