Document Tags
IESG Informal - Aug 2017
Problem / Purpose
"What's the IETF doing related to [Cloud|SDN|Network Slicing]?"
Solution? Tags!
- These are basically keywords
- keywords (currently) poorly used
- and thus not very useful
- Can be included in XML source
- Mostly inserted by RFC Ed
Send a list of suitable keywords for this document (beyond those that appear in the title) for use on
- 5960 / ~8200 RFCs (72%) have keywords
- 23,376 keywords, 8,367 of them unique
Not Really Useful
Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster.
- Tags should be more meaningful
- Fewer, applied with more care
- Tags should be more usable / useful
- Applied earlier, with some hierarchy
- Tags should be searchable
- Tools!
- WGs get default tags
- Everything from DNSOP is about DNS
- Chairs can add other tags
- ... or possibly a list (consistency)
- Possibly an IETF-wide list as well
- color vs colour
- Tools get upgraded to know about them
- DT should show tags and allow search
- ... and filtering (state, track, etc)
- RFC Ed concatenates tags at publication time
(needs work from a UI person!)
Worth Pursuing?
Backup Slides...
Cnt Keyword
611 protocol
415 internet
219 management
201 security
194 mib
167 authentication
160 network
151 mail
137 information
120 base
114 transfer
114 routing
113 management information base
105 ipv6
95 snmp
Common Keywords
Whatdyamean keywords?!
Document Tags - Making Keywords Useful
By wkumari