

Wojciech TrawiƄski

YouGov Front-end workshop, 2021


Stand-alone library that helps to manage local/component state.

Alternative to reactive push-based "Service with a Subject".

Key concepts

  • state has to be initialized (can be done lazily),
  • state is tied to the life-cycle of a particular component and is cleaned up when that component is destroyed,
  • state can be updated through the setState and patchState methods or updaters,
  • state can be read through the select method or a top-level state$ observable,
  • side-effects can be performed with the effect method.


export interface MoviesState {
  movies: Movie[];

export class MoviesStore extends ComponentStore<MoviesState> {
  constructor() {
    super({movies: []});


  template: `
    <li *ngFor="let movie of (movies$ | async)">
      {{ movie.name }}
  providers: [ComponentStore],
export class MoviesPageComponent {
  readonly movies$ = this.componentStore.state$.pipe(
    map(state => state.movies),
    private readonly componentStore: ComponentStore<{movies: Movie[]}>
  ) {}

Reading state

export interface MoviesState {
  movies: Movie[];
export class MoviesStore extends ComponentStore<MoviesState> {
  constructor() {
  readonly movies$: Observable<Movie[]> = this.select(state => state.movies);

Reading state

  template: `
    <li *ngFor="let movie of (movies$ | async)">
      {{ movie.name }}
  providers: [MoviesStore],
export class MoviesPageComponent {
  readonly movies$ = this.moviesStore.movies$;
  constructor(private readonly moviesStore: MoviesStore) {}

Reading state

export interface MoviesState {
  movies: Movie[];
  userPreferredMoviesIds: string[];
export class MoviesStore extends ComponentStore<MoviesState> {
  constructor() {
    super({movies:[], userPreferredMoviesIds:[]});
  readonly movies$ = this.select(state => state.movies);
  readonly userPreferredMovieIds$ = this.select(state => state.userPreferredMoviesIds);
  readonly userPreferredMovies$ = this.select(
        (movies, ids) => movies.filter(movie => ids.includes(movie.id))

Updating state

export class MoviesStore extends ComponentStore<MoviesState> {
  constructor() {
    super({movies: []});

  readonly addMovie = this.updater((state, movie: Movie) => ({
    movies: [...state.movies, movie],

Updating state

  template: `
    <button (click)="add('New Movie')">Add a Movie</button>
  providers: [MoviesStore],
export class MoviesPageComponent {
  constructor(private readonly moviesStore: MoviesStore) {}
  add(movie: string) {
    this.moviesStore.addMovie({ name: movie, id: generateId() });

Updating state

  template: `...`,
  providers: [ComponentStore],
export class MoviesPageComponent implements OnInit {
    private readonly componentStore: ComponentStore<MoviesState>
  ) {}
  resetMovies() {
    this.componentStore.setState({movies: []});
  addMovie(movie: Movie) {
    this.componentStore.setState((state) => {
      return {
        movies: [...state.movies, movie],

Updating state

  template: `...`,
  providers: [ComponentStore],
export class MoviesPageComponent implements OnInit {
    private readonly componentStore: ComponentStore<MoviesState>
  ) {}
  updateSelectedMovie(selectedMovieId: string) {
  addMovie(movie: Movie) {
    this.componentStore.patchState((state) => ({
      movies: [...state.movies, movie]

Exercise #1

Reading state

private readonly fetchMoviesData$ = this.select(
  (userId, moviesPerPage, currentPageIndex) => ({userId, moviesPerPage, currentPageIndex}),

Exercise #2

Side effects

export class MoviesStore extends ComponentStore<MoviesState> {
  readonly getMovie = this.effect((movieId$: Observable<string>) => {
    return movieId$.pipe(
      switchMap((id) => this.moviesService.fetchMovie(id).pipe(
          next: (movie) => this.addMovie(movie),
          error: (e) => this.logError(e),
        catchError(() => EMPTY),
  readonly addMovie = this.updater((state, movie: Movie) => ({
    movies: [...state.movies, movie],

Side effects

  template: `...`,
  providers: [MoviesStore],
export class MovieComponent {
  set movieId(value: string) {
  constructor(private readonly moviesStore: MoviesStore) {}

Side effects

export class MoviesStore extends ComponentStore<MoviesState> {
  constructor() {
    super({movies: Movie[], moviesPerPage: 10, currentPageIndex: 0});
    this.effect((moviePageData$) => {
      return moviePageData$.pipe(
        switchMap(({moviesPerPage, currentPageIndex}) =>
          this.movieService.loadMovies(moviesPerPage, currentPageIndex),
        ).pipe(tap(results => this.updateMovieResults(results))),
  private readonly fetchMoviesData$ = this.select(
    this.select(state => state.moviesPerPage),
    this.select(state => state.currentPageIndex),
    (moviesPerPage, currentPageIndex) => ({moviesPerPage, currentPageIndex}),

Exercise #3/4


By wojtrawi


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