• Concept & Architecture, Getting Started, The Runtime, Runtime API, Tools, Testing, Deno Standard Modules, Examples, Third Party Modules

  • API Server Project

    • install mysql

    • nessie - A database migration tool for deno.

    • oak - A middleware framework for Deno's http server, including a router middleware.

    • denon - denon is the deno replacement for nodemon providing a feature packed and easy to use experience.

    • bcrypt - BCrypt support for hashing and checking passwords

    • djwt - The absolute minimum to make JSON Web Tokens on deno. Based on JWT and JWS specifications.

    • dotenv - Dotenv handling for deno.

Lead Software Engineer | Studio XID, Inc.

Microsoft MVP (2017 ~)

Deno Korea User Group 4th member

TypeScript Korea User Group Organizer

Marktube (Youtube)

Mark Lee

1. Deno 시작하기

1-1) Deno 의 탄생

1-2) Deno 설치하기

1-3) Deno CLI

1-4) deno run

1-5) deno info & cache

1-6) deno bundle

1-7) deno doc

1-8) deno install

1-9) Module Integrity checking

1-10) dependency inspector

1-11) code formatter & linter

1-12) deno types

1-13) Security & Permission

1-14) tsconfig.json

Deno 의 탄생

no | de


de | no

JavaScript runtime built on

Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.



A secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime

built with V8, Rust, and Tokio

10 Things I Regret About Node.js

Ryan Dahl

JSConf EU 2018


I Love TypeScript


  • Not sticking with Promises

    • Promises 를 밀었으면, 커뮤니티가 더 빨리 async / await 로 진보하지 않았을까

  • Security

    • 보안에 신경 쓰지 못한 것에 대한 후회

  • The Build System (GYP)

    • GYP => GN 으로 가지 못한 것과 FFI 를 제공하지 못한 것에 대한 후회

  • package.json

    • npm 에 의존하도록 만든 것과 불필요한 정보들까지 가져오는 것에 대한 후회

  • node_modules

    • 모듈을 가져오는 것이 어렵고, 브라우저에서 사용하는 방법과도 맞지 않아 어려워진 것에 대한 후회

  • require("module") without the extension ".js"

    • 브라우저에서의 표준과 달라서 모듈을 쓸때, 사용자의 의도를 파악하기 어려운 것에 대한 후회

  • index.js

    • index.html 을 따라했지만, 모듈 로딩 시스템이 더 복잡해짐

deno 설치하기



Deno is a single binary executable.

It has no external dependencies.

➜ curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh
######################################################################## 100.0%
Deno was installed successfully to /Users/mark/.deno/bin/deno
Manually add the directory to your $HOME/.bash_profile (or similar)
  export PATH="/Users/mark/.deno/bin:$PATH"
Run '/Users/mark/.deno/bin/deno --help' to get started

스크립트를 이용한 deno 런타임 설치

➜ curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh -s v1.0.0

스크립트를 이용한 "특정 버전의" deno 런타임 설치


➜ /Users/mark/.deno/bin/deno --help

$HOME/.deno/bin/deno --help

# deno
export DENO_INSTALL="/Users/mark/.deno"

Add Environment PATH in .profile

➜ deno upgrade
Checking for latest version
Version has been found
Deno is upgrading to version 1.1.0
downloading https://github.com/denoland/deno/releases/download/v1.1.0/deno-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip
downloading https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/133442384/82737080-acd0-11ea-8397-c8f441f19bfa?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20200613%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20200613T155009Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=dbe2eaad2e51bcbe2e88db96eefb40cec45b062ceb8476e6bfa7850f6531d7ef&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&repo_id=133442384&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Ddeno-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
Archive:  /var/folders/6j/z282xrxj1cl9hwjqkxnzsrs40000gn/T/.tmpxCXahR/deno.zip
  inflating: deno                    
Upgrade done successfully

deno 런타임 업그레이드

➜ deno upgrade --version 1.1.0
Version 1.1.0 is already installed

특정 버전으로 업그레이드 하기

➜ deno -V
deno 1.12.0

deno 런타임 버전 확인

➜ deno --help

deno 커맨드라인 명령어 사용법 확인

Deno CLI

deno --help

    bundle         Bundle module and dependencies into single file
    cache          Cache the dependencies
    compile        UNSTABLE: Compile the script into a self contained executable
    completions    Generate shell completions
    coverage       Print coverage reports
    doc            Show documentation for a module
    eval           Eval script
    fmt            Format source files
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    info           Show info about cache or info related to source file
    install        Install script as an executable
    lint           Lint source files
    lsp            Start the language server
    repl           Read Eval Print Loop
    run            Run a JavaScript or TypeScript program
    test           Run tests
    types          Print runtime TypeScript declarations
    upgrade        Upgrade deno executable to given version


➜ deno help bundle

➜ deno bundle --help


➜ deno help upgrade (deno upgrade --help)
Upgrade deno executable to the given version.
Defaults to latest.

The version is downloaded from
and is used to replace the current executable.

If you want to not replace the current Deno executable but instead download an
update to a different location, use the --output flag

  deno upgrade --output $HOME/my_deno

    deno upgrade [OPTIONS]

        --canary                   Upgrade to canary builds
        --cert <FILE>              Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file
        --dry-run                  Perform all checks without replacing old exe
    -f, --force                    Replace current exe even if not out-of-date
    -h, --help                     Prints help information
    -L, --log-level <log-level>    Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
        --output <output>          The path to output the updated version to
    -q, --quiet                    Suppress diagnostic output
        --unstable                 Enable unstable features and APIs
        --version <version>        The version to upgrade to


➜ deno help repl
Read Eval Print Loop

    deno repl [OPTIONS]

        --cached-only                 Require that remote dependencies are already cached
        --cert <FILE>                 Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file
    -c, --config <FILE>               Load tsconfig.json configuration file
    -h, --help                        Prints help information
        --import-map <FILE>           Load import map file
        --inspect=<HOST:PORT>         Activate inspector on host:port (default:
        --inspect-brk=<HOST:PORT>     Activate inspector on host:port and break at start of user script
        --location <HREF>             Value of 'globalThis.location' used by some web APIs
        --lock <FILE>                 Check the specified lock file
        --lock-write                  Write lock file (use with --lock)
    -L, --log-level <log-level>       Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
        --no-check                    Skip type checking modules
        --no-remote                   Do not resolve remote modules
    -q, --quiet                       Suppress diagnostic output
    -r, --reload=<CACHE_BLOCKLIST>    Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript)
        --seed <NUMBER>               Seed Math.random()
        --unstable                    Enable unstable features and APIs
        --v8-flags=<v8-flags>         Set V8 command line options (for help: --v8-flags=--help)


➜ deno repl     
Deno 1.1.0
exit using ctrl+d or close()
> console.log('Hello');
> const a = 39;
> a
> type S = string;
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
    at evaluate ($deno$/repl.ts:54:34)
    at Object.replLoop ($deno$/repl.ts:156:13)

deno repl = deno

deno run

➜ deno help run 
Run a JavaScript or TypeScript program

By default all programs are run in sandbox without access to disk, network or
ability to spawn subprocesses.

  deno run https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts

Grant all permissions:

  deno run -A https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

Grant permission to read from disk and listen to network:

  deno run --allow-read --allow-net https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

Grant permission to read allow-listed files from disk:

  deno run --allow-read=/etc https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

Deno allows specifying the filename '-' to read the file from stdin.

  curl https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts | deno run -

    deno run [OPTIONS] <SCRIPT_ARG>...

    -A, --allow-all                    Allow all permissions
        --allow-env=<allow-env>        Allow environment access
        --allow-hrtime                 Allow high resolution time measurement
        --allow-net=<allow-net>        Allow network access
        --allow-plugin                 Allow loading plugins
        --allow-read=<allow-read>      Allow file system read access
        --allow-run=<allow-run>        Allow running subprocesses
        --allow-write=<allow-write>    Allow file system write access
        --cached-only                  Require that remote dependencies are already cached
        --cert <FILE>                  Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file
    -c, --config <FILE>                Load tsconfig.json configuration file
    -h, --help                         Prints help information
        --import-map <FILE>            Load import map file
        --inspect=<HOST:PORT>          Activate inspector on host:port (default:
        --inspect-brk=<HOST:PORT>      Activate inspector on host:port and break at start of user script
        --location <HREF>              Value of 'globalThis.location' used by some web APIs
        --lock <FILE>                  Check the specified lock file
        --lock-write                   Write lock file (use with --lock)
    -L, --log-level <log-level>        Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
        --no-check                     Skip type checking modules
        --no-remote                    Do not resolve remote modules
        --prompt                       Fallback to prompt if required permission wasn't passed
    -q, --quiet                        Suppress diagnostic output
    -r, --reload=<CACHE_BLOCKLIST>     Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript)
        --seed <NUMBER>                Seed Math.random()
        --unstable                     Enable unstable features and APIs
        --v8-flags=<v8-flags>          Set V8 command line options (for help: --v8-flags=--help)
        --watch                        UNSTABLE: Watch for file changes and restart process automatically

    <SCRIPT_ARG>...    Script arg


➜ deno help run 
Run a JavaScript or TypeScript program

By default all programs are run in sandbox without access to disk, network or
ability to spawn subprocesses.

  deno run https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts

Grant all permissions:

  deno run -A https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

Grant permission to read from disk and listen to network:

  deno run --allow-read --allow-net https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

Grant permission to read allow-listed files from disk:

  deno run --allow-read=/etc https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

Deno allows specifying the filename '-' to read the file from stdin.

  curl https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts | deno run -

deno run [ filename | url ]

deno run [ filename ]

➜ echo "console.log('Hello Deno');" >> welcome.ts

➜ cat welcome.ts 
console.log('Hello Deno');

➜ deno run welcome.ts 
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/welcome.ts => 파일을 컴파일
Hello Deno => 실행

➜ deno run ./welcome.ts
Hello Deno => 실행

➜ deno run /Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/welcome.ts            
Hello Deno => 실행

deno run [ url ]

➜ deno run https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts

Download https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts => 파일을 다운로드
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
=> 다운받은 url 이 명시적인 master branch 가 아님을 의미
Compile https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts => 파일을 컴파일
Welcome to Deno 🦕 => 실행

~/FastCampus/deno2021 took 2s 
➜ deno run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts
Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts => 파일을 다운로드
Compile https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts => 파일을 컴파일
Welcome to Deno 🦕 => 실행

➜ deno run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts
Welcome to Deno 🦕 => 실행

deno run -r [ filename ]

➜ deno run -r welcome.ts            
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/welcome.ts => 파일을 다시 컴파일
Hello Deno => 실행

deno run -r [ url ]

➜ deno run -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts

Download https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts => 파일을 다시 다운로드
Compile https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts => 파일을 다시 컴파일
Welcome to Deno 🦕 => 실행

deno info & cache

SUBCOMMANDS : info (캐시 정보를 얻어내기)

➜ deno info https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts
local: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/deps/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/b4d51570d044a9e212325ea0df4614a665802a9a1e17256636d884301fa80597
type: TypeScript
compiled: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts.js
map: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/examples/welcome.ts.js.map

deno info 로 Default 캐시 폴더 확인하기

➜ deno info                                     
DENO_DIR location: "/Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno"
Remote modules cache: "/Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/deps"
TypeScript compiler cache: "/Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen"

# help 를 이용해서 SUBCOMMAND info 사용법 확인

➜ deno help info
Without any additional arguments, 'deno info' shows:

DENO_DIR: Directory containing Deno-managed files.
Remote modules cache: Subdirectory containing downloaded remote modules.
TypeScript compiler cache: Subdirectory containing TS compiler output.

+ /gen/https/deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts.js

"use strict";
console.log("Welcome to Deno 🦕");
//# sourceMappingURL=file:///Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen/https/deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts.js.map

실행하지 않고 로컬 캐시로 가져와서 컴파일하기

➜ deno cache https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts

Download https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
Compile https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts

➜ deno cache https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts

실행하지 않고 로컬 캐시로 다시 가져와서 다시 컴파일하기

➜ deno cache -r https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts

Download https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
Compile https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
➜ deno -r -c tsconfig.json welcome2.ts
[3/3] Compiling file:///Users/mark/deno/deno-is-coming/welcome2.ts
Welcome to Deno 🦕

$DENO_DIR 과 -r (--reload)


  • DENO_DIR 이 없으면,
    • ~/Library/Caches/deno
  • 있으면, 그 곳에
// .profile
export PATH="$HOME/.deno/bin:$PATH"
export DENO_DIR="$HOME/.deno"
➜ DENO_DIR=`pwd`/.deno deno -c tsconfig.json welcome2.ts
[2/2] Compiling file:///Users/mark/deno/deno-is-coming/welcome2.ts
Welcome to Deno 🦕

deno bundle


➜ deno help bundle
Output a single JavaScript file with all dependencies.
  deno bundle https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts colors.bundle.js

If no output file is given, the output is written to standard output:
  deno bundle https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts

    deno bundle [OPTIONS] <source_file> [out_file]

        --cert <FILE>              Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file
    -c, --config <FILE>            Load tsconfig.json configuration file
    -h, --help                     Prints help information
        --importmap <FILE>         UNSTABLE: Load import map file
    -L, --log-level <log-level>    Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
    -q, --quiet                    Suppress diagnostic output
        --unstable                 Enable unstable APIs


bundle 명령어를 통해 하나의 실행 파일로 만들기

➜ deno bundle welcome.ts welcome.bundle.js
Bundling file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/welcome.ts
Emitting bundle to "welcome.bundle.js"
2.36 KB emitted.

➜ deno run welcome.bundle.js 
Hello Deno

➜ deno bundle https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts welcome.bundle.js
Bundling https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
Emitting bundle to "welcome.bundle.js"
2.37 KB emitted.

➜ deno run welcome.bundle.js                                             
Welcome to Deno 🦕


import * as color from "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts";

console.log(color.yellow("Hello Deno"));
~/FastCampus/deno2021 via
➜ deno run welcome-with-color.ts
Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/fmt/colors.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/welcome-with-color.ts
Hello Deno

➜ deno bundle welcome-with-color.ts welcome-with-color.bundle.js
Bundling file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/welcome-with-color.ts
Emitting bundle to "welcome-with-color.bundle.js"
9.42 KB emitted.

➜ deno run welcome-with-color.bundle.js 
Hello Deno

bundle 명령어를 통해 하나의 실행 파일로 만들기 (사용되는 모듈 포함)

deno doc


➜ deno help doc
Show documentation for a module.

Output documentation to standard output:
    deno doc ./path/to/module.ts

Output documentation in JSON format:
    deno doc --json ./path/to/module.ts

Target a specific symbol:
    deno doc ./path/to/module.ts MyClass.someField

Show documentation for runtime built-ins:
    deno doc
    deno doc --builtin Deno.Listener

    deno doc [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

    -h, --help                        Prints help information
        --json                        Output documentation in JSON format.
    -L, --log-level <log-level>       Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
    -q, --quiet                       Suppress diagnostic output
    -r, --reload=<CACHE_BLACKLIST>    Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript)
        --unstable                    Enable unstable APIs

    <filter>         Dot separated path to symbol.

문서를 보는 용도 : deno doc [ filename | url ]

➜ deno doc https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts
Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:281:0 

function bgBlack(str: string): string
  Set background color to black.
  @param str text to make its background black

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:313:0 

function bgBlue(str: string): string
  Set background color to blue.
  @param str text to make its background blue

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:345:0 

function bgBrightBlack(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright black.
  @param str text to make its background bright-black

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:377:0 

function bgBrightBlue(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright blue.
  @param str text to make its background bright-blue

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:393:0 

function bgBrightCyan(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright cyan.
  @param str text to make its background bright-cyan

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:361:0 

function bgBrightGreen(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright green.
  @param str text to make its background bright-green

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:385:0 

function bgBrightMagenta(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright magenta.
  @param str text to make its background bright-magenta

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:353:0 

function bgBrightRed(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright red.
  @param str text to make its background bright-red

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:401:0 

function bgBrightWhite(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright white.
  @param str text to make its background bright-white

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:369:0 

function bgBrightYellow(str: string): string
  Set background color to bright yellow.
  @param str text to make its background bright-yellow

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:329:0 

function bgCyan(str: string): string
  Set background color to cyan.
  @param str text to make its background cyan

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:297:0 

function bgGreen(str: string): string
  Set background color to green.
  @param str text to make its background green

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:321:0 

function bgMagenta(str: string): string
  Set background color to magenta.
  @param str text to make its background magenta

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:289:0 

function bgRed(str: string): string
  Set background color to red.
  @param str text to make its background red

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:486:0 

function bgRgb24(str: string, color: number | Rgb): string
  Set background color using 24bit rgb.
  `color` can be a number in range `0x000000` to `0xffffff` or
  an `Rgb`.
  To produce the color magenta:
       bgRgb24("foo", 0xff00ff);
       bgRgb24("foo", {r: 255, g: 0, b: 255});
  @param str text color to apply 24bit rgb to
  @param color code

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:433:0 

function bgRgb8(str: string, color: number): string
  Set background color using paletted 8bit colors.
  @param str text color to apply paletted 8bit background colors to
  @param color code

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:337:0 

function bgWhite(str: string): string
  Set background color to white.
  @param str text to make its background white

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:305:0 

function bgYellow(str: string): string
  Set background color to yellow.
  @param str text to make its background yellow

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:145:0 

function black(str: string): string
  Set text color to black.
  @param str text to make black

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:177:0 

function blue(str: string): string
  Set text color to blue.
  @param str text to make blue

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:89:0 

function bold(str: string): string
  Make the text bold.
  @param str text to make bold

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:217:0 

function brightBlack(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright black.
  @param str text to make bright-black

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:249:0 

function brightBlue(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright blue.
  @param str text to make bright-blue

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:265:0 

function brightCyan(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright cyan.
  @param str text to make bright-cyan

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:233:0 

function brightGreen(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright green.
  @param str text to make bright-green

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:257:0 

function brightMagenta(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright magenta.
  @param str text to make bright-magenta

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:225:0 

function brightRed(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright red.
  @param str text to make bright-red

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:273:0 

function brightWhite(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright white.
  @param str text to make bright-white

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:241:0 

function brightYellow(str: string): string
  Set text color to bright yellow.
  @param str text to make bright-yellow

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:193:0 

function cyan(str: string): string
  Set text color to cyan.
  @param str text to make cyan

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:97:0 

function dim(str: string): string
  The text emits only a small amount of light.
  @param str text to dim

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:49:0 

function getColorEnabled(): boolean
  Get whether text color change is enabled or disabled.

