Contribute to open source using GIT

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  • Fork the project
  • Clone the project that you fork
  • Update and push changes
  • Create a pull request
  • That's it

Tell me how to do that, please???

Forking the project

For learning purpose, use this sample project to contribute.

Okay then, i already open that link

Now, find that fork button

Everything goes okay

Clone the project that you fork

Use the command bellow to clone project

git clone
git clone [repository link]


You can get repository link from click "Clone or download" labeled button

You must clone instead of Download as Zip

I will show you why you must clone it

Downloaded project

Cloned project

That's all for clone the project

Update and Push changes

First we need to create new branch for our new feature

git checkout -b [branch-name]


git checkout -b add-my-name

After create a new branch, we can start working

Useful tips

  • git checkout [branch-name]

use for switch branches or restore working tree files

  • git checkout -b [branch-name]

use for create a new branch with specify branch name

  • git checkout -t [upstream]/[branch-name]

use for create a new branch with branch name of remote tracking upstream branch name

For example, there are a task to do: 

  • Add your name
  • Create Hello World! script

Update and Push changes

Add your name

update "", put your name and github link.

Create "Hello World!" script

create new file under scripts, see other scripts as a template.

Done??? Push your changes

Update and Push changes

To push your changes, 

Look at what you changes with

git status

Update and Push changes

Look in detail what the hell you changes

git diff

Why new file of script doesn't show up???

git diff only tracking between commit or after indexing

Update and Push changes

Tell git to add your changes to be commit

git add .

Update and Push changes

Make sure what you changes, again...

git diff --staged

as you can see, that indexed file can be show the difference between commit

Update and Push changes

Commit your changes

git commit


git commit -m "add wilson"

Update and Push changes

Push your code, literally

# if you want to push new branch
git push -u origin [branch-name]

# if you want to push existing branch
git push origin [branch-name]
git push



Create pull request

Open your project on github

You will be notice that your recently pushed branch

Click "Compare & pull request"

Create pull request

Create pull request

Make sure to leave comment, so the other can know what you do

Make sure to choose base fork branch and head fork branch you want to merge to

Because you want to contribute to public project, make sure you still polite when create comment

If everything is okay and it's say able to merge,

hit "Create pull request" button

If contribution guide exists, you must read and follow it before do any changes or create a pull request

Useful tips

Find some simple project and contribute to the project, nothing to lose if you contribute to open source

Next step of this leason, you need to sync your master branch to base fork master branch, try to learn about fetch upstream and merge to your branch

That's it

Thank you

Kindly fill the feedback for the better meetup.

Contributing to open source using GIT

By Wilson Ng

Contributing to open source using GIT

Learn basic contribute to open source using GIT and as provider

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