How to build your own video chat app

in 10 lines of front end javascript

Alex Zai

VP Engineering at Codemsith

Github: azai91

Quora:  Alex-Zai-1

Will Sentance

CTO at

Twitter: @willsentance

Github: willsen

Launching Icecomm on Hacker News

(or how we created the most curious Chat Roulette ever)

How to build your own video chat app with WebRTC (workshop)

What to build with WebRTC

Intro to WebRTC

P2P Video and data transfer

Video, audio chat in browser with no plugins

But it's worth it

So we created Icecomm

We launched at #2 on HN

"There was shirtless man sitting in the chat when I joined. I think I just found developer chat roulette"

Now people are building awesome things like Virtual Karl

And GameLingu

Launching Icecomm on Hacker News

(or how we created the most curious Chat Roulette ever)

What to build with WebRTC

Intro to WebRTC

How to build your own video chat app with WebRTC (workshop)

Vanilla Javascript

Icecomm API

Getting started

We are building this

Get You APIKey

Connect to a room

comm.connect('custom room', {audio: false});

Load your video

comm.on('local', function(peer) {
  localVideo.src =;

Load others' video

comm.on('connected', function(peer) {

Launching Icecomm on Hacker News

(or how we created the most curious Chat Roulette ever)

What to build with WebRTC

Intro to WebRTC

How to build your own video chat app with WebRTC (workshop)

What to build into your existing apps

Customer support

  • Contextual VA support (without plugins)

Marketplace apps

  • Chat between clients for pitching/meeting


  • Broadcast content

Multiple applications

  • Reduce server load with P2P

Software Engineering Events

JavaScript the Hard Parts - Closure, Execution Context, Scope, Higher order functions


Thursday - Oct 29


How to get Hired as a Software Engineer (mid-level and above)


Nov 3

Appendix: it's complicated

Angular SoCal Meetup - Icecomm - July 9 2015

By Will Sentance

Angular SoCal Meetup - Icecomm - July 9 2015

How launching Icecomm on HN created the most curious chat roulette ever (and how you can too)

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