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:209:0 

function gray(str: string): string
  Set text color to gray.
  @param str text to make gray

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:161:0 

function green(str: string): string
  Set text color to green.
  @param str text to make green

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:129:0 

function hidden(str: string): string
  Make the text hidden.
  @param str text to hide

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:121:0 

function inverse(str: string): string
  Invert background color and text color.
  @param str text to invert its color

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:105:0 

function italic(str: string): string
  Make the text italic.
  @param str text to make italic

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:185:0 

function magenta(str: string): string
  Set text color to magenta.
  @param str text to make magenta

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:153:0 

function red(str: string): string
  Set text color to red.
  @param str text to make red

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:81:0 

function reset(str: string): string
  Reset the text modified
  @param str text to reset

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:449:0 

function rgb24(str: string, color: number | Rgb): string
  Set text color using 24bit rgb.
  `color` can be a number in range `0x000000` to `0xffffff` or
  an `Rgb`.
  To produce the color magenta:
       rgb24("foo", 0xff00ff);
       rgb24("foo", {r: 255, g: 0, b: 255});
  @param str text color to apply 24bit rgb to
  @param color code

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:423:0 

function rgb8(str: string, color: number): string
  Set text color using paletted 8bit colors.
  @param str text color to apply paletted 8bit colors to
  @param color code

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:40:0 

function setColorEnabled(value: boolean): void
  Set changing text color to enabled or disabled
  @param value

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:137:0 

function strikethrough(str: string): string
  Put horizontal line through the center of the text.
  @param str text to strike through

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:524:0 

function stripColor(string: string): string
  Remove ANSI escape codes from the string.
  @param string to remove ANSI escape codes from

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:113:0 

function underline(str: string): string
  Make the text underline.
  @param str text to underline

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:201:0 

function white(str: string): string
  Set text color to white.
  @param str text to make white

Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:169:0 

function yellow(str: string): string
  Set text color to yellow.
  @param str text to make yellow

"Deno 파일은 module 혹은 main 으로 동작한다."

"doc 는 module 을 이해하기 위한 용도이다."

"doc 는 파일에서 export 한 모든 것들을 보여준다."

JSON 형태로 문서를 볼 수 있다. : deno doc --json [ filename | url ]

➜ deno doc --json https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "setColorEnabled",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 40,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set changing text color to enabled or disabled\n@param value",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "value",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "boolean",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "boolean"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "void",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "void"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "getColorEnabled",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 49,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Get whether text color change is enabled or disabled.",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [],
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "boolean",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "boolean"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "reset",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 81,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Reset the text modified\n@param str text to reset",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bold",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 89,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Make the text bold.\n@param str text to make bold",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "dim",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 97,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "The text emits only a small amount of light.\n@param str text to dim",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "italic",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 105,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Make the text italic.\n@param str text to make italic",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "underline",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 113,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Make the text underline.\n@param str text to underline",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "inverse",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 121,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Invert background color and text color.\n@param str text to invert its color",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
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        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "hidden",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 129,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Make the text hidden.\n@param str text to hide",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
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          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
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        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "strikethrough",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 137,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Put horizontal line through the center of the text.\n@param str text to strike through",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
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          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "black",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 145,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to black.\n@param str text to make black",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
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        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "red",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 153,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to red.\n@param str text to make red",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
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      "returnType": {
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        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
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      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "green",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 161,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to green.\n@param str text to make green",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
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      "returnType": {
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        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "yellow",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 169,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to yellow.\n@param str text to make yellow",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "blue",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 177,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to blue.\n@param str text to make blue",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "magenta",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 185,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to magenta.\n@param str text to make magenta",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
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        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "cyan",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 193,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to cyan.\n@param str text to make cyan",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "white",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 201,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to white.\n@param str text to make white",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "gray",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 209,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to gray.\n@param str text to make gray",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightBlack",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 217,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright black.\n@param str text to make bright-black",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightRed",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 225,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright red.\n@param str text to make bright-red",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightGreen",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 233,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright green.\n@param str text to make bright-green",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightYellow",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 241,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright yellow.\n@param str text to make bright-yellow",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightBlue",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 249,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright blue.\n@param str text to make bright-blue",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightMagenta",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 257,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright magenta.\n@param str text to make bright-magenta",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightCyan",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 265,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright cyan.\n@param str text to make bright-cyan",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "brightWhite",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 273,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color to bright white.\n@param str text to make bright-white",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBlack",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 281,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to black.\n@param str text to make its background black",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgRed",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 289,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to red.\n@param str text to make its background red",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgGreen",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 297,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to green.\n@param str text to make its background green",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgYellow",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 305,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to yellow.\n@param str text to make its background yellow",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBlue",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 313,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to blue.\n@param str text to make its background blue",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgMagenta",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 321,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to magenta.\n@param str text to make its background magenta",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgCyan",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 329,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to cyan.\n@param str text to make its background cyan",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgWhite",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 337,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to white.\n@param str text to make its background white",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightBlack",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 345,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright black.\n@param str text to make its background bright-black",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightRed",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 353,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright red.\n@param str text to make its background bright-red",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightGreen",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 361,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright green.\n@param str text to make its background bright-green",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightYellow",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 369,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright yellow.\n@param str text to make its background bright-yellow",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightBlue",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 377,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright blue.\n@param str text to make its background bright-blue",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightMagenta",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 385,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright magenta.\n@param str text to make its background bright-magenta",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightCyan",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 393,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright cyan.\n@param str text to make its background bright-cyan",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgBrightWhite",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 401,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color to bright white.\n@param str text to make its background bright-white",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "rgb8",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 423,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color using paletted 8bit colors.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#8-bit\n@param str text color to apply paletted 8bit colors to\n@param color code",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "color",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "number",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "number"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgRgb8",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 433,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color using paletted 8bit colors.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#8-bit\n@param str text color to apply paletted 8bit background colors to\n@param color code",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "color",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "number",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "number"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "rgb24",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 449,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set text color using 24bit rgb.\n`color` can be a number in range `0x000000` to `0xffffff` or\nan `Rgb`.\n\nTo produce the color magenta:\n\n     rgb24(\"foo\", 0xff00ff);\n     rgb24(\"foo\", {r: 255, g: 0, b: 255});\n@param str text color to apply 24bit rgb to\n@param color code",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "color",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "",
            "kind": "union",
            "union": [
                "repr": "number",
                "kind": "keyword",
                "keyword": "number"
                "repr": "Rgb",
                "kind": "typeRef",
                "typeRef": {
                  "typeParams": null,
                  "typeName": "Rgb"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "bgRgb24",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 486,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Set background color using 24bit rgb.\n`color` can be a number in range `0x000000` to `0xffffff` or\nan `Rgb`.\n\nTo produce the color magenta:\n\n     bgRgb24(\"foo\", 0xff00ff);\n     bgRgb24(\"foo\", {r: 255, g: 0, b: 255});\n@param str text color to apply 24bit rgb to\n@param color code",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "str",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "color",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "",
            "kind": "union",
            "union": [
                "repr": "number",
                "kind": "keyword",
                "keyword": "number"
                "repr": "Rgb",
                "kind": "typeRef",
                "typeRef": {
                  "typeParams": null,
                  "typeName": "Rgb"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []
    "kind": "function",
    "name": "stripColor",
    "location": {
      "filename": "https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts",
      "line": 524,
      "col": 0
    "jsDoc": "Remove ANSI escape codes from the string.\n@param string to remove ANSI escape codes from",
    "functionDef": {
      "params": [
          "kind": "identifier",
          "name": "string",
          "optional": false,
          "tsType": {
            "repr": "string",
            "kind": "keyword",
            "keyword": "string"
      "returnType": {
        "repr": "string",
        "kind": "keyword",
        "keyword": "string"
      "isAsync": false,
      "isGenerator": false,
      "typeParams": []

이름으로 필터링해서 문서를 볼 수 있다. (1)

deno doc [ filename | url ] [ 검색 ]

➜ deno doc https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts yellow 
Defined in https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts:169:0 

function yellow(str: string): string
  Set text color to yellow.
  @param str text to make yellow

Deno 런타임 API 보기

deno doc

➜ deno doc
Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6036:0 

function addEventListener(type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void
  Registers an event listener in the global scope, which will be called
  synchronously whenever the event `type` is dispatched.
      addEventListener('unload', () => { console.log('All finished!'); });
      dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'));

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6008:0 

function alert(message?: string): void
  Shows the given message and waits for the enter key pressed.
  If the stdin is not interactive, it does nothing.
  @param message

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2760:0 

function atob(s: string): string
  Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.
      console.log(atob("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")); // outputs 'hello world'

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2766:0 

function btoa(s: string): string
  Creates a base-64 ASCII encoded string from the input string.
      console.log(btoa("hello world"));  // outputs "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5731:0 

function clearInterval(id?: number): void
  Cancels a timed, repeating action which was previously started by a call
  to `setInterval()`
      const id = setInterval(() => {console.log('hello');}, 500);

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5739:0 

function clearTimeout(id?: number): void
  Cancels a scheduled action initiated by `setTimeout()`
      const id = setTimeout(() => {console.log('hello');}, 500);

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6016:0 

function confirm(message?: string): boolean
  Shows the given message and waits for the answer. Returns the user's answer as boolean.
  Only `y` and `Y` are considered as true.
  If the stdin is not interactive, it returns false.
  @param message

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5762:0 

function dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean
  Dispatches an event in the global scope, synchronously invoking any
  registered event listeners for this event in the appropriate order. Returns
  false if event is cancelable and at least one of the event handlers which
  handled this event called Event.preventDefault(). Otherwise it returns true.
      dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'));

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3762:0 

function fetch(input: Request | URL | string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
  Fetch a resource from the network. It returns a Promise that resolves to the
  Response to that request, whether it is successful or not.
      const response = await fetch("http://my.json.host/data.json");
      console.log(response.status);  // e.g. 200
      console.log(response.statusText); // e.g. "OK"
      const jsonData = await response.json();

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6027:0 

function prompt(message?: string, defaultValue?: string): string | null
  Shows the given message and waits for the user's input. Returns the user's input as string.
  If the default value is given and the user inputs the empty string, then it returns the given
  default value.
  If the default value is not given and the user inputs the empty string, it returns null.
  If the stdin is not interactive, it returns null.
  @param message
  @param defaultValue

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5753:0 

function queueMicrotask(func: VoidFunction): void
  A microtask is a short function which is executed after the function or
  module which created it exits and only if the JavaScript execution stack is
  empty, but before returning control to the event loop being used to drive the
  script's execution environment. This event loop may be either the main event
  loop or the event loop driving a web worker.
      queueMicrotask(() => { console.log('This event loop stack is complete'); });

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6048:0 

function removeEventListener(type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void
  Remove a previously registered event listener from the global scope
      const lstnr = () => { console.log('hello'); };
      addEventListener('load', lstnr);
      removeEventListener('load', lstnr);

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5715:0 

function setInterval(cb: (...args: any[]) => void, delay?: number, ...args: any[]): number
  Repeatedly calls a function , with a fixed time delay between each call.
      // Outputs 'hello' to the console every 500ms
      setInterval(() => { console.log('hello'); }, 500);

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5701:0 

function setTimeout(cb: (...args: any[]) => void, delay?: number, ...args: any[]): number
  Sets a timer which executes a function once after the timer expires. Returns
  an id which may be used to cancel the timeout.
      setTimeout(() => { console.log('hello'); }, 500);

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2868:0 

var AbortSignal: { prototype: AbortSignal; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5250:0 

var BroadcastChannel: { prototype: BroadcastChannel; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5119:0 

var CryptoKey: { prototype: CryptoKey; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5130:0 

var CryptoKeyPair: { prototype: CryptoKeyPair; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2925:0 

var FileReader: { prototype: FileReader; DONE: number; EMPTY: number; LOADING: number; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3061:0 

var ReadableByteStreamController: { prototype: ReadableByteStreamController; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3124:0 

var ReadableStream: { prototype: ReadableStream; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3048:0 

var ReadableStreamDefaultController: { prototype: ReadableStreamDefaultController; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2990:0 

var ReadableStreamDefaultReader: { prototype: ReadableStreamDefaultReader; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3001:0 

var ReadableStreamReader: { prototype: ReadableStreamReader; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5050:0 

var Storage: { prototype: Storage; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5194:0 

var SubtleCrypto: { prototype: SubtleCrypto; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3205:0 

var TransformStream: { prototype: TransformStream; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3165:0 

var WritableStream: { prototype: WritableStream; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3195:0 

var WritableStreamDefaultWriter: { prototype: WritableStreamDefaultWriter; }

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5776:0 

var console: Console

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5060:0 

var crypto: Crypto

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5993:0 

var localStorage: Storage

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6124:0 

var location: Location

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6001:0 

var navigator: Navigator

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5991:0 

var onload: ((this: Window, ev: Event) => any) | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5992:0 

var onunload: ((this: Window, ev: Event) => any) | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5886:0 

var performance: Performance

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5990:0 

var self: Window & typeof globalThis

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5994:0 

var sessionStorage: Storage

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5989:0 

var window: Window & typeof globalThis

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2827:0 

class AbortController
  A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and
  when desired.

  readonly signal: AbortSignal
    Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.
  abort(): void
    Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and
     signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2941:0 

class Blob
  A file-like object of immutable, raw data. Blobs represent data that isn't necessarily in a JavaScript-native format. The File interface is based on Blob, inheriting blob functionality and expanding it to support files on the user's system.

  constructor(blobParts?: BlobPart[], options?: BlobPropertyBag)
  readonly size: number
  readonly type: string
  arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>
  slice(start?: number, end?: number, contentType?: string): Blob
  stream(): ReadableStream<Uint8Array>
  text(): Promise<string>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3090:0 

class ByteLengthQueuingStrategy implements QueuingStrategy<ArrayBufferView>

  constructor(options: { highWaterMark: number; })
  highWaterMark: number
  size(chunk: ArrayBufferView): number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4912:0 

class CloseEvent extends Event

  constructor(type: string, eventInitDict?: CloseEventInit)
  readonly code: number
    Returns the WebSocket connection close code provided by the server.
  readonly reason: string
    Returns the WebSocket connection close reason provided by the server.
  readonly wasClean: boolean
    Returns true if the connection closed cleanly; false otherwise.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3084:0 

class CountQueuingStrategy implements QueuingStrategy
  This Streams API interface provides a built-in byte length queuing strategy
  that can be used when constructing streams.

  constructor(options: { highWaterMark: number; })
  highWaterMark: number
  size(chunk: any): 1

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5946:0 

class CustomEvent<T = any> extends Event

  constructor(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: CustomEventInit<T>)
  readonly detail: T
    Returns any custom data event was created with. Typically used for
    synthetic events.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2596:0 

class DOMException extends Error

  constructor(message?: string, name?: string)
  readonly name: string
  readonly message: string
  readonly code: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5786:0 

class ErrorEvent extends Event

  constructor(type: string, eventInitDict?: ErrorEventInit)
  readonly message: string
  readonly filename: string
  readonly lineno: number
  readonly colno: number
  readonly error: any

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2610:0 

class Event
  An event which takes place in the DOM.

  constructor(type: string, eventInitDict?: EventInit)
  readonly bubbles: boolean
    Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. True if
      event goes through its target's ancestors in reverse tree order, and
      false otherwise.
  cancelBubble: boolean
  readonly cancelable: boolean
    Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. Its return
      value does not always carry meaning, but true can indicate that part of the
      operation during which event was dispatched, can be canceled by invoking
      the preventDefault() method.
  readonly composed: boolean
    Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. True if
      event invokes listeners past a ShadowRoot node that is the root of its
      target, and false otherwise.
  readonly currentTarget: EventTarget | null
    Returns the object whose event listener's callback is currently being
  readonly defaultPrevented: boolean
    Returns true if preventDefault() was invoked successfully to indicate
      cancellation, and false otherwise.
  readonly eventPhase: number
    Returns the event's phase, which is one of NONE, CAPTURING_PHASE,
  readonly isTrusted: boolean
    Returns true if event was dispatched by the user agent, and false
  readonly target: EventTarget | null
    Returns the object to which event is dispatched (its target).
  readonly timeStamp: number
    Returns the event's timestamp as the number of milliseconds measured
      relative to the time origin.
  readonly type: string
    Returns the type of event, e.g. "click", "hashchange", or "submit".
  readonly AT_TARGET: number
  readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number
  readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number
  readonly NONE: number
  static readonly AT_TARGET: number
  static readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number
  static readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number
  static readonly NONE: number
  composedPath(): EventTarget[]
    Returns the invocation target objects of event's path (objects on which
      listeners will be invoked), except for any nodes in shadow trees of which
      the shadow root's mode is "closed" that are not reachable from event's
  preventDefault(): void
    If invoked when the cancelable attribute value is true, and while
      executing a listener for the event with passive set to false, signals to
      the operation that caused event to be dispatched that it needs to be
  stopImmediatePropagation(): void
    Invoking this method prevents event from reaching any registered event
      listeners after the current one finishes running and, when dispatched in a
      tree, also prevents event from reaching any other objects.
  stopPropagation(): void
    When dispatched in a tree, invoking this method prevents event from
      reaching any objects other than the current object.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2676:0 

class EventTarget
  EventTarget is a DOM interface implemented by objects that can receive events
    and may have listeners for them.

  addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void
    Appends an event listener for events whose type attribute value is type.
    The callback argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event
    is dispatched.
    The options argument sets listener-specific options. For compatibility this
    can be a boolean, in which case the method behaves exactly as if the value
    was specified as options's capture.
    When set to true, options's capture prevents callback from being invoked
    when the event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE. When false
    (or not present), callback will not be invoked when event's eventPhase
    attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE. Either way, callback will be invoked if
    event's eventPhase attribute value is AT_TARGET.
    When set to true, options's passive indicates that the callback will not
    cancel the event by invoking preventDefault(). This is used to enable
    performance optimizations described in § 2.8 Observing event listeners.
    When set to true, options's once indicates that the callback will only be
    invoked once after which the event listener will be removed.
    The event listener is appended to target's event listener list and is not
    appended if it has the same type, callback, and capture.
  dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean
    Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either
    event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method
    was not invoked, and false otherwise.
  removeEventListener(type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: EventListenerOptions | boolean): void
    Removes the event listener in target's event listener list with the same
    type, callback, and options.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2958:0 

class File extends Blob
  Provides information about files and allows JavaScript in a web page to
  access their content.

  constructor(fileBits: BlobPart[], fileName: string, options?: FilePropertyBag)
  readonly lastModified: number
  readonly name: string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3353:0 

class FormData implements DomIterable<string, FormDataEntryValue>
  Provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing
  form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the
  XMLHttpRequest.send() method. It uses the same format a form would use if the
  encoding type were set to "multipart/form-data".

  append(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void
  delete(name: string): void
  get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
  getAll(name: string): FormDataEntryValue[]
  has(name: string): boolean
  set(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void
  keys(): IterableIterator<string>
  values(): IterableIterator<string>
  entries(): IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>
  forEach(callback: (value: FormDataEntryValue, key: string, parent: this) => void, thisArg?: any): void

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3830:0 

class GPU

  requestAdapter(options?: GPURequestAdapterOptions): Promise<GPUAdapter | null>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3843:0 

class GPUAdapter

  readonly name: string
  readonly features: GPUSupportedFeatures
  readonly limits: GPUSupportedLimits
  readonly isSoftware: boolean
  requestDevice(descriptor?: GPUDeviceDescriptor): Promise<GPUDevice>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4183:0 

class GPUBindGroup implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4114:0 

class GPUBindGroupLayout implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3933:0 

class GPUBuffer implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  mapAsync(mode: GPUMapModeFlags, offset?: number, size?: number): Promise<undefined>
  getMappedRange(offset?: number, size?: number): ArrayBuffer
  unmap(): undefined
  destroy(): undefined

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3954:0 

class GPUBufferUsage

  static MAP_READ: 1
  static MAP_WRITE: 2
  static COPY_SRC: 4
  static COPY_DST: 8
  static INDEX: 16
  static VERTEX: 32
  static UNIFORM: 64
  static STORAGE: 128
  static INDIRECT: 256
  static QUERY_RESOLVE: 512

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4321:0 

class GPUColorWrite

  static RED: 1
  static GREEN: 2
  static BLUE: 4
  static ALPHA: 8
  static ALL: 15

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4443:0 

class GPUCommandBuffer implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  readonly executionTime: Promise<number>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4451:0 

class GPUCommandEncoder implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  beginRenderPass(descriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor): GPURenderPassEncoder
  beginComputePass(descriptor?: GPUComputePassDescriptor): GPUComputePassEncoder
  copyBufferToBuffer(source: GPUBuffer, sourceOffset: number, destination: GPUBuffer, destinationOffset: number, size: number): undefined
  copyBufferToTexture(source: GPUImageCopyBuffer, destination: GPUImageCopyTexture, copySize: GPUExtent3D): undefined
  copyTextureToBuffer(source: GPUImageCopyTexture, destination: GPUImageCopyBuffer, copySize: GPUExtent3D): undefined
  copyTextureToTexture(source: GPUImageCopyTexture, destination: GPUImageCopyTexture, copySize: GPUExtent3D): undefined
  pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined
  popDebugGroup(): undefined
  insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined
  writeTimestamp(querySet: GPUQuerySet, queryIndex: number): undefined
  resolveQuerySet(querySet: GPUQuerySet, firstQuery: number, queryCount: number, destination: GPUBuffer, destinationOffset: number): undefined
  finish(descriptor?: GPUCommandBufferDescriptor): GPUCommandBuffer

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4543:0 

class GPUComputePassEncoder implements GPUObjectBase, GPUProgrammablePassEncoder

  label: string | null
  setBindGroup(index: number, bindGroup: GPUBindGroup, dynamicOffsets?: number[]): undefined
  setBindGroup(index: number, bindGroup: GPUBindGroup, dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array, dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number, dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number): undefined
  pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined
  popDebugGroup(): undefined
  insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined
  setPipeline(pipeline: GPUComputePipeline): undefined
  dispatch(x: number, y?: number, z?: number): undefined
  dispatchIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined
  beginPipelineStatisticsQuery(querySet: GPUQuerySet, queryIndex: number): undefined
  endPipelineStatisticsQuery(): undefined
  writeTimestamp(querySet: GPUQuerySet, queryIndex: number): undefined
  endPass(): undefined

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4253:0 

class GPUComputePipeline implements GPUObjectBase, GPUPipelineBase

  label: string | null
  getBindGroupLayout(index: number): GPUBindGroupLayout

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3881:0 

class GPUDevice extends EventTarget implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  readonly lost: Promise<GPUDeviceLostInfo>
  onuncapturederror: ((this: GPUDevice, ev: GPUUncapturedErrorEvent) => any) | null
  readonly features: ReadonlyArray<GPUFeatureName>
  readonly limits: Record<string, number>
  readonly queue: GPUQueue
  pushErrorScope(filter: GPUErrorFilter): undefined
  popErrorScope(): Promise<GPUError | null>
  destroy(): undefined
  createBuffer(descriptor: GPUBufferDescriptor): GPUBuffer
  createTexture(descriptor: GPUTextureDescriptor): GPUTexture
  createSampler(descriptor?: GPUSamplerDescriptor): GPUSampler
  createBindGroupLayout(descriptor: GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor): GPUBindGroupLayout
  createPipelineLayout(descriptor: GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor): GPUPipelineLayout
  createBindGroup(descriptor: GPUBindGroupDescriptor): GPUBindGroup
  createShaderModule(descriptor: GPUShaderModuleDescriptor): GPUShaderModule
  createComputePipeline(descriptor: GPUComputePipelineDescriptor): GPUComputePipeline
  createRenderPipeline(descriptor: GPURenderPipelineDescriptor): GPURenderPipeline
  createComputePipelineAsync(descriptor: GPUComputePipelineDescriptor): Promise<GPUComputePipeline>
  createRenderPipelineAsync(descriptor: GPURenderPipelineDescriptor): Promise<GPURenderPipeline>
  createCommandEncoder(descriptor?: GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor): GPUCommandEncoder
  createRenderBundleEncoder(descriptor: GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor): GPURenderBundleEncoder
  createQuerySet(descriptor: GPUQuerySetDescriptor): GPUQuerySet

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3968:0 

class GPUMapMode

  static READ: 1
  static WRITE: 2

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4851:0 

class GPUOutOfMemoryError


Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4208:0 

class GPUPipelineLayout implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4821:0 

class GPUQuerySet implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  destroy(): undefined

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4798:0 

class GPUQueue implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  submit(commandBuffers: GPUCommandBuffer[]): undefined
  onSubmittedWorkDone(): Promise<undefined>
  writeBuffer(buffer: GPUBuffer, bufferOffset: number, data: BufferSource, dataOffset?: number, size?: number): undefined
  writeTexture(destination: GPUImageCopyTexture, data: BufferSource, dataLayout: GPUImageDataLayout, size: GPUExtent3D): undefined

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4732:0 

class GPURenderBundle implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4738:0 

class GPURenderBundleEncoder implements GPUObjectBase, GPUProgrammablePassEncoder, GPURenderEncoderBase

  label: string | null
  draw(vertexCount: number, instanceCount?: number, firstVertex?: number, firstInstance?: number): undefined
  drawIndexed(indexCount: number, instanceCount?: number, firstIndex?: number, baseVertex?: number, firstInstance?: number): undefined
  drawIndexedIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined
  drawIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined
  insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined
  popDebugGroup(): undefined
  pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined
  setBindGroup(index: number, bindGroup: GPUBindGroup, dynamicOffsets?: number[]): undefined
  setBindGroup(index: number, bindGroup: GPUBindGroup, dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array, dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number, dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number): undefined
  setIndexBuffer(buffer: GPUBuffer, indexFormat: GPUIndexFormat, offset?: number, size?: number): undefined
  setPipeline(pipeline: GPURenderPipeline): undefined
  setVertexBuffer(slot: number, buffer: GPUBuffer, offset?: number, size?: number): undefined
  finish(descriptor?: GPURenderBundleDescriptor): GPURenderBundle

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4618:0 

class GPURenderPassEncoder implements GPUObjectBase, GPUProgrammablePassEncoder, GPURenderEncoderBase

  label: string | null
  setBindGroup(index: number, bindGroup: GPUBindGroup, dynamicOffsets?: number[]): undefined
  setBindGroup(index: number, bindGroup: GPUBindGroup, dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array, dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number, dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number): undefined
  pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined
  popDebugGroup(): undefined
  insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined
  setPipeline(pipeline: GPURenderPipeline): undefined
  setIndexBuffer(buffer: GPUBuffer, indexFormat: GPUIndexFormat, offset?: number, size?: number): undefined
  setVertexBuffer(slot: number, buffer: GPUBuffer, offset?: number, size?: number): undefined
  draw(vertexCount: number, instanceCount?: number, firstVertex?: number, firstInstance?: number): undefined
  drawIndexed(indexCount: number, instanceCount?: number, firstIndex?: number, baseVertex?: number, firstInstance?: number): undefined
  drawIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined
  drawIndexedIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined
  setViewport(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, minDepth: number, maxDepth: number): undefined
  setScissorRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): undefined
  setBlendConstant(color: GPUColor): undefined
  setStencilReference(reference: number): undefined
  beginOcclusionQuery(queryIndex: number): undefined
  endOcclusionQuery(): undefined
  beginPipelineStatisticsQuery(querySet: GPUQuerySet, queryIndex: number): undefined
  endPipelineStatisticsQuery(): undefined
  writeTimestamp(querySet: GPUQuerySet, queryIndex: number): undefined
  executeBundles(bundles: GPURenderBundle[]): undefined
  endPass(): undefined

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4264:0 

class GPURenderPipeline implements GPUObjectBase, GPUPipelineBase

  label: string | null
  getBindGroupLayout(index: number): GPUBindGroupLayout

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4083:0 

class GPUSampler implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4229:0 

class GPUShaderModule implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  compilationInfo(): Promise<GPUCompilationInfo>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4133:0 

class GPUShaderStage

  static VERTEX: 1
  static FRAGMENT: 2
  static COMPUTE: 4

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3810:0 

class GPUSupportedFeatures

  size: number
  forEach(callbackfn: (value: GPUFeatureName, value2: GPUFeatureName, set: Set<GPUFeatureName>) => void, thisArg?: any): void
  has(value: GPUFeatureName): boolean
  ](): IterableIterator<GPUFeatureName>
  entries(): IterableIterator<[GPUFeatureName, GPUFeatureName]>
  keys(): IterableIterator<GPUFeatureName>
  values(): IterableIterator<GPUFeatureName>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3784:0 

class GPUSupportedLimits

  maxTextureDimension1D?: number
  maxTextureDimension2D?: number
  maxTextureDimension3D?: number
  maxTextureArrayLayers?: number
  maxBindGroups?: number
  maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout?: number
  maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout?: number
  maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage?: number
  maxSamplersPerShaderStage?: number
  maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage?: number
  maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage?: number
  maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage?: number
  maxUniformBufferBindingSize?: number
  maxStorageBufferBindingSize?: number
  minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment?: number
  minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment?: number
  maxVertexBuffers?: number
  maxVertexAttributes?: number
  maxVertexBufferArrayStride?: number
  maxInterStageShaderComponents?: number
  maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize?: number
  maxComputeWorkgroupInvocations?: number
  maxComputePerDimensionDispatchSize?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3973:0 

class GPUTexture implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null
  createView(descriptor?: GPUTextureViewDescriptor): GPUTextureView
  destroy(): undefined

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3992:0 

class GPUTextureUsage

  static COPY_SRC: 1
  static COPY_DST: 2
  static SAMPLED: 4
  static STORAGE: 8

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4000:0 

class GPUTextureView implements GPUObjectBase

  label: string | null

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4862:0 

class GPUUncapturedErrorEvent extends Event

  constructor(type: string, gpuUncapturedErrorEventInitDict: GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit)
  readonly error: GPUError

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4855:0 

class GPUValidationError

  constructor(message: string)
  readonly message: string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3424:0 

class Headers implements DomIterable<string, string>

  constructor(init?: HeadersInit)
  append(name: string, value: string): void
    Appends a new value onto an existing header inside a `Headers` object, or
    adds the header if it does not already exist.
  delete(name: string): void
    Deletes a header from a `Headers` object.
  entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>
    Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs
    contained in this Headers object. The both the key and value of each pairs
    are ByteString objects.
  get(name: string): string | null
    Returns a `ByteString` sequence of all the values of a header within a
    `Headers` object with a given name.
  has(name: string): boolean
    Returns a boolean stating whether a `Headers` object contains a certain
  keys(): IterableIterator<string>
    Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys contained in
    this Headers object. The keys are ByteString objects.
  set(name: string, value: string): void
    Sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds
    the header if it does not already exist.
  values(): IterableIterator<string>
    Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values contained in
    this Headers object. The values are ByteString objects.
  forEach(callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void, thisArg?: any): void
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>
    The Symbol.iterator well-known symbol specifies the default
    iterator for this Headers object

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:6059:0 

class Location
  The location (URL) of the object it is linked to. Changes done on it are
  reflected on the object it relates to. Accessible via

  readonly ancestorOrigins: DOMStringList
    Returns a DOMStringList object listing the origins of the ancestor
    browsing contexts, from the parent browsing context to the top-level
    browsing context.
    Always empty in Deno.
  hash: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's fragment (includes leading "#" if
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  host: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's host and port (if different from the
    default port for the scheme).
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  hostname: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's host.
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  href: string
    Returns the Location object's URL.
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  readonly origin: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's origin.
  pathname: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's path.
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  port: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's port.
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  protocol: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's scheme.
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  search: string
    Returns the Location object's URL's query (includes leading "?" if
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  toString(): string
  assign(url: string): void
    Navigates to the given URL.
    Cannot be set in Deno.
  reload(): void
    Reloads the current page.
    Disabled in Deno.
  reload(forcedReload: boolean): void
  replace(url: string): void
    Removes the current page from the session history and navigates to the
    given URL.
    Disabled in Deno.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3271:0 

class MessageChannel
  The MessageChannel interface of the Channel Messaging API allows us to
  create a new message channel and send data through it via its two MessagePort

  readonly port1: MessagePort
  readonly port2: MessagePort

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3246:0 

class MessageEvent<T = any> extends Event

  constructor(type: string, eventInitDict?: MessageEventInit)
  readonly data: T
    Returns the data of the message.
  readonly lastEventId: string
    Returns the last event ID string, for server-sent events.
  readonly ports: ReadonlyArray<MessagePort>
    Returns transfered ports.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3285:0 

class MessagePort extends EventTarget
  The MessagePort interface of the Channel Messaging API represents one of the
  two ports of a MessageChannel, allowing messages to be sent from one port and
  listening out for them arriving at the other.

  onmessage: ((this: MessagePort, ev: MessageEvent) => any) | null
  onmessageerror: ((this: MessagePort, ev: MessageEvent) => any) | null
  close(): void
    Disconnects the port, so that it is no longer active.
  postMessage(message: any, transfer: Transferable[]): void
    Posts a message through the channel. Objects listed in transfer are
    transferred, not just cloned, meaning that they are no longer usable on the
    sending side.
    Throws a "DataCloneError" DOMException if transfer contains duplicate
    objects or port, or if message could not be cloned.
  postMessage(message: any, options?: PostMessageOptions): void
  start(): void
    Begins dispatching messages received on the port. This is implictly called
    when assiging a value to `this.onmessage`.
  addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: MessagePort, ev: MessagePortEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void
  addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void
  removeEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: MessagePort, ev: MessagePortEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void
  removeEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5996:0 

class Navigator

  readonly gpu: GPU

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5844:0 

class Performance

  clearMarks(markName?: string): void
    Removes the stored timestamp with the associated name.
  clearMeasures(measureName?: string): void
    Removes stored timestamp with the associated name.
  getEntries(): PerformanceEntryList
  getEntriesByName(name: string, type?: string): PerformanceEntryList
  getEntriesByType(type: string): PerformanceEntryList
  mark(markName: string, options?: PerformanceMarkOptions): PerformanceMark
    Stores a timestamp with the associated name (a "mark").
  measure(measureName: string, options?: PerformanceMeasureOptions): PerformanceMeasure
    Stores the `DOMHighResTimeStamp` duration between two marks along with the
    associated name (a "measure").
  measure(measureName: string, startMark?: string, endMark?: string): PerformanceMeasure
    Stores the `DOMHighResTimeStamp` duration between two marks along with the
    associated name (a "measure").
  now(): number
    Returns a current time from Deno's start in milliseconds.
    Use the permission flag `--allow-hrtime` return a precise value.
    const t = performance.now();
    console.log(`${t} ms since start!`);

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5915:0 

class PerformanceEntry
  Encapsulates a single performance metric that is part of the performance
  timeline. A performance entry can be directly created by making a performance
  mark or measure (for example by calling the `.mark()` method) at an explicit
  point in an application.

  readonly duration: number
  readonly entryType: string
  readonly name: string
  readonly startTime: number
  toJSON(): any

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5927:0 

class PerformanceMark extends PerformanceEntry
  `PerformanceMark` is an abstract interface for `PerformanceEntry` objects
  with an entryType of `"mark"`. Entries of this type are created by calling
  `performance.mark()` to add a named `DOMHighResTimeStamp` (the mark) to the
  performance timeline.

  constructor(name: string, options?: PerformanceMarkOptions)
  readonly detail: any
  readonly entryType: "mark"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5937:0 

class PerformanceMeasure extends PerformanceEntry
  `PerformanceMeasure` is an abstract interface for `PerformanceEntry` objects
  with an entryType of `"measure"`. Entries of this type are created by calling
  `performance.measure()` to add a named `DOMHighResTimeStamp` (the measure)
  between two marks to the performance timeline.

  readonly detail: any
  readonly entryType: "measure"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2748:0 

class ProgressEvent<T extends EventTarget = EventTarget> extends Event
  Events measuring progress of an underlying process, like an HTTP request
  (for an XMLHttpRequest, or the loading of the underlying resource of an
  <img>, <audio>, <video>, <style> or <link>).

  constructor(type: string, eventInitDict?: ProgressEventInit)
  readonly lengthComputable: boolean
  readonly loaded: number
  readonly target: T | null
  readonly total: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3581:0 

class Request implements Body
  This Fetch API interface represents a resource request.

  constructor(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit)
  readonly cache: RequestCache
    Returns the cache mode associated with request, which is a string
    indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when
  readonly credentials: RequestCredentials
    Returns the credentials mode associated with request, which is a string
    indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never,
    or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
  readonly destination: RequestDestination
    Returns the kind of resource requested by request, e.g., "document" or "script".
  readonly headers: Headers
    Returns a Headers object consisting of the headers associated with request.
    Note that headers added in the network layer by the user agent will not be
    accounted for in this object, e.g., the "Host" header.
  readonly integrity: string
    Returns request's subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic
    hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes
    separated by whitespace. [SRI]
  readonly isHistoryNavigation: boolean
    Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a history
    navigation (a.k.a. back-forward navigation).
  readonly isReloadNavigation: boolean
    Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a reload
  readonly keepalive: boolean
    Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request can outlive the global
    in which it was created.
  readonly method: string
    Returns request's HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
  readonly mode: RequestMode
    Returns the mode associated with request, which is a string indicating
    whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin
  readonly redirect: RequestRedirect
    Returns the redirect mode associated with request, which is a string
    indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A
    request will follow redirects by default.
  readonly referrer: string
    Returns the referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if
    explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and
    "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during
    fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request
    being made.
  readonly referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy
    Returns the referrer policy associated with request. This is used during
    fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
  readonly signal: AbortSignal
    Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object
    indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event
  readonly url: string
    Returns the URL of request as a string.
  readonly body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null
    A simple getter used to expose a `ReadableStream` of the body contents.
  readonly bodyUsed: boolean
    Stores a `Boolean` that declares whether the body has been used in a
    response yet.
  clone(): Request
  arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with an `ArrayBuffer`.
  blob(): Promise<Blob>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with a `Blob`.
  formData(): Promise<FormData>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with a `FormData` object.
  json(): Promise<any>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON.
  text(): Promise<string>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with a `USVString` (text).

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3711:0 

class Response implements Body
  This Fetch API interface represents the response to a request.

  constructor(body?: BodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit)
  readonly headers: Headers
  readonly ok: boolean
  readonly redirected: boolean
  readonly status: number
  readonly statusText: string
  readonly trailer: Promise<Headers>
  readonly type: ResponseType
  readonly url: string
  readonly body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null
    A simple getter used to expose a `ReadableStream` of the body contents.
  readonly bodyUsed: boolean
    Stores a `Boolean` that declares whether the body has been used in a
    response yet.
  static error(): Response
  static redirect(url: string, status?: number): Response
  clone(): Response
  arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with an `ArrayBuffer`.
  blob(): Promise<Blob>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with a `Blob`.
  formData(): Promise<FormData>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with a `FormData` object.
  json(): Promise<any>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON.
  text(): Promise<string>
    Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
    that resolves with a `USVString` (text).

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2777:0 

class TextDecoder

  constructor(label?: string, options?: TextDecoderOptions)
  readonly encoding: string
    Returns encoding's name, lowercased.
  readonly fatal: boolean
    Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise.
  readonly ignoreBOM
    Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise.
  decode(input?: BufferSource, options?: TextDecodeOptions): string
    Returns the result of running encoding's decoder.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2804:0 

class TextDecoderStream

  constructor(label?: string, options?: TextDecoderOptions)
  readonly encoding: string
    Returns encoding's name, lowercased.
  readonly fatal: boolean
    Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise.
  readonly ignoreBOM
    Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise.
  readonly readable: ReadableStream<string>
  readonly writable: WritableStream<BufferSource>
  readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2796:0 

class TextEncoder

  readonly encoding: "utf-8"
    Returns "utf-8".
  encode(input?: string): Uint8Array
    Returns the result of running UTF-8's encoder.
  encodeInto(input: string, dest: Uint8Array): TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2817:0 

class TextEncoderStream

  readonly encoding: "utf-8"
    Returns "utf-8".
  readonly readable: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>
  readonly writable: WritableStream<string>
  readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2568:0 

class URL
  The URL interface represents an object providing static methods used for creating object URLs.

  constructor(url: string, base?: string | URL)
  hash: string
  host: string
  hostname: string
  href: string
  readonly origin: string
  password: string
  pathname: string
  port: string
  protocol: string
  search: string
  readonly searchParams: URLSearchParams
  username: string
  static createObjectURL(blob: Blob): string
  static revokeObjectURL(url: string): void
  toString(): string
  toJSON(): string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2420:0 

class URLSearchParams

  constructor(init?: string[][] | Record<string, string> | string | URLSearchParams)
  static toString(): string
  append(name: string, value: string): void
    Appends a specified key/value pair as a new search parameter.
    let searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
    searchParams.append('name', 'first');
    searchParams.append('name', 'second');
  delete(name: string): void
    Deletes the given search parameter and its associated value,
    from the list of all search parameters.
    let searchParams = new URLSearchParams([['name', 'value']]);
  getAll(name: string): string[]
    Returns all the values associated with a given search parameter
    as an array.
  get(name: string): string | null
    Returns the first value associated to the given search parameter.
  has(name: string): boolean
    Returns a Boolean that indicates whether a parameter with the
    specified name exists.
  set(name: string, value: string): void
    Sets the value associated with a given search parameter to the
    given value. If there were several matching values, this method
    deletes the others. If the search parameter doesn't exist, this
    method creates it.
    searchParams.set('name', 'value');
  sort(): void
    Sort all key/value pairs contained in this object in place and
    return undefined. The sort order is according to Unicode code
    points of the keys.
  forEach(callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void, thisArg?: any): void
    Calls a function for each element contained in this object in
    place and return undefined. Optionally accepts an object to use
    as this when executing callback as second argument.
    const params = new URLSearchParams([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]);
    params.forEach((value, key, parent) => {
      console.log(value, key, parent);
  keys(): IterableIterator<string>
    Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys contained
    in this object.
    const params = new URLSearchParams([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]);
    for (const key of params.keys()) {
  values(): IterableIterator<string>
    Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values contained
    in this object.
    const params = new URLSearchParams([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]);
    for (const value of params.values()) {
  entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>
    Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value
    pairs contained in this object.
    const params = new URLSearchParams([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]);
    for (const [key, value] of params.entries()) {
      console.log(key, value);
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>
    Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value
    pairs contained in this object.
    const params = new URLSearchParams([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]);
    for (const [key, value] of params) {
      console.log(key, value);
  toString(): string
    Returns a query string suitable for use in a URL.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4936:0 

class WebSocket extends EventTarget
  Provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection.

  constructor(url: string, protocols?: string | string[])
  static readonly CLOSED: number
  static readonly CLOSING: number
  static readonly CONNECTING: number
  static readonly OPEN: number
  binaryType: BinaryType
    Returns a string that indicates how binary data from the WebSocket object is exposed to scripts:
    Can be set, to change how binary data is returned. The default is "blob".
  readonly bufferedAmount: number
    Returns the number of bytes of application data (UTF-8 text and binary data) that have been queued using send() but not yet been transmitted to the network.
    If the WebSocket connection is closed, this attribute's value will only increase with each call to the send() method. (The number does not reset to zero once the connection closes.)
  readonly extensions: string
    Returns the extensions selected by the server, if any.
  onclose: ((this: WebSocket, ev: CloseEvent) => any) | null
  onerror: ((this: WebSocket, ev: Event | ErrorEvent) => any) | null
  onmessage: ((this: WebSocket, ev: MessageEvent) => any) | null
  onopen: ((this: WebSocket, ev: Event) => any) | null
  readonly protocol: string
    Returns the subprotocol selected by the server, if any. It can be used in conjunction with the array form of the constructor's second argument to perform subprotocol negotiation.
  readonly readyState: number
    Returns the state of the WebSocket object's connection. It can have the values described below.
  readonly url: string
    Returns the URL that was used to establish the WebSocket connection.
  readonly CLOSED: number
  readonly CLOSING: number
  readonly CONNECTING: number
  readonly OPEN: number
  close(code?: number, reason?: string): void
    Closes the WebSocket connection, optionally using code as the the WebSocket connection close code and reason as the the WebSocket connection close reason.
  send(data: string | ArrayBufferLike | Blob | ArrayBufferView): void
    Transmits data using the WebSocket connection. data can be a string, a Blob, an ArrayBuffer, or an ArrayBufferView.
  addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: WebSocket, ev: WebSocketEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void
  addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void
  removeEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: WebSocket, ev: WebSocketEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void
  removeEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5969:0 

class Window extends EventTarget

  readonly window: Window & typeof globalThis
  readonly self: Window & typeof globalThis
  onload: ((this: Window, ev: Event) => any) | null
  onunload: ((this: Window, ev: Event) => any) | null
  close: () => void
  readonly closed: boolean
  alert: (message?: string) => void
  confirm: (message?: string) => boolean
  prompt: (message?: string, defaultValue?: string) => string | null
  Deno: typeof Deno
  Navigator: typeof Navigator
  navigator: Navigator
  Location: typeof Location
  location: Location
  localStorage: Storage
  sessionStorage: Storage
  new(): Window

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5809:0 

class Worker extends EventTarget

  constructor(specifier: string | URL, options?: WorkerOptions)
  onerror?: (e: ErrorEvent) => void
  onmessage?: (e: MessageEvent) => void
  onmessageerror?: (e: MessageEvent) => void
  postMessage(message: any, transfer: Transferable[]): void
  postMessage(message: any, options?: PostMessageOptions): void
  addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: Worker, ev: WorkerEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void
  addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void
  removeEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: Worker, ev: WorkerEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void
  removeEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void
  terminate(): void

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2391:0 

interface Console

  assert(condition?: boolean, ...data: any[]): void
  clear(): void
  count(label?: string): void
  countReset(label?: string): void
  debug(...data: any[]): void
  dir(item?: any, options?: any): void
  dirxml(...data: any[]): void
  error(...data: any[]): void
  group(...data: any[]): void
  groupCollapsed(...data: any[]): void
  groupEnd(): void
  info(...data: any[]): void
  log(...data: any[]): void
  table(tabularData?: any, properties?: string[]): void
  time(label?: string): void
  timeEnd(label?: string): void
  timeLog(label?: string, ...data: any[]): void
  trace(...data: any[]): void
  warn(...data: any[]): void

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5169:0 

interface Crypto

  subtle: SubtleCrypto
  getRandomValues(array: T): T
  randomUUID(): string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5942:0 

interface CustomEventInit<T = any> extends EventInit

  detail?: T

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4187:0 

interface GPUBindGroupDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  layout: GPUBindGroupLayout
  entries: GPUBindGroupEntry[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4197:0 

interface GPUBindGroupEntry

  binding: number
  resource: GPUBindingResource

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4118:0 

interface GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  entries: GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4122:0 

interface GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry

  binding: number
  visibility: GPUShaderStageFlags
  buffer?: GPUBufferBindingLayout
  sampler?: GPUSamplerBindingLayout
  texture?: GPUTextureBindingLayout
  storageTexture?: GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4329:0 

interface GPUBlendComponent

  srcFactor: GPUBlendFactor
  dstFactor: GPUBlendFactor
  operation: GPUBlendOperation

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4315:0 

interface GPUBlendState

  color: GPUBlendComponent
  alpha: GPUBlendComponent

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4202:0 

interface GPUBufferBinding

  buffer: GPUBuffer
  offset?: number
  size?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4139:0 

interface GPUBufferBindingLayout

  type?: GPUBufferBindingType
  hasDynamicOffset?: boolean
  minBindingSize?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3947:0 

interface GPUBufferDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  size: number
  usage: GPUBufferUsageFlags
  mappedAtCreation?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4874:0 

interface GPUColorDict

  r: number
  g: number
  b: number
  a: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4308:0 

interface GPUColorTargetState

  format: GPUTextureFormat
  blend?: GPUBlendState
  writeMask?: GPUColorWriteFlags

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4449:0 

interface GPUCommandBufferDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4502:0 

interface GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  measureExecutionTime?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4225:0 

interface GPUCompilationInfo

  messages: ReadonlyArray<GPUCompilationMessage>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4218:0 

interface GPUCompilationMessage

  message: string
  type: GPUCompilationMessageType
  lineNum: number
  linePos: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4579:0 

interface GPUComputePassDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4259:0 

interface GPUComputePipelineDescriptor extends GPUPipelineDescriptorBase

  compute: GPUProgrammableStage

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4357:0 

interface GPUDepthStencilState

  format: GPUTextureFormat
  depthWriteEnabled?: boolean
  depthCompare?: GPUCompareFunction
  stencilFront?: GPUStencilFaceState
  stencilBack?: GPUStencilFaceState
  stencilReadMask?: number
  stencilWriteMask?: number
  depthBias?: number
  depthBiasSlopeScale?: number
  depthBiasClamp?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3852:0 

interface GPUDeviceDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  requiredFeatures?: GPUFeatureName[]
  requiredLimits?: Record<string, number>

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4844:0 

interface GPUDeviceLostInfo

  reason: GPUDeviceLostReason | undefined
  message: string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4891:0 

interface GPUExtent3DDict

  width: number
  height?: number
  depthOrArrayLayers?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4304:0 

interface GPUFragmentState extends GPUProgrammableStage

  targets: GPUColorTargetState[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4512:0 

interface GPUImageCopyBuffer extends GPUImageDataLayout

  buffer: GPUBuffer

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4516:0 

interface GPUImageCopyTexture

  texture: GPUTexture
  mipLevel?: number
  origin?: GPUOrigin3D
  aspect?: GPUTextureAspect

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4506:0 

interface GPUImageDataLayout

  offset?: number
  bytesPerRow?: number
  rowsPerImage?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4298:0 

interface GPUMultisampleState

  count?: number
  mask?: number
  alphaToCoverageEnabled?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3780:0 

interface GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  label?: string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4883:0 

interface GPUOrigin3DDict

  x?: number
  y?: number
  z?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4244:0 

interface GPUPipelineBase

  getBindGroupLayout(index: number): GPUBindGroupLayout

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4240:0 

interface GPUPipelineDescriptorBase extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  layout?: GPUPipelineLayout

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4212:0 

interface GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  bindGroupLayouts: GPUBindGroupLayout[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4286:0 

interface GPUPrimitiveState

  topology?: GPUPrimitiveTopology
  stripIndexFormat?: GPUIndexFormat
  frontFace?: GPUFrontFace
  cullMode?: GPUCullMode
  clampDepth?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4248:0 

interface GPUProgrammableStage

  module: GPUShaderModule
  entryPoint: string

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4827:0 

interface GPUQuerySetDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  type: GPUQueryType
  count: number
  pipelineStatistics?: GPUPipelineStatisticName[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4736:0 

interface GPURenderBundleDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4791:0 

interface GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  colorFormats: GPUTextureFormat[]
  depthStencilFormat?: GPUTextureFormat
  sampleCount?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4708:0 

interface GPURenderPassColorAttachment

  view: GPUTextureView
  resolveTarget?: GPUTextureView
  loadValue: GPULoadOp | GPUColor
  storeOp?: GPUStoreOp

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4716:0 

interface GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment

  view: GPUTextureView
  depthLoadValue: GPULoadOp | number
  depthStoreOp: GPUStoreOp
  depthReadOnly?: boolean
  stencilLoadValue: GPULoadOp | number
  stencilStoreOp: GPUStoreOp
  stencilReadOnly?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4702:0 

interface GPURenderPassDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  colorAttachments: GPURenderPassColorAttachment[]
  depthStencilAttachment?: GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment
  occlusionQuerySet?: GPUQuerySet

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4270:0 

interface GPURenderPipelineDescriptor extends GPUPipelineDescriptorBase

  vertex: GPUVertexState
  primitive?: GPUPrimitiveState
  depthStencil?: GPUDepthStencilState
  multisample?: GPUMultisampleState
  fragment?: GPUFragmentState

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3836:0 

interface GPURequestAdapterOptions

  powerPreference?: GPUPowerPreference
  forceSoftware?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4147:0 

interface GPUSamplerBindingLayout

  type?: GPUSamplerBindingType

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4087:0 

interface GPUSamplerDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  addressModeU?: GPUAddressMode
  addressModeV?: GPUAddressMode
  addressModeW?: GPUAddressMode
  magFilter?: GPUFilterMode
  minFilter?: GPUFilterMode
  mipmapFilter?: GPUFilterMode
  lodMinClamp?: number
  lodMaxClamp?: number
  compare?: GPUCompareFunction
  maxAnisotropy?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4235:0 

interface GPUShaderModuleDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  code: string | Uint32Array
  sourceMap?: any

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4374:0 

interface GPUStencilFaceState

  compare?: GPUCompareFunction
  failOp?: GPUStencilOperation
  depthFailOp?: GPUStencilOperation
  passOp?: GPUStencilOperation

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4177:0 

interface GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout

  access: GPUStorageTextureAccess
  format: GPUTextureFormat
  viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4156:0 

interface GPUTextureBindingLayout

  sampleType?: GPUTextureSampleType
  viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension
  multisampled?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4169:0 

interface GPUTextureBindingLayout

  sampleType?: GPUTextureSampleType
  viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension
  multisampled?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3980:0 

interface GPUTextureDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  size: GPUExtent3D
  mipLevelCount?: number
  sampleCount?: number
  dimension?: GPUTextureDimension
  format: GPUTextureFormat
  usage: GPUTextureUsageFlags

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4004:0 

interface GPUTextureViewDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase

  format?: GPUTextureFormat
  dimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension
  aspect?: GPUTextureAspect
  baseMipLevel?: number
  mipLevelCount?: number
  baseArrayLayer?: number
  arrayLayerCount?: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4870:0 

interface GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit extends EventInit

  error?: GPUError

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4436:0 

interface GPUVertexAttribute

  format: GPUVertexFormat
  offset: number
  shaderLocation: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4430:0 

interface GPUVertexBufferLayout

  arrayStride: number
  stepMode?: GPUInputStepMode
  attributes: GPUVertexAttribute[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4426:0 

interface GPUVertexState extends GPUProgrammableStage

  buffers?: (GPUVertexBufferLayout | null)[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:10:0 

interface ImportMeta
  Deno provides extra properties on `import.meta`.  These are included here
  to ensure that these are still available when using the Deno namespace in
  conjunction with other type libs, like `dom`.

  url: string
    A string representation of the fully qualified module URL.
  main: boolean
    A flag that indicates if the current module is the main module that was
    called when starting the program under Deno.
    if (import.meta.main) {
      // this was loaded as the main module, maybe do some bootstrapping

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:30:0 

interface Performance
  Deno supports user timing Level 3 (see: https://w3c.github.io/user-timing)
  which is not widely supported yet in other runtimes.  These types are here
  so that these features are still available when using the Deno namespace
  in conjunction with other type libs, like `dom`.

  mark(markName: string, options?: PerformanceMarkOptions): PerformanceMark
    Stores a timestamp with the associated name (a "mark").
  measure(measureName: string, options?: PerformanceMeasureOptions): PerformanceMeasure
    Stores the `DOMHighResTimeStamp` duration between two marks along with the
    associated name (a "measure").

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5888:0 

interface PerformanceMarkOptions

  detail?: any
    Metadata to be included in the mark.
  startTime?: number
    Timestamp to be used as the mark time.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:42:0 

interface PerformanceMarkOptions

  detail?: any
    Metadata to be included in the mark.
  startTime?: number
    Timestamp to be used as the mark time.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5896:0 

interface PerformanceMeasureOptions

  detail?: any
    Metadata to be included in the measure.
  start?: string | number
    Timestamp to be used as the start time or string to be used as start
  duration?: number
    Duration between the start and end times.
  end?: string | number
    Timestamp to be used as the end time or string to be used as end mark.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:51:0 

interface PerformanceMeasureOptions

  detail?: any
    Metadata to be included in the measure.
  start?: string | number
    Timestamp to be used as the start time or string to be used as start
  duration?: number
    Duration between the start and end times.
  end?: string | number
    Timestamp to be used as the end time or string to be used as end mark.

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2773:0 

interface TextDecodeOptions

  stream?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2768:0 

interface TextDecoderOptions

  fatal?: boolean
  ignoreBOM?: boolean

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2791:0 

interface TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult

  read: number
  written: number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2726:0 

type EventListenerOrEventListenerObject = EventListener | EventListenerObject

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4100:0 

type GPUAddressMode = "clamp-to-edge" | "repeat" | "mirror-repeat"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4192:0 

type GPUBindingResource = GPUSampler | GPUTextureView | GPUBufferBinding

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4335:0 

type GPUBlendFactor = "zero" | "one" | "src" | "one-minus-src" | "src-alpha" | "one-minus-src-alpha" | "dst" | "one-minus-dst" | "dst-alpha" | "one-minus-dst-alpha" | "src-alpha-saturated" | "constant" | "one-minus-constant"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4350:0 

type GPUBlendOperation = "add" | "subtract" | "reverse-subtract" | "min" | "max"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4145:0 

type GPUBufferBindingType = "uniform" | "storage" | "read-only-storage"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3953:0 

type GPUBufferUsageFlags = number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4881:0 

type GPUColor = number[] | GPUColorDict

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4320:0 

type GPUColorWriteFlags = number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4104:0 

type GPUCompareFunction = "never" | "less" | "equal" | "less-equal" | "greater" | "not-equal" | "greater-equal" | "always"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4216:0 

type GPUCompilationMessageType = "error" | "warning" | "info"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4296:0 

type GPUCullMode = "none" | "front" | "back"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4842:0 

type GPUDeviceLostReason = "destroyed"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4860:0 

type GPUError = GPUOutOfMemoryError | GPUValidationError

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4849:0 

type GPUErrorFilter = "out-of-memory" | "validation"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4897:0 

type GPUExtent3D = number[] | GPUExtent3DDict

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3857:0 

type GPUFeatureName = "depth-clamping" | "depth24unorm-stencil8" | "depth32float-stencil8" | "pipeline-statistics-query" | "texture-compression-bc" | "timestamp-query" | "mappable-primary-buffers" | "sampled-texture-binding-array" | "sampled-texture-array-dynamic-indexing" | "sampled-texture-array-non-uniform-indexing" | "unsized-binding-array" | "multi-draw-indirect" | "multi-draw-indirect-count" | "push-constants" | "address-mode-clamp-to-border" | "non-fill-polygon-mode" | "texture-compression-etc2" | "texture-compression-astc-ldr" | "texture-adapter-specific-format-features" | "shader-float64" | "vertex-attribute-64bit"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4102:0 

type GPUFilterMode = "nearest" | "linear"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4294:0 

type GPUFrontFace = "ccw" | "cw"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4391:0 

type GPUIndexFormat = "uint16" | "uint32"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4424:0 

type GPUInputStepMode = "vertex" | "instance"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4728:0 

type GPULoadOp = "load"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3967:0 

type GPUMapModeFlags = number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4889:0 

type GPUOrigin3D = number[] | GPUOrigin3DDict

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4835:0 

type GPUPipelineStatisticName = "vertex-shader-invocations" | "clipper-invocations" | "clipper-primitives-out" | "fragment-shader-invocations" | "compute-shader-invocations"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3841:0 

type GPUPowerPreference = "low-power" | "high-performance"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4279:0 

type GPUPrimitiveTopology = "point-list" | "line-list" | "line-strip" | "triangle-list" | "triangle-strip"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4833:0 

type GPUQueryType = "occlusion" | "pipeline-statistics" | "timestamp"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4151:0 

type GPUSamplerBindingType = "filtering" | "non-filtering" | "comparison"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4132:0 

type GPUShaderStageFlags = number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4381:0 

type GPUStencilOperation = "keep" | "zero" | "replace" | "invert" | "increment-clamp" | "decrement-clamp" | "increment-wrap" | "decrement-wrap"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4175:0 

type GPUStorageTextureAccess = "read-only" | "write-only"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4730:0 

type GPUStoreOp = "store" | "discard"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4022:0 

type GPUTextureAspect = "all" | "stencil-only" | "depth-only"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3989:0 

type GPUTextureDimension = "1d" | "2d" | "3d"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4024:0 

type GPUTextureFormat = "r8unorm" | "r8snorm" | "r8uint" | "r8sint" | "r16uint" | "r16sint" | "r16float" | "rg8unorm" | "rg8snorm" | "rg8uint" | "rg8sint" | "r32uint" | "r32sint" | "r32float" | "rg16uint" | "rg16sint" | "rg16float" | "rgba8unorm" | "rgba8unorm-srgb" | "rgba8snorm" | "rgba8uint" | "rgba8sint" | "bgra8unorm" | "bgra8unorm-srgb" | "rgb9e5ufloat" | "rgb10a2unorm" | "rg11b10ufloat" | "rg32uint" | "rg32sint" | "rg32float" | "rgba16uint" | "rgba16sint" | "rgba16float" | "rgba32uint" | "rgba32sint" | "rgba32float" | "stencil8" | "depth16unorm" | "depth24plus" | "depth24plus-stencil8" | "depth32float" | "bc1-rgba-unorm" | "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "bc2-rgba-unorm" | "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "bc3-rgba-unorm" | "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "bc4-r-unorm" | "bc4-r-snorm" | "bc5-rg-unorm" | "bc5-rg-snorm" | "bc6h-rgb-ufloat" | "bc6h-rgb-float" | "bc7-rgba-unorm" | "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "depth24unorm-stencil8" | "depth32float-stencil8"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4162:0 

type GPUTextureSampleType = "float" | "unfilterable-float" | "depth" | "sint" | "uint"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3991:0 

type GPUTextureUsageFlags = number

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4014:0 

type GPUTextureViewDimension = "1d" | "2d" | "2d-array" | "cube" | "cube-array" | "3d"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:4393:0 

type GPUVertexFormat = "uint8x2" | "uint8x4" | "sint8x2" | "sint8x4" | "unorm8x2" | "unorm8x4" | "snorm8x2" | "snorm8x4" | "uint16x2" | "uint16x4" | "sint16x2" | "sint16x4" | "unorm16x2" | "unorm16x4" | "snorm16x2" | "snorm16x4" | "float16x2" | "float16x4" | "float32" | "float32x2" | "float32x3" | "float32x4" | "uint32" | "uint32x2" | "uint32x3" | "uint32x4" | "sint32" | "sint32x2" | "sint32x3" | "sint32x4"

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5842:0 

type PerformanceEntryList = PerformanceEntry[]

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:67:0 

namespace Deno

  const errors: { NotFound: ErrorConstructor; PermissionDenied: ErrorConstructor; ConnectionRefused: ErrorConstructor; ConnectionReset: ErrorConstructor; ConnectionAborted: ErrorConstructor; NotConnected: ErrorConstructor; AddrInUse: ErrorConstructor; AddrNotAvailable: ErrorConstructor; BrokenPipe: ErrorConstructor; AlreadyExists: ErrorConstructor; InvalidData: ErrorConstructor; TimedOut: ErrorConstructor; Interrupted: ErrorConstructor; WriteZero: ErrorConstructor; UnexpectedEof: ErrorConstructor; BadResource: ErrorConstructor; Http: ErrorConstructor; Busy: ErrorConstructor; NotSupported: ErrorConstructor; }
    A set of error constructors that are raised by Deno APIs.
  const pid: number
    The current process id of the runtime.
  const ppid: number
    The pid of the current process's parent.
  interface MemoryUsage
  function memoryUsage(): MemoryUsage
    Returns an object describing the memory usage of the Deno process measured
    in bytes.
  const noColor: boolean
    Reflects the `NO_COLOR` environment variable at program start.
    See: https://no-color.org/
  interface TestDefinition
  function test(t: TestDefinition): void
    Register a test which will be run when `deno test` is used on the command
    line and the containing module looks like a test module.
    `fn` can be async if required.
    import {assert, fail, assertEquals} from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
      name: "example test",
      fn(): void {
        assertEquals("world", "world");
      name: "example ignored test",
      ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows",
      fn(): void {
        // This test is ignored only on Windows machines
      name: "example async test",
      async fn() {
        const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
        const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
        assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");
  function test(name: string, fn: () => void | Promise<void>): void
    Register a test which will be run when `deno test` is used on the command
    line and the containing module looks like a test module.
    `fn` can be async if required.
    import {assert, fail, assertEquals} from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
    Deno.test("My test description", ():void => {
      assertEquals("hello", "hello");
    Deno.test("My async test description", async ():Promise<void> => {
      const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
      const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
      assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");
  function exit(code?: number): never
    Exit the Deno process with optional exit code. If no exit code is supplied
    then Deno will exit with return code of 0.
  const env: { get(key: string): string | undefined; set(key: string, value: string): void; delete(key: string): void; toObject(): { [index: string]: string; }; }
  function execPath(): string
    Returns the path to the current deno executable.
    console.log(Deno.execPath());  // e.g. "/home/alice/.local/bin/deno"
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function chdir(directory: string | URL): void
    Change the current working directory to the specified path.
    Deno.chdir("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java");
    Throws `Deno.errors.NotFound` if directory not found.
    Throws `Deno.errors.PermissionDenied` if the user does not have access
    Requires --allow-read.
  function cwd(): string
    Return a string representing the current working directory.
    If the current directory can be reached via multiple paths (due to symbolic
    links), `cwd()` may return any one of them.
    const currentWorkingDirectory = Deno.cwd();
    Throws `Deno.errors.NotFound` if directory not available.
    Requires --allow-read
  function linkSync(oldpath: string, newpath: string): void
    Synchronously creates `newpath` as a hard link to `oldpath`.
    Deno.linkSync("old/name", "new/name");
    Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permissions.
  function link(oldpath: string, newpath: string): Promise<void>
    Creates `newpath` as a hard link to `oldpath`.
    await Deno.link("old/name", "new/name");
    Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permissions.
  enum SeekMode
  interface Reader
  interface ReaderSync
  interface Writer
  interface WriterSync
  interface Closer
  interface Seeker
  interface SeekerSync
  function copy(src: Reader, dst: Writer, options?: { bufSize: number; }): Promise<number>
    @deprecated Use `copy` from https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts instead.
    `Deno.copy` will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    Copies from `src` to `dst` until either EOF (`null`) is read from `src` or
    an error occurs. It resolves to the number of bytes copied or rejects with
    the first error encountered while copying.
    const source = await Deno.open("my_file.txt");
    const bytesCopied1 = await Deno.copy(source, Deno.stdout);
    const destination = await Deno.create("my_file_2.txt");
    const bytesCopied2 = await Deno.copy(source, destination);
    @param src The source to copy from
    @param dst The destination to copy to
    @param options Can be used to tune size of the buffer. Default size is 32kB
  function iter(r: Reader, options?: { bufSize: number; }): AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>
    @deprecated Use iter from https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts instead. Deno.iter will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    Turns a Reader, `r`, into an async iterator.
    let f = await Deno.open("/etc/passwd");
    for await (const chunk of Deno.iter(f)) {
    Second argument can be used to tune size of a buffer.
    Default size of the buffer is 32kB.
    let f = await Deno.open("/etc/passwd");
    const iter = Deno.iter(f, {
      bufSize: 1024 * 1024
    for await (const chunk of iter) {
    Iterator uses an internal buffer of fixed size for efficiency; it returns
    a view on that buffer on each iteration. It is therefore caller's
    responsibility to copy contents of the buffer if needed; otherwise the
    next iteration will overwrite contents of previously returned chunk.
  function iterSync(r: ReaderSync, options?: { bufSize: number; }): IterableIterator<Uint8Array>
    @deprecated Use iterSync from https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts instead. Deno.iterSync will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    Turns a ReaderSync, `r`, into an iterator.
    let f = Deno.openSync("/etc/passwd");
    for (const chunk of Deno.iterSync(f)) {
    Second argument can be used to tune size of a buffer.
    Default size of the buffer is 32kB.
    let f = await Deno.open("/etc/passwd");
    const iter = Deno.iterSync(f, {
      bufSize: 1024 * 1024
    for (const chunk of iter) {
    Iterator uses an internal buffer of fixed size for efficiency; it returns
    a view on that buffer on each iteration. It is therefore caller's
    responsibility to copy contents of the buffer if needed; otherwise the
    next iteration will overwrite contents of previously returned chunk.
  function openSync(path: string | URL, options?: OpenOptions): File
    Synchronously open a file and return an instance of `Deno.File`.  The
    file does not need to previously exist if using the `create` or `createNew`
    open options.  It is the callers responsibility to close the file when finished
    with it.
    const file = Deno.openSync("/foo/bar.txt", { read: true, write: true });
    // Do work with file
    Requires `allow-read` and/or `allow-write` permissions depending on options.
  function open(path: string | URL, options?: OpenOptions): Promise<File>
    Open a file and resolve to an instance of `Deno.File`.  The
    file does not need to previously exist if using the `create` or `createNew`
    open options.  It is the callers responsibility to close the file when finished
    with it.
    const file = await Deno.open("/foo/bar.txt", { read: true, write: true });
    // Do work with file
    Requires `allow-read` and/or `allow-write` permissions depending on options.
  function createSync(path: string | URL): File
    Creates a file if none exists or truncates an existing file and returns
     an instance of `Deno.File`.
    const file = Deno.createSync("/foo/bar.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permissions.
  function create(path: string | URL): Promise<File>
    Creates a file if none exists or truncates an existing file and resolves to
     an instance of `Deno.File`.
    const file = await Deno.create("/foo/bar.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permissions.
  function readSync(rid: number, buffer: Uint8Array): number | null
    Synchronously read from a resource ID (`rid`) into an array buffer (`buffer`).
    Returns either the number of bytes read during the operation or EOF
    (`null`) if there was nothing more to read.
    It is possible for a read to successfully return with `0` bytes. This does
    not indicate EOF.
    This function is one of the lowest level APIs and most users should not
    work with this directly, but rather use Deno.readAllSync() instead.
    **It is not guaranteed that the full buffer will be read in a single call.**
    // if "/foo/bar.txt" contains the text "hello world":
    const file = Deno.openSync("/foo/bar.txt");
    const buf = new Uint8Array(100);
    const numberOfBytesRead = Deno.readSync(file.rid, buf); // 11 bytes
    const text = new TextDecoder().decode(buf);  // "hello world"
  function read(rid: number, buffer: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null>
    Read from a resource ID (`rid`) into an array buffer (`buffer`).
    Resolves to either the number of bytes read during the operation or EOF
    (`null`) if there was nothing more to read.
    It is possible for a read to successfully return with `0` bytes. This does
    not indicate EOF.
    This function is one of the lowest level APIs and most users should not
    work with this directly, but rather use Deno.readAll() instead.
    **It is not guaranteed that the full buffer will be read in a single call.**
    // if "/foo/bar.txt" contains the text "hello world":
    const file = await Deno.open("/foo/bar.txt");
    const buf = new Uint8Array(100);
    const numberOfBytesRead = await Deno.read(file.rid, buf); // 11 bytes
    const text = new TextDecoder().decode(buf);  // "hello world"
  function writeSync(rid: number, data: Uint8Array): number
    Synchronously write to the resource ID (`rid`) the contents of the array
    buffer (`data`).
    Returns the number of bytes written.  This function is one of the lowest
    level APIs and most users should not work with this directly, but rather use
    Deno.writeAllSync() instead.
    **It is not guaranteed that the full buffer will be written in a single
    const encoder = new TextEncoder();
    const data = encoder.encode("Hello world");
    const file = Deno.openSync("/foo/bar.txt", {write: true});
    const bytesWritten = Deno.writeSync(file.rid, data); // 11
  function write(rid: number, data: Uint8Array): Promise<number>
    Write to the resource ID (`rid`) the contents of the array buffer (`data`).
    Resolves to the number of bytes written.  This function is one of the lowest
    level APIs and most users should not work with this directly, but rather use
    Deno.writeAll() instead.
    **It is not guaranteed that the full buffer will be written in a single
    const encoder = new TextEncoder();
    const data = encoder.encode("Hello world");
    const file = await Deno.open("/foo/bar.txt", { write: true });
    const bytesWritten = await Deno.write(file.rid, data); // 11
  function seekSync(rid: number, offset: number, whence: SeekMode): number
    Synchronously seek a resource ID (`rid`) to the given `offset` under mode
    given by `whence`.  The new position within the resource (bytes from the
    start) is returned.
    const file = Deno.openSync('hello.txt', {read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true});
    Deno.writeSync(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world"));
    // advance cursor 6 bytes
    const cursorPosition = Deno.seekSync(file.rid, 6, Deno.SeekMode.Start);
    console.log(cursorPosition);  // 6
    const buf = new Uint8Array(100);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(buf)); // "world"
    The seek modes work as follows:
    // Given file.rid pointing to file with "Hello world", which is 11 bytes long:
    const file = Deno.openSync('hello.txt', {read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true});
    Deno.writeSync(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world"));
    // Seek 6 bytes from the start of the file
    console.log(Deno.seekSync(file.rid, 6, Deno.SeekMode.Start)); // "6"
    // Seek 2 more bytes from the current position
    console.log(Deno.seekSync(file.rid, 2, Deno.SeekMode.Current)); // "8"
    // Seek backwards 2 bytes from the end of the file
    console.log(Deno.seekSync(file.rid, -2, Deno.SeekMode.End)); // "9" (e.g. 11-2)
  function seek(rid: number, offset: number, whence: SeekMode): Promise<number>
    Seek a resource ID (`rid`) to the given `offset` under mode given by `whence`.
    The call resolves to the new position within the resource (bytes from the start).
    // Given file.rid pointing to file with "Hello world", which is 11 bytes long:
    const file = await Deno.open('hello.txt', {read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true});
    await Deno.write(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world"));
    // advance cursor 6 bytes
    const cursorPosition = await Deno.seek(file.rid, 6, Deno.SeekMode.Start);
    console.log(cursorPosition);  // 6
    const buf = new Uint8Array(100);
    await file.read(buf);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(buf)); // "world"
    The seek modes work as follows:
    // Given file.rid pointing to file with "Hello world", which is 11 bytes long:
    const file = await Deno.open('hello.txt', {read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true});
    await Deno.write(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world"));
    // Seek 6 bytes from the start of the file
    console.log(await Deno.seek(file.rid, 6, Deno.SeekMode.Start)); // "6"
    // Seek 2 more bytes from the current position
    console.log(await Deno.seek(file.rid, 2, Deno.SeekMode.Current)); // "8"
    // Seek backwards 2 bytes from the end of the file
    console.log(await Deno.seek(file.rid, -2, Deno.SeekMode.End)); // "9" (e.g. 11-2)
  function fsyncSync(rid: number): void
    Synchronously flushes any pending data and metadata operations of the given file stream to disk.
    const file = Deno.openSync("my_file.txt", { read: true, write: true, create: true });
    Deno.writeSync(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"));
    Deno.ftruncateSync(file.rid, 1);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(Deno.readFileSync("my_file.txt"))); // H
  function fsync(rid: number): Promise<void>
    Flushes any pending data and metadata operations of the given file stream to disk.
    const file = await Deno.open("my_file.txt", { read: true, write: true, create: true });
    await Deno.write(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"));
    await Deno.ftruncate(file.rid, 1);
    await Deno.fsync(file.rid);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile("my_file.txt"))); // H
  function fdatasyncSync(rid: number): void
  function fdatasync(rid: number): Promise<void>
    Flushes any pending data operations of the given file stream to disk.
    const file = await Deno.open("my_file.txt", { read: true, write: true, create: true });
    await Deno.write(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"));
    await Deno.fdatasync(file.rid);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile("my_file.txt"))); // Hello World
  function close(rid: number): void
    Close the given resource ID (rid) which has been previously opened, such
    as via opening or creating a file.  Closing a file when you are finished
    with it is important to avoid leaking resources.
    const file = await Deno.open("my_file.txt");
    // do work with "file" object
  class File implements Reader, ReaderSync, Writer, WriterSync, Seeker, SeekerSync, Closer
    The Deno abstraction for reading and writing files.
  const stdin: Reader & ReaderSync & Closer & { rid: number; }
    A handle for `stdin`.
  const stdout: Writer & WriterSync & Closer & { rid: number; }
    A handle for `stdout`.
  const stderr: Writer & WriterSync & Closer & { rid: number; }
    A handle for `stderr`.
  interface OpenOptions
  interface ReadFileOptions
  function isatty(rid: number): boolean
    Check if a given resource id (`rid`) is a TTY.
    // This example is system and context specific
    const nonTTYRid = Deno.openSync("my_file.txt").rid;
    const ttyRid = Deno.openSync("/dev/tty6").rid;
    console.log(Deno.isatty(nonTTYRid)); // false
    console.log(Deno.isatty(ttyRid)); // true
  class Buffer implements Reader, ReaderSync, Writer, WriterSync
    @deprecated Use Buffer from https://deno.land/std/io/buffer.ts instead. Deno.Buffer will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    A variable-sized buffer of bytes with `read()` and `write()` methods.
    Deno.Buffer is almost always used with some I/O like files and sockets. It
    allows one to buffer up a download from a socket. Buffer grows and shrinks
    as necessary.
    Deno.Buffer is NOT the same thing as Node's Buffer. Node's Buffer was
    created in 2009 before JavaScript had the concept of ArrayBuffers. It's
    simply a non-standard ArrayBuffer.
    ArrayBuffer is a fixed memory allocation. Deno.Buffer is implemented on top
    of ArrayBuffer.
    Based on [Go Buffer](https://golang.org/pkg/bytes/#Buffer).
  function readAll(r: Reader): Promise<Uint8Array>
    @deprecated Use readAll from https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts instead. Deno.readAll will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    Read Reader `r` until EOF (`null`) and resolve to the content as
    // Example from stdin
    const stdinContent = await Deno.readAll(Deno.stdin);
    // Example from file
    const file = await Deno.open("my_file.txt", {read: true});
    const myFileContent = await Deno.readAll(file);
    // Example from buffer
    const myData = new Uint8Array(100);
    // ... fill myData array with data
    const reader = new Deno.Buffer(myData.buffer as ArrayBuffer);
    const bufferContent = await Deno.readAll(reader);
  function readAllSync(r: ReaderSync): Uint8Array
    @deprecated Use readAllSync from https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts instead. Deno.readAllSync will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    Synchronously reads Reader `r` until EOF (`null`) and returns the content
    as `Uint8Array`.
    // Example from stdin
    const stdinContent = Deno.readAllSync(Deno.stdin);
    // Example from file
    const file = Deno.openSync("my_file.txt", {read: true});
    const myFileContent = Deno.readAllSync(file);
    // Example from buffer
    const myData = new Uint8Array(100);
    // ... fill myData array with data
    const reader = new Deno.Buffer(myData.buffer as ArrayBuffer);
    const bufferContent = Deno.readAllSync(reader);
  function writeAll(w: Writer, arr: Uint8Array): Promise<void>
    @deprecated Use writeAll from https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts instead. Deno.readAll will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    Write all the content of the array buffer (`arr`) to the writer (`w`).
    // Example writing to stdout
    const contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
    await Deno.writeAll(Deno.stdout, contentBytes);
    // Example writing to file
    const contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
    const file = await Deno.open('test.file', {write: true});
    await Deno.writeAll(file, contentBytes);
    // Example writing to buffer
    const contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
    const writer = new Deno.Buffer();
    await Deno.writeAll(writer, contentBytes);
    console.log(writer.bytes().length);  // 11
  function writeAllSync(w: WriterSync, arr: Uint8Array): void
    @deprecated Use writeAllSync from https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts instead. Deno.writeAllSync will be removed in Deno 2.0.
    Synchronously write all the content of the array buffer (`arr`) to the
    writer (`w`).
    // Example writing to stdout
    const contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
    Deno.writeAllSync(Deno.stdout, contentBytes);
    // Example writing to file
    const contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
    const file = Deno.openSync('test.file', {write: true});
    Deno.writeAllSync(file, contentBytes);
    // Example writing to buffer
    const contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
    const writer = new Deno.Buffer();
    Deno.writeAllSync(writer, contentBytes);
    console.log(writer.bytes().length);  // 11
  interface MkdirOptions
  function mkdirSync(path: string | URL, options?: MkdirOptions): void
    Synchronously creates a new directory with the specified path.
    Deno.mkdirSync("nested/directories", { recursive: true });
    Deno.mkdirSync("restricted_access_dir", { mode: 0o700 });
    Defaults to throwing error if the directory already exists.
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function mkdir(path: string | URL, options?: MkdirOptions): Promise<void>
    Creates a new directory with the specified path.
    await Deno.mkdir("new_dir");
    await Deno.mkdir("nested/directories", { recursive: true });
    await Deno.mkdir("restricted_access_dir", { mode: 0o700 });
    Defaults to throwing error if the directory already exists.
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  interface MakeTempOptions
  function makeTempDirSync(options?: MakeTempOptions): string
    Synchronously creates a new temporary directory in the default directory
    for temporary files, unless `dir` is specified. Other optional options
    include prefixing and suffixing the directory name with `prefix` and
    `suffix` respectively.
    The full path to the newly created directory is returned.
    Multiple programs calling this function simultaneously will create different
    directories. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the directory when
    no longer needed.
    const tempDirName0 = Deno.makeTempDirSync();  // e.g. /tmp/2894ea76
    const tempDirName1 = Deno.makeTempDirSync({ prefix: 'my_temp' });  // e.g. /tmp/my_temp339c944d
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function makeTempDir(options?: MakeTempOptions): Promise<string>
    Creates a new temporary directory in the default directory for temporary
    files, unless `dir` is specified. Other optional options include
    prefixing and suffixing the directory name with `prefix` and `suffix`
    This call resolves to the full path to the newly created directory.
    Multiple programs calling this function simultaneously will create different
    directories. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the directory when
    no longer needed.
    const tempDirName0 = await Deno.makeTempDir();  // e.g. /tmp/2894ea76
    const tempDirName1 = await Deno.makeTempDir({ prefix: 'my_temp' }); // e.g. /tmp/my_temp339c944d
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function makeTempFileSync(options?: MakeTempOptions): string
    Synchronously creates a new temporary file in the default directory for
    temporary files, unless `dir` is specified.
    Other optional options include prefixing and suffixing the directory name
    with `prefix` and `suffix` respectively.
    The full path to the newly created file is returned.
    Multiple programs calling this function simultaneously will create different
    files. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the file when no longer
    const tempFileName0 = Deno.makeTempFileSync(); // e.g. /tmp/419e0bf2
    const tempFileName1 = Deno.makeTempFileSync({ prefix: 'my_temp' });  // e.g. /tmp/my_temp754d3098
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function makeTempFile(options?: MakeTempOptions): Promise<string>
    Creates a new temporary file in the default directory for temporary
    files, unless `dir` is specified.  Other
    optional options include prefixing and suffixing the directory name with
    `prefix` and `suffix` respectively.
    This call resolves to the full path to the newly created file.
    Multiple programs calling this function simultaneously will create different
    files. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the file when no longer
    const tmpFileName0 = await Deno.makeTempFile();  // e.g. /tmp/419e0bf2
    const tmpFileName1 = await Deno.makeTempFile({ prefix: 'my_temp' });  // e.g. /tmp/my_temp754d3098
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function chmodSync(path: string | URL, mode: number): void
    Synchronously changes the permission of a specific file/directory of
    specified path.  Ignores the process's umask.
    Deno.chmodSync("/path/to/file", 0o666);
    For a full description, see [chmod](#Deno.chmod)
    NOTE: This API currently throws on Windows
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function chmod(path: string | URL, mode: number): Promise<void>
    Changes the permission of a specific file/directory of specified path.
    Ignores the process's umask.
    await Deno.chmod("/path/to/file", 0o666);
    The mode is a sequence of 3 octal numbers.  The first/left-most number
    specifies the permissions for the owner.  The second number specifies the
    permissions for the group. The last/right-most number specifies the
    permissions for others.  For example, with a mode of 0o764, the owner (7) can
    read/write/execute, the group (6) can read/write and everyone else (4) can
    read only.
    | Number | Description |
    | ------ | ----------- |
    | 7      | read, write, and execute |
    | 6      | read and write |
    | 5      | read and execute |
    | 4      | read only |
    | 3      | write and execute |
    | 2      | write only |
    | 1      | execute only |
    | 0      | no permission |
    NOTE: This API currently throws on Windows
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function chownSync(path: string | URL, uid: number | null, gid: number | null): void
    Synchronously change owner of a regular file or directory. This functionality
    is not available on Windows.
    Deno.chownSync("myFile.txt", 1000, 1002);
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
    Throws Error (not implemented) if executed on Windows
    @param path path to the file
    @param uid user id (UID) of the new owner, or `null` for no change
    @param gid group id (GID) of the new owner, or `null` for no change
  function chown(path: string | URL, uid: number | null, gid: number | null): Promise<void>
    Change owner of a regular file or directory. This functionality
    is not available on Windows.
    await Deno.chown("myFile.txt", 1000, 1002);
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
    Throws Error (not implemented) if executed on Windows
    @param path path to the file
    @param uid user id (UID) of the new owner, or `null` for no change
    @param gid group id (GID) of the new owner, or `null` for no change
  interface RemoveOptions
  function removeSync(path: string | URL, options?: RemoveOptions): void
    Synchronously removes the named file or directory.
    Deno.removeSync("/path/to/populated_dir/or/file", { recursive: true });
    Throws error if permission denied, path not found, or path is a non-empty
    directory and the `recursive` option isn't set to `true`.
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function remove(path: string | URL, options?: RemoveOptions): Promise<void>
    Removes the named file or directory.
    await Deno.remove("/path/to/empty_dir/or/file");
    await Deno.remove("/path/to/populated_dir/or/file", { recursive: true });
    Throws error if permission denied, path not found, or path is a non-empty
    directory and the `recursive` option isn't set to `true`.
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function renameSync(oldpath: string | URL, newpath: string | URL): void
    Synchronously renames (moves) `oldpath` to `newpath`. Paths may be files or
    directories.  If `newpath` already exists and is not a directory,
    `renameSync()` replaces it. OS-specific restrictions may apply when
    `oldpath` and `newpath` are in different directories.
    Deno.renameSync("old/path", "new/path");
    On Unix, this operation does not follow symlinks at either path.
    It varies between platforms when the operation throws errors, and if so what
    they are. It's always an error to rename anything to a non-empty directory.
    Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permissions.
  function rename(oldpath: string | URL, newpath: string | URL): Promise<void>
    Renames (moves) `oldpath` to `newpath`.  Paths may be files or directories.
    If `newpath` already exists and is not a directory, `rename()` replaces it.
    OS-specific restrictions may apply when `oldpath` and `newpath` are in
    different directories.
    await Deno.rename("old/path", "new/path");
    On Unix, this operation does not follow symlinks at either path.
    It varies between platforms when the operation throws errors, and if so what
    they are. It's always an error to rename anything to a non-empty directory.
    Requires `allow-read` and `allow-write` permission.
  function readTextFileSync(path: string | URL): string
    Synchronously reads and returns the entire contents of a file as utf8
     encoded string. Reading a directory throws an error.
    const data = Deno.readTextFileSync("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function readTextFile(path: string | URL, options?: ReadFileOptions): Promise<string>
    Asynchronously reads and returns the entire contents of a file as utf8
     encoded string. Reading a directory throws an error.
    const data = await Deno.readTextFile("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function readFileSync(path: string | URL): Uint8Array
    Synchronously reads and returns the entire contents of a file as an array
    of bytes. `TextDecoder` can be used to transform the bytes to string if
    required.  Reading a directory returns an empty data array.
    const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
    const data = Deno.readFileSync("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function readFile(path: string | URL, options?: ReadFileOptions): Promise<Uint8Array>
    Reads and resolves to the entire contents of a file as an array of bytes.
    `TextDecoder` can be used to transform the bytes to string if required.
    Reading a directory returns an empty data array.
    const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
    const data = await Deno.readFile("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  interface FileInfo
    A FileInfo describes a file and is returned by `stat`, `lstat`,
    `statSync`, `lstatSync`.
  function realPathSync(path: string | URL): string
    Returns absolute normalized path, with symbolic links resolved.
    // e.g. given /home/alice/file.txt and current directory /home/alice
    Deno.symlinkSync("file.txt", "symlink_file.txt");
    const realPath = Deno.realPathSync("./file.txt");
    const realSymLinkPath = Deno.realPathSync("./symlink_file.txt");
    console.log(realPath);  // outputs "/home/alice/file.txt"
    console.log(realSymLinkPath);  // outputs "/home/alice/file.txt"
    Requires `allow-read` permission for the target path.
    Also requires `allow-read` permission for the CWD if the target path is
  function realPath(path: string | URL): Promise<string>
    Resolves to the absolute normalized path, with symbolic links resolved.
    // e.g. given /home/alice/file.txt and current directory /home/alice
    await Deno.symlink("file.txt", "symlink_file.txt");
    const realPath = await Deno.realPath("./file.txt");
    const realSymLinkPath = await Deno.realPath("./symlink_file.txt");
    console.log(realPath);  // outputs "/home/alice/file.txt"
    console.log(realSymLinkPath);  // outputs "/home/alice/file.txt"
    Requires `allow-read` permission for the target path.
    Also requires `allow-read` permission for the CWD if the target path is
  interface DirEntry
  function readDirSync(path: string | URL): Iterable<DirEntry>
    Synchronously reads the directory given by `path` and returns an iterable
    of `Deno.DirEntry`.
    for (const dirEntry of Deno.readDirSync("/")) {
    Throws error if `path` is not a directory.
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function readDir(path: string | URL): AsyncIterable<DirEntry>
    Reads the directory given by `path` and returns an async iterable of
    for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir("/")) {
    Throws error if `path` is not a directory.
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function copyFileSync(fromPath: string | URL, toPath: string | URL): void
    Synchronously copies the contents and permissions of one file to another
    specified path, by default creating a new file if needed, else overwriting.
    Fails if target path is a directory or is unwritable.
    Deno.copyFileSync("from.txt", "to.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission on fromPath.
    Requires `allow-write` permission on toPath.
  function copyFile(fromPath: string | URL, toPath: string | URL): Promise<void>
    Copies the contents and permissions of one file to another specified path,
    by default creating a new file if needed, else overwriting. Fails if target
    path is a directory or is unwritable.
    await Deno.copyFile("from.txt", "to.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission on fromPath.
    Requires `allow-write` permission on toPath.
  function readLinkSync(path: string | URL): string
    Returns the full path destination of the named symbolic link.
    Deno.symlinkSync("./test.txt", "./test_link.txt");
    const target = Deno.readLinkSync("./test_link.txt"); // full path of ./test.txt
    Throws TypeError if called with a hard link
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function readLink(path: string | URL): Promise<string>
    Resolves to the full path destination of the named symbolic link.
    await Deno.symlink("./test.txt", "./test_link.txt");
    const target = await Deno.readLink("./test_link.txt"); // full path of ./test.txt
    Throws TypeError if called with a hard link
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function lstat(path: string | URL): Promise<FileInfo>
    Resolves to a `Deno.FileInfo` for the specified `path`. If `path` is a
    symlink, information for the symlink will be returned instead of what it
    points to.
    import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
    const fileInfo = await Deno.lstat("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function lstatSync(path: string | URL): FileInfo
    Synchronously returns a `Deno.FileInfo` for the specified `path`. If
    `path` is a symlink, information for the symlink will be returned instead of
    what it points to..
    import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
    const fileInfo = Deno.lstatSync("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function stat(path: string | URL): Promise<FileInfo>
    Resolves to a `Deno.FileInfo` for the specified `path`. Will always
    follow symlinks.
    import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
    const fileInfo = await Deno.stat("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  function statSync(path: string | URL): FileInfo
    Synchronously returns a `Deno.FileInfo` for the specified `path`. Will
    always follow symlinks.
    import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
    const fileInfo = Deno.statSync("hello.txt");
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
  interface WriteFileOptions
    Options for writing to a file.
  function writeFileSync(path: string | URL, data: Uint8Array, options?: WriteFileOptions): void
    Synchronously write `data` to the given `path`, by default creating a new
    file if needed, else overwriting.
    const encoder = new TextEncoder();
    const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n");
    Deno.writeFileSync("hello1.txt", data);  // overwrite "hello1.txt" or create it
    Deno.writeFileSync("hello2.txt", data, {create: false});  // only works if "hello2.txt" exists
    Deno.writeFileSync("hello3.txt", data, {mode: 0o777});  // set permissions on new file
    Deno.writeFileSync("hello4.txt", data, {append: true});  // add data to the end of the file
    Requires `allow-write` permission, and `allow-read` if `options.create` is
  function writeFile(path: string | URL, data: Uint8Array, options?: WriteFileOptions): Promise<void>
    Write `data` to the given `path`, by default creating a new file if needed,
    else overwriting.
    const encoder = new TextEncoder();
    const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n");
    await Deno.writeFile("hello1.txt", data);  // overwrite "hello1.txt" or create it
    await Deno.writeFile("hello2.txt", data, {create: false});  // only works if "hello2.txt" exists
    await Deno.writeFile("hello3.txt", data, {mode: 0o777});  // set permissions on new file
    await Deno.writeFile("hello4.txt", data, {append: true});  // add data to the end of the file
    Requires `allow-write` permission, and `allow-read` if `options.create` is `false`.
  function writeTextFileSync(path: string | URL, data: string, options?: WriteFileOptions): void
    Synchronously write string `data` to the given `path`, by default creating a new file if needed,
    else overwriting.
    Deno.writeTextFileSync("hello1.txt", "Hello world\n");  // overwrite "hello1.txt" or create it
    Requires `allow-write` permission, and `allow-read` if `options.create` is `false`.
  function writeTextFile(path: string | URL, data: string, options?: WriteFileOptions): Promise<void>
    Asynchronously write string `data` to the given `path`, by default creating a new file if needed,
    else overwriting.
    await Deno.writeTextFile("hello1.txt", "Hello world\n");  // overwrite "hello1.txt" or create it
    Requires `allow-write` permission, and `allow-read` if `options.create` is `false`.
  function truncateSync(name: string, len?: number): void
    Synchronously truncates or extends the specified file, to reach the
    specified `len`.  If `len` is not specified then the entire file contents
    are truncated.
    // truncate the entire file
    // truncate part of the file
    const file = Deno.makeTempFileSync();
    Deno.writeFileSync(file, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"));
    Deno.truncateSync(file, 7);
    const data = Deno.readFileSync(file);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(data));
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function truncate(name: string, len?: number): Promise<void>
    Truncates or extends the specified file, to reach the specified `len`. If
    `len` is not specified then the entire file contents are truncated.
    // truncate the entire file
    await Deno.truncate("my_file.txt");
    // truncate part of the file
    const file = await Deno.makeTempFile();
    await Deno.writeFile(file, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"));
    await Deno.truncate(file, 7);
    const data = await Deno.readFile(file);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(data));  // "Hello W"
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  interface Metrics
  function metrics(): Metrics
    Receive metrics from the privileged side of Deno. This is primarily used
    in the development of Deno. 'Ops', also called 'bindings', are the go-between
    between Deno JavaScript and Deno Rust.
         > console.table(Deno.metrics())
         │         (index)         │ Values │
         │      opsDispatched      │   3    │
         │    opsDispatchedSync    │   2    │
         │   opsDispatchedAsync    │   1    │
         │ opsDispatchedAsyncUnref │   0    │
         │      opsCompleted       │   3    │
         │    opsCompletedSync     │   2    │
         │    opsCompletedAsync    │   1    │
         │ opsCompletedAsyncUnref  │   0    │
         │    bytesSentControl     │   73   │
         │      bytesSentData      │   0    │
         │      bytesReceived      │  375   │
  function resources(): ResourceMap
    Returns a map of open resource ids (rid) along with their string
    representations. This is an internal API and as such resource
    representation has `any` type; that means it can change any time.
    // { 0: "stdin", 1: "stdout", 2: "stderr" }
    // { 0: "stdin", 1: "stdout", 2: "stderr", 3: "fsFile" }
  interface FsEvent
  interface FsWatcher extends AsyncIterable<FsEvent>
    FsWatcher is returned by `Deno.watchFs` function when you start watching
    the file system. You can iterate over this interface to get the file
    system events, and also you can stop watching the file system by calling
    `.close()` method.
  function watchFs(paths: string | string[], options?: { recursive: boolean; }): FsWatcher
    Watch for file system events against one or more `paths`, which can be files
    or directories.  These paths must exist already.  One user action (e.g.
    `touch test.file`) can  generate multiple file system events.  Likewise,
    one user action can result in multiple file paths in one event (e.g. `mv
    old_name.txt new_name.txt`).  Recursive option is `true` by default and,
    for directories, will watch the specified directory and all sub directories.
    Note that the exact ordering of the events can vary between operating systems.
    const watcher = Deno.watchFs("/");
    for await (const event of watcher) {
       console.log(">>>> event", event);
       // { kind: "create", paths: [ "/foo.txt" ] }
    Requires `allow-read` permission.
    Call `watcher.close()` to stop watching.
    const watcher = Deno.watchFs("/");
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 5000);
    for await (const event of watcher) {
       console.log(">>>> event", event);
  class Process<T extends RunOptions = RunOptions>
  type ProcessStatus = { success: true; code: 0; signal: undefined; } | { success: false; code: number; signal: number; }
  interface RunOptions
  function run<T extends RunOptions = RunOptions>(opt: T): Process<T>
    Spawns new subprocess.  RunOptions must contain at a minimum the `opt.cmd`,
    an array of program arguments, the first of which is the binary.
    const p = Deno.run({
      cmd: ["echo", "hello"],
    Subprocess uses same working directory as parent process unless `opt.cwd`
    is specified.
    Environmental variables for subprocess can be specified using `opt.env`
    By default subprocess inherits stdio of parent process. To change that
    `opt.stdout`, `opt.stderr` and `opt.stdin` can be specified independently -
    they can be set to either an rid of open file or set to "inherit" "piped"
    or "null":
    `"inherit"` The default if unspecified. The child inherits from the
    corresponding parent descriptor.
    `"piped"` A new pipe should be arranged to connect the parent and child
    `"null"` This stream will be ignored. This is the equivalent of attaching
    the stream to `/dev/null`.
    Details of the spawned process are returned.
    Requires `allow-run` permission.
  interface InspectOptions
  function inspect(value: unknown, options?: InspectOptions): string
    Converts the input into a string that has the same format as printed by
    const obj = {
      a: 10,
      b: "hello",
    const objAsString = Deno.inspect(obj); // { a: 10, b: "hello" }
    console.log(obj);  // prints same value as objAsString, e.g. { a: 10, b: "hello" }
    You can also register custom inspect functions, via the symbol `Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")`,
    on objects, to control and customize the output.
    class A {
      x = 10;
      y = "hello";
      [Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](): string {
        return "x=" + this.x + ", y=" + this.y;
    const inStringFormat = Deno.inspect(new A()); // "x=10, y=hello"
    console.log(inStringFormat);  // prints "x=10, y=hello"
    Finally, you can also specify the depth to which it will format.
    Deno.inspect({a: {b: {c: {d: 'hello'}}}}, {depth: 2}); // { a: { b: [Object] } }
  type PermissionName = "run" | "read" | "write" | "net" | "env" | "plugin" | "hrtime"
    The name of a "powerful feature" which needs permission.
  type PermissionState = "granted" | "denied" | "prompt"
    The current status of the permission.
  interface RunPermissionDescriptor
  interface ReadPermissionDescriptor
  interface WritePermissionDescriptor
  interface NetPermissionDescriptor
  interface EnvPermissionDescriptor
  interface PluginPermissionDescriptor
  interface HrtimePermissionDescriptor
  type PermissionDescriptor = RunPermissionDescriptor | ReadPermissionDescriptor | WritePermissionDescriptor | NetPermissionDescriptor | EnvPermissionDescriptor | PluginPermissionDescriptor | HrtimePermissionDescriptor
    Permission descriptors which define a permission and can be queried,
    requested, or revoked.
  interface PermissionStatusEventMap
  class PermissionStatus extends EventTarget
  class Permissions
  const permissions: Permissions
    Deno's permission management API.
  const build: { target: string; arch: "x86_64" | "aarch64"; os: "darwin" | "linux" | "windows"; vendor: string; env: string; }
    Build related information.
  const version: { deno: string; v8: string; typescript: string; }
    Version related information.
  const args: string[]
    Returns the script arguments to the program. If for example we run a
    deno run --allow-read https://deno.land/std/examples/cat.ts /etc/passwd
    Then `Deno.args` will contain:
    [ "/etc/passwd" ]
  const customInspect: unique symbol
    @deprecated A symbol which can be used as a key for a custom method which will be
    called when `Deno.inspect()` is called, or when the object is logged to
    the console.
    This symbol is deprecated since 1.9. Use `Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")` instead.
  const mainModule: string
    The URL of the entrypoint module entered from the command-line.
  type SymlinkOptions = { type: "file" | "dir"; }
  function symlinkSync(oldpath: string | URL, newpath: string | URL, options?: SymlinkOptions): void
    Creates `newpath` as a symbolic link to `oldpath`.
    The options.type parameter can be set to `file` or `dir`. This argument is only
    available on Windows and ignored on other platforms.
    Deno.symlinkSync("old/name", "new/name");
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function symlink(oldpath: string | URL, newpath: string | URL, options?: SymlinkOptions): Promise<void>
    Creates `newpath` as a symbolic link to `oldpath`.
    The options.type parameter can be set to `file` or `dir`. This argument is only
    available on Windows and ignored on other platforms.
    await Deno.symlink("old/name", "new/name");
    Requires `allow-write` permission.
  function ftruncateSync(rid: number, len?: number): void
    Synchronously truncates or extends the specified file stream, to reach the
    specified `len`.
    If `len` is not specified then the entire file contents are truncated as if len was set to 0.
    if the file previously was larger than this new length, the extra  data  is  lost.
    if  the  file  previously  was shorter, it is extended, and the extended part reads as null bytes ('\0').
    // truncate the entire file
    const file = Deno.openSync("my_file.txt", { read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true });
    // truncate part of the file
    const file = Deno.openSync("my_file.txt", { read: true, write: true, create: true });
    Deno.writeSync(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"));
    Deno.ftruncateSync(file.rid, 7);
    Deno.seekSync(file.rid, 0, Deno.SeekMode.Start);
    const data = new Uint8Array(32);
    Deno.readSync(file.rid, data);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(data)); // Hello W
  function ftruncate(rid: number, len?: number): Promise<void>
    Truncates or extends the specified file stream, to reach the specified `len`.
    If `len` is not specified then the entire file contents are truncated as if len was set to 0.
    If the file previously was larger than this new length, the extra  data  is  lost.
    If  the  file  previously  was shorter, it is extended, and the extended part reads as null bytes ('\0').
    // truncate the entire file
    const file = await Deno.open("my_file.txt", { read: true, write: true, create: true });
    await Deno.ftruncate(file.rid);
    // truncate part of the file
    const file = await Deno.open("my_file.txt", { read: true, write: true, create: true });
    await Deno.write(file.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World"));
    await Deno.ftruncate(file.rid, 7);
    const data = new Uint8Array(32);
    await Deno.read(file.rid, data);
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(data)); // Hello W
  function fstatSync(rid: number): FileInfo
    Synchronously returns a `Deno.FileInfo` for the given file stream.
    import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
    const file = Deno.openSync("file.txt", { read: true });
    const fileInfo = Deno.fstatSync(file.rid);
  function fstat(rid: number): Promise<FileInfo>
    Returns a `Deno.FileInfo` for the given file stream.
    import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
    const file = await Deno.open("file.txt", { read: true });
    const fileInfo = await Deno.fstat(file.rid);

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5260:0 

namespace Deno

  interface NetAddr
  interface UnixAddr
  type Addr = NetAddr | UnixAddr
  interface Listener extends AsyncIterable<Conn>
    A generic network listener for stream-oriented protocols.
  interface Conn extends Reader, Writer, Closer
  interface ListenOptions
  function listen(options: ListenOptions & { transport: "tcp"; }): Listener
    Listen announces on the local transport address.
    const listener1 = Deno.listen({ port: 80 })
    const listener2 = Deno.listen({ hostname: "", port: 80 })
    const listener3 = Deno.listen({ hostname: "[2001:db8::1]", port: 80 });
    const listener4 = Deno.listen({ hostname: "golang.org", port: 80, transport: "tcp" });
    Requires `allow-net` permission.
  interface ListenTlsOptions extends ListenOptions
  function listenTls(options: ListenTlsOptions): Listener
    Listen announces on the local transport address over TLS (transport layer
    const lstnr = Deno.listenTls({ port: 443, certFile: "./server.crt", keyFile: "./server.key" });
    Requires `allow-net` permission.
  interface ConnectOptions
  function connect(options: ConnectOptions): Promise<Conn>
    Connects to the hostname (default is "") and port on the named
    transport (default is "tcp"), and resolves to the connection (`Conn`).
    const conn1 = await Deno.connect({ port: 80 });
    const conn2 = await Deno.connect({ hostname: "", port: 80 });
    const conn3 = await Deno.connect({ hostname: "[2001:db8::1]", port: 80 });
    const conn4 = await Deno.connect({ hostname: "golang.org", port: 80, transport: "tcp" });
    Requires `allow-net` permission for "tcp".
  interface ConnectTlsOptions
  function connectTls(options: ConnectTlsOptions): Promise<Conn>
    Establishes a secure connection over TLS (transport layer security) using
    an optional cert file, hostname (default is "") and port.  The
    cert file is optional and if not included Mozilla's root certificates will
    be used (see also https://github.com/ctz/webpki-roots for specifics)
    const conn1 = await Deno.connectTls({ port: 80 });
    const conn2 = await Deno.connectTls({ certFile: "./certs/my_custom_root_CA.pem", hostname: "", port: 80 });
    const conn3 = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname: "[2001:db8::1]", port: 80 });
    const conn4 = await Deno.connectTls({ certFile: "./certs/my_custom_root_CA.pem", hostname: "golang.org", port: 80});
    Requires `allow-net` permission.
  function shutdown(rid: number): Promise<void>
    Shutdown socket send operations.
    Matches behavior of POSIX shutdown(3).
    const listener = Deno.listen({ port: 80 });
    const conn = await listener.accept();

Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5420:0 

namespace WebAssembly

  class CompileError extends Error
    The `WebAssembly.CompileError` object indicates an error during WebAssembly decoding or validation.
  class Global
    A `WebAssembly.Global` object represents a global variable instance, accessible from
    both JavaScript and importable/exportable across one or more `WebAssembly.Module`
    instances. This allows dynamic linking of multiple modules.
  class Instance
    A `WebAssembly.Instance` object is a stateful, executable instance of a `WebAssembly.Module`.
    Instance objects contain all the Exported WebAssembly functions that allow calling into
    WebAssembly code from JavaScript.
  class LinkError extends Error
    The `WebAssembly.LinkError` object indicates an error during module instantiation
    (besides traps from the start function).
  class Memory
    The `WebAssembly.Memory` object is a resizable `ArrayBuffer` or `SharedArrayBuffer` that
    holds the raw bytes of memory accessed by a WebAssembly Instance.
    A memory created by JavaScript or in WebAssembly code will be accessible and mutable
    from both JavaScript and WebAssembly.
  class Module
    A `WebAssembly.Module` object contains stateless WebAssembly code that has already been compiled
    by the browser — this can be efficiently shared with Workers, and instantiated multiple times.
  class RuntimeError extends Error
    The `WebAssembly.RuntimeError` object is the error type that is thrown whenever WebAssembly
    specifies a trap.
  class Table
    The `WebAssembly.Table()` object is a JavaScript wrapper object — an array-like structure
    representing a WebAssembly Table, which stores function references. A table created by
    JavaScript or in WebAssembly code will be accessible and mutable from both JavaScript
    and WebAssembly.
  interface GlobalDescriptor
    The `GlobalDescriptor` describes the options you can pass to `new WebAssembly.Global()`.
  interface MemoryDescriptor
    The `MemoryDescriptor` describes the options you can pass to `new WebAssembly.Memory()`.
  interface ModuleExportDescriptor
    A `ModuleExportDescriptor` is the description of a declared export in a `WebAssembly.Module`.
  interface ModuleImportDescriptor
    A `ModuleImportDescriptor` is the description of a declared import in a `WebAssembly.Module`.
  interface TableDescriptor
    The `TableDescriptor` describes the options you can pass to `new WebAssembly.Table()`.
  interface WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource
    The value returned from `WebAssembly.instantiate`.
  type ImportExportKind = "function" | "global" | "memory" | "table"
  type TableKind = "anyfunc"
  type ValueType = "f32" | "f64" | "i32" | "i64"
  type ExportValue = Function | Global | Memory | Table
  type Exports = Record<string, ExportValue>
  type ImportValue = ExportValue | number
  type ModuleImports = Record<string, ImportValue>
  type Imports = Record<string, ModuleImports>
  function compile(bytes: BufferSource): Promise<Module>
    The `WebAssembly.compile()` function compiles WebAssembly binary code into a
    `WebAssembly.Module` object. This function is useful if it is necessary to compile
    a module before it can be instantiated (otherwise, the `WebAssembly.instantiate()`
    function should be used).
  function compileStreaming(source: Response | Promise<Response>): Promise<Module>
    The `WebAssembly.compileStreaming()` function compiles a `WebAssembly.Module`
    directly from a streamed underlying source. This function is useful if it is
    necessary to a compile a module before it can be instantiated (otherwise, the
    `WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming()` function should be used).
  function instantiate(bytes: BufferSource, importObject?: Imports): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>
    The WebAssembly.instantiate() function allows you to compile and instantiate
    WebAssembly code.
    This overload takes the WebAssembly binary code, in the form of a typed
    array or ArrayBuffer, and performs both compilation and instantiation in one step.
    The returned Promise resolves to both a compiled WebAssembly.Module and its first
  function instantiate(moduleObject: Module, importObject?: Imports): Promise<Instance>
    The WebAssembly.instantiate() function allows you to compile and instantiate
    WebAssembly code.
    This overload takes an already-compiled WebAssembly.Module and returns
    a Promise that resolves to an Instance of that Module. This overload is useful
    if the Module has already been compiled.
  function instantiateStreaming(response: Response | PromiseLike<Response>, importObject?: Imports): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>
    The `WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming()` function compiles and instantiates a
    WebAssembly module directly from a streamed underlying source. This is the most
    efficient, optimized way to load wasm code.
  function validate(bytes: BufferSource): boolean
    The `WebAssembly.validate()` function validates a given typed array of
    WebAssembly binary code, returning whether the bytes form a valid wasm
    module (`true`) or not (`false`).

이름으로 필터링해서 문서를 볼 수 있다. (2)

deno doc --builtin [ 검색 ]

➜ deno doc --builtin performance
Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:3286:0 

namespace performance

  function now(): number

. 이름으로 내부로 찾아서 문서를 볼 수 있다. (3)

deno doc --builtin [ 검색 ]

➜ deno doc --builtin WebAssembly.validate
Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:5693:2 

function validate(bytes: BufferSource): boolean
  The `WebAssembly.validate()` function validates a given typed array of
  WebAssembly binary code, returning whether the bytes form a valid wasm
  module (`true`) or not (`false`).

"그럼 다른 개발자가 doc 를 사용해서
내 module 을 이해하기 위해
어떻게 파일을 작성해야 할까요 ?"


export interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;

 * 이름을 부르며 인사를 합니다.
 * @param {Person} person
 * @returns {void}
export function hello(person: Person): void {
  console.log(`hello, ${person.name}`);

 * 이 상수는 그냥 쓴 상수 입니다.
export const HELLO = "World";

 * 이 클래스는 default 로 내보내기 되어 있습니다.
 * 멤버 변수와 함수는 전체 문서에는 안나옵니다.
export default class MyClass {
  foo: number;
  bar() {}

 * namespace 의 경우에는 . 을 이용해서 안의 내용을 검색할 수 있습니다.
 * Namespace.Klass
export namespace Namespace {
   * 안쪽의 문서도 밖에서 보입니다.
  export class Klass {}

deno doc MyModule.ts

➜ deno doc MyModule.ts
Defined in file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:11:0 

function hello(person: Person): void
  이름을 부르며 인사를 합니다.
  @param {Person} person
  @returns {void}

Defined in file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:18:0 

const HELLO: "World"
  이 상수는 그냥 쓴 상수 입니다.

Defined in file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:24:0 

class default
  이 클래스는 default 로 내보내기 되어 있습니다.
  멤버 변수와 함수는 전체 문서에는 안나옵니다.

  foo: number

Defined in file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:1:0 

interface Person

  name: string
  age: number

Defined in file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:33:0 

namespace Namespace
  namespace 의 경우에는 . 을 이용해서 안의 내용을 검색할 수 있습니다.

  class Klass
    안쪽의 문서도 밖에서 보입니다.

deno doc MyModule.ts hello

➜ deno doc MyModule.ts hello
Defined in file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:11:0 

function hello(person: Person): void
  이름을 부르며 인사를 합니다.
  @param {Person} person
  @returns {void}

deno doc MyModule.ts Namespace.Klass

➜ deno doc MyModule.ts Namespace.Klass
Defined in file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:37:2 

class Klass
  안쪽의 문서도 밖에서 보입니다.

deno install

SUBCOMMAND : install

➜ deno help install
Installs a script as an executable in the installation root's bin directory.
  deno install --allow-net --allow-read https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
  deno install https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts

To change the executable name, use -n/--name:
  deno install --allow-net --allow-read -n serve https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

The executable name is inferred by default:
  - Attempt to take the file stem of the URL path. The above example would
    become 'file_server'.
  - If the file stem is something generic like 'main', 'mod', 'index' or 'cli',
    and the path has no parent, take the file name of the parent path. Otherwise
    settle with the generic name.

To change the installation root, use --root:
  deno install --allow-net --allow-read --root /usr/local https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

The installation root is determined, in order of precedence:
  - --root option
  - DENO_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable
  - $HOME/.deno

These must be added to the path manually if required.

    deno install [OPTIONS] <cmd>...

    -A, --allow-all                    Allow all permissions
        --allow-env                    Allow environment access
        --allow-hrtime                 Allow high resolution time measurement
        --allow-net=<allow-net>        Allow network access
        --allow-plugin                 Allow loading plugins
        --allow-read=<allow-read>      Allow file system read access
        --allow-run                    Allow running subprocesses
        --allow-write=<allow-write>    Allow file system write access
        --cert <FILE>                  Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file
    -f, --force                        Forcefully overwrite existing installation
    -h, --help                         Prints help information
    -L, --log-level <log-level>        Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
    -n, --name <name>                  Executable file name
    -q, --quiet                        Suppress diagnostic output
        --root <root>                  Installation root
        --unstable                     Enable unstable APIs


install 하고 사용하기

➜ deno install --allow-read --allow-net https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/file_server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/file_server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/io/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/flags/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/_util/assert.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/_io.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/glob.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/_util/os.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/separator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/win32.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/posix.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/common.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/_interface.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/bytes/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/io/buffer.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/testing/asserts.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/delay.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/debounce.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/pool.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/tee.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/async/deadline.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/textproto/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/http_status.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/bytes/bytes_list.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/_util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/testing/_diff.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/io/types.d.ts
Check https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/file_server.ts
✅ Successfully installed file_server

~/FastCampus/deno2021 via ⬢ v14.17.4 at ☸️ docker-desktop took 5s 
➜ file_server
HTTP server listening on

사용하려면 main 이 있어야 함

➜ deno install https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/fmt/colors.ts
✅ Successfully installed colors

➜ colors

사용하려면 main 이 있어야 함

if (import.meta.main) {

어디에 인스톨될지 우선순위

--root option

DENO_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable


이름을 내마음대로 바꾸는 옵션 -n

➜ deno install --allow-read --allow-net -n fs https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/flags/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/_util/assert.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/win32.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/posix.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/common.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/separator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/_interface.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/glob.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/_util/assert.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/flags/mod.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/encoding/utf8.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/http/_io.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/posix.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/separator.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/_constants.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/win32.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/_util.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/common.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/_interface.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/glob.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/_globrex.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/encoding/utf8.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/http/_io.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/textproto/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/http/http_status.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/delay.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/_util.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/_globrex.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/textproto/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/bytes/mod.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/delay.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/deferred.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/http/http_status.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/bytes/mod.ts
Compile https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
✅ Successfully installed fs

~/Deno took 4s 
➜ fs
HTTP server listening on

Module Integrity checking


사용하는 모듈의 무결성을 위한 lock.json 파일 생성

➜ deno cache --lock=lock.json --lock-write welcome-with-color.ts 

  "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/fmt/colors.ts": "06444b6ebc3842a4b2340d804bfa81fc5452a03513cbb81bd7f6bf8f4b8f3ac4"

다른 머신에서 lock.json 을 기반으로 모듈 캐싱하기

➜ deno cache --reload --lock=lock.json welcome-with-color.ts
Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/fmt/colors.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/Deno/welcome-with-color.ts

문제가 있는 경우 failed

➜ deno cache --reload --lock=lock.json welcome-with-color.ts
Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/fmt/colors.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/Deno/welcome-with-color.ts
Subresource integrity check failed --lock=lock.json

run 하면서 사용하는 모듈의 무결성 체크

➜ deno run --lock=lock.json welcome-with-color.ts
Hello Deno

➜ deno run --lock=lock.json welcome-with-color.ts
Subresource integrity check failed --lock=lock.json

캐시되어 무결성 체크안에 포함되어 있지 않으면 실행되지 않는다.


➜ deno run --lock=lock.json --cached-only welcome-with-color.ts
error: Cannot find module "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/std/log/mod.ts" from "file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/welcome-with-color.ts" in cache, --cached-only is specified

dependency inspector

deno info

➜ deno info server.ts 
[1/1] Compiling file:///Users/mark/deno/deno-is-coming/server.ts
local: /Users/mark/deno/deno-is-coming/server.ts
type: TypeScript
compiled: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen/8a1c598995d9637a1462100c9e341520af130247.js
map: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen/8a1c598995d9637a1462100c9e341520af130247.js.map
  └─┬ https://deno.land/std@v0.5/http/server.ts
    ├─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/io/bufio.ts
    │ ├─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/io/util.ts
    │ │ ├── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/strings/strings.ts
    │ │ └─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path.ts
    │ │   └─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/mod.ts
    │ │     ├─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/win32.ts
    │ │     │ ├── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/constants.ts
    │ │     │ └─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/utils.ts
    │ │     │   └── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/constants.ts
    │ │     ├─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/posix.ts
    │ │     │ ├── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/constants.ts
    │ │     │ └── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/utils.ts
    │ │     └── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/fs/path/constants.ts
    │ └─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/testing/asserts.ts
    │   └─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/testing/pretty.ts
    │     ├── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/testing/asserts.ts
    │     ├── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/colors/mod.ts
    │     ├── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/testing/diff.ts
    │     └── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/testing/format.ts
    ├─┬ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/textproto/mod.ts
    │ └── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/io/util.ts
    ├── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/http/http_status.ts
    └── https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/v0.5/testing/asserts.ts

SUBCOMMANDS : info (의존 모듈 트리 보기)

➜ deno help info                                            
Information about a module or the cache directories.

Get information about a module:
  deno info https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

The following information is shown:

local: Local path of the file.
type: JavaScript, TypeScript, or JSON.
compiled: Local path of compiled source code. (TypeScript only.)
map: Local path of source map. (TypeScript only.)
deps: Dependency tree of the source file.

Without any additional arguments, 'deno info' shows:

DENO_DIR: Directory containing Deno-managed files.
Remote modules cache: Subdirectory containing downloaded remote modules.
TypeScript compiler cache: Subdirectory containing TS compiler output.

    deno info [OPTIONS] [file]

        --cert <FILE>              Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file
    -h, --help                     Prints help information
    -L, --log-level <log-level>    Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
    -q, --quiet                    Suppress diagnostic output
        --unstable                 Enable unstable APIs


SUBCOMMANDS : info (의존 모듈 트리 보기)

➜ deno info https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/file_server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/file_server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/flags/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/diff.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/win32.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/posix.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/common.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/separator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/interface.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/glob.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/encoding/utf8.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/_io.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_globrex.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/textproto/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/http_status.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/delay.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/io/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/bytes/mod.ts
Compile https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/file_server.ts
local: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/deps/https/deno.land/5bd138988e9d20db1a436666628ffb3f7586934e0a2a9fe2a7b7bf4fb7f70b98
type: TypeScript
compiled: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen/https/deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/file_server.ts.js
map: /Users/mark/Library/Caches/deno/gen/https/deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/file_server.ts.js.map
  ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/mod.ts
  │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/win32.ts
  │ │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_constants.ts
  │ │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_util.ts
  │ │ │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_constants.ts
  │ │ └─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts
  │ │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/fmt/colors.ts
  │ │   └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/diff.ts
  │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/posix.ts
  │ │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_constants.ts
  │ │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_util.ts
  │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/common.ts
  │ │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/separator.ts
  │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/separator.ts
  │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/interface.ts
  │ └─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/glob.ts
  │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/separator.ts
  │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/_globrex.ts
  │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/mod.ts
  │   └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts
  ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/server.ts
  │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/encoding/utf8.ts
  │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/io/bufio.ts
  │ │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/io/util.ts
  │ │ │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/path/mod.ts
  │ │ │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/encoding/utf8.ts
  │ │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts
  │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts
  │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/mod.ts
  │ │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/deferred.ts
  │ │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/delay.ts
  │ │ └─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
  │ │   └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/async/deferred.ts
  │ └─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/_io.ts
  │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/io/bufio.ts
  │   ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/textproto/mod.ts
  │   │ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/io/util.ts
  │   │ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/bytes/mod.ts
  │   │ │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/io/util.ts
  │   │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/encoding/utf8.ts
  │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts
  │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/encoding/utf8.ts
  │   ├── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/server.ts
  │   └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/http/http_status.ts
  ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/flags/mod.ts
  │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts
  └── https://deno.land/std@0.52.0/testing/asserts.ts

code formatter & linter

deno fmt & deno lint

SUBCOMMANDS : fmt (포매터)

➜ deno help fmt  
Auto-format JavaScript/TypeScript source code.
  deno fmt
  deno fmt myfile1.ts myfile2.ts
  deno fmt --check

Format stdin and write to stdout:
  cat file.ts | deno fmt -

Ignore formatting code by preceding it with an ignore comment:
  // deno-fmt-ignore

Ignore formatting a file by adding an ignore comment at the top of the file:
  // deno-fmt-ignore-file

    deno fmt [OPTIONS] [files]...

        --check                    Check if the source files are formatted.
    -h, --help                     Prints help information
    -L, --log-level <log-level>    Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
    -q, --quiet                    Suppress diagnostic output


formatter 로 dprint 를 사용합니다.


특정 파일 포매팅 되어 있는지 체크하고, 포매팅 하기

➜ deno fmt --check MyModule.ts

from MyModule.ts:
02| -    name: string;
02| +  name: string;

error: Found 1 not formatted file

➜ deno fmt MyModule.ts        

➜ deno fmt --check MyModule.ts

현재 위치 기준 하위 디렉토리 포매팅 체크하고, 포매팅 하기

➜ deno fmt --check

from /Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:
02| -    name: string;
02| +  name: string;

error: Found 1 not formatted file

➜ deno fmt        

➜ deno fmt --check

포매팅 안하고 싶으면 주석 처리 : // deno-fmt-ignore-file

// deno-fmt-ignore-file


➜ deno lint welcome-with-color.ts
Checked 1 file

➜ deno lint MyModule.ts
(no-namespace) TypeScript's `module` and `namespace` are discouraged to
export namespace Namespace {
   * 안쪽의 문서도 밖에서 보입니다.
  export class Klass {}
    at /Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/MyModule.ts:33:7

    hint: Use ES2015 module syntax (`import`/`export`) to organize
the code instead

Found 1 problem
Checked 1 file

deno types


➜ deno help types
Print runtime TypeScript declarations.

  deno types > lib.deno.d.ts

The declaration file could be saved and used for typing information.

    deno types [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                     Prints help information
    -L, --log-level <log-level>    Set log level [possible values: debug, info]
    -q, --quiet                    Suppress diagnostic output
        --unstable                 Enable unstable features and APIs
// d.ts 출력
➜ deno types            

➜ deno types > lib.deno.d.ts

Security & Permission

No network and filesystem access by default

➜ deno run https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
error: Uncaught PermissionDenied: Requires read access to <CWD>, run again with the --allow-read flag
      path = Deno.cwd();
    at deno:core/01_core.js:106:46
    at unwrapOpResult (deno:core/01_core.js:126:13)
    at Object.opSync (deno:core/01_core.js:140:12)
    at Object.cwd (deno:runtime/js/30_fs.js:63:17)
    at Module.resolve (https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/path/posix.ts:38:19)
    at https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/file_server.ts:54:22

파일을 읽을 수 없어서 프로그램이 죽는다.

➜ deno run --allow-read https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
HTTP server listening on
error: Uncaught (in promise) PermissionDenied: Requires net access to "", run again with the --allow-net flag
  const listener = Deno.listen(addr);
    at deno:core/01_core.js:106:46
    at unwrapOpResult (deno:core/01_core.js:126:13)
    at Object.opSync (deno:core/01_core.js:140:12)
    at opListen (deno:extensions/net/01_net.js:38:17)
    at Object.listen (deno:extensions/net/01_net.js:204:17)
    at serve (https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/server.ts:304:25)
    at listenAndServe (https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/server.ts:324:18)
    at main (https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/file_server.ts:673:5)
    at https://deno.land/std@0.103.0/http/file_server.ts:679:3

네트워크를 열 수 없어서 프로그램이 죽는다.

➜ deno run --allow-read --allow-net https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
HTTP server listening on
[2021-08-22 14:05:55] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
No such file or directory (os error 2)
[2021-08-22 14:05:55] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404

필요한 모든 권한이 있으므로 프로그램이 죽지않고 실행된다.

  • -A, --allow-all Allow all permissions. This disables all security.

  • --allow-env Allow environment access for things like getting and setting of environment variables.

  • --allow-hrtime Allow high resolution time measurement. High resolution time can be used in timing attacks and fingerprinting.

  • --allow-net=\<allow-net> Allow network access. You can specify an optional, comma separated list of domains to provide a allow-list of allowed domains.

  • --allow-plugin Allow loading plugins. Please note that --allow-plugin is an unstable feature.

  • --allow-read=\<allow-read> Allow file system read access. You can specify an optional, comma separated list of directories or files to provide a allow-list of allowed file system access.

  • --allow-run Allow running subprocesses. Be aware that subprocesses are not run in a sandbox and therefore do not have the same security restrictions as the deno process. Therefore, use with caution.

  • --allow-write=\<allow-write> Allow file system write access. You can specify an optional, comma separated list of directories or files to provide a allow-list of allowed file system access.

➜ deno run --allow-read=/Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021 --allow-net https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
HTTP server listening on

➜ deno run --allow-read=/Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021,/Users/mark/Desktop --allow-net https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts
HTTP server listening on

특정 경로만 퍼미션을 줄 수 있다. (allow-write 도 마찬가지)

const result = await fetch("https://deno.land/");

➜ deno run --allow-net=deno.land fetch.ts
Response {
  _bodySource: ReadableStream { locked: false },
  contentType: "text/html",
  _stream: null,
  url: "https://deno.land/",
  statusText: "OK",
  status: 200,
  headers: Headers { date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 05:22:54 GMT, content-type: text/html, set-cookie: __cfduid=de8cd74e317340ff73dbb966ba766283d1592198573; expires=Wed, 15-Jul-20 05:22:53 GMT; path=/; domain=.deno.land; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax; Secure, cf-ray: 5a39db1badb8996b-LAX, access-control-allow-origin: *, age: 51876, cache-control: public, max-age=0, must-revalidate, content-disposition: inline, strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload, cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC, cf-request-id: 03580745450000996bd6222200000001, expect-ct: max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct", x-vercel-cache: HIT, x-vercel-id: sfo1::9vndm-1592198574031-86fcd4834b90, x-vercel-trace: sfo1, vary: Accept-Encoding, server: cloudflare },
  redirected: false,
  type: "default"

특정 도메인 영역만 네트워크를 허가할 수 있다.


function decorator(
  target: Object,
  propertyKey: string | symbol,
  descriptor: PropertyDescriptor,
) {

class Welcome {
  public hello(): void {
    console.log("Welcome to Deno 🦕");

function main() {
  new Welcome().hello();

if (import.meta.main) {

decorator 가 있는 파일 작성하기

➜ deno run decorator.ts 
Check file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/decorator.ts
Welcome to Deno 🦕

decorator 가 있는 파일 실행하기

    "compilerOptions": {
        "experimentalDecorators": false

custom tsconfig

➜ deno run -c tsconfig.json decorator.ts 
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/decorator.ts
Welcome to Deno 🦕

나만의 tsconfig 로 사용이 가능

2. Deno Libraries

2-1) Deno Libraries 개요

2-2) Deno Runtime API

2-3) Deno Standard Library

2-4) Deno Third Party Modules

Deno Libraries 개요



Deno Runtime API

  • Functions

  • Variables

  • Classes

  • Enums

  • Interfaces

  • Type Aliases

  • Namespaces

function callback() {
    console.log('Welcome to Deno 🦕');

if (import.meta.main) {
    // function addEventListener(type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
    addEventListener('hello', callback);

    // function setInterval(cb: (...args: any[]) => void, delay?: number, ...args: any[]): number;
    setInterval(() => {
        // function dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean;
        dispatchEvent(new Event('hello'));
    }, 1000);
    // function clearInterval(id?: number): void;

    // function setTimeout(cb: (...args: any[]) => void, delay?: number, ...args: any[]): number;
    setTimeout(() => {
        // function removeEventListener(type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
        removeEventListener('hello', callback);
    }, 2500);
    // function clearTimeout(id?: number): void;

Functions : functions1.ts

➜ deno run functions1.ts 
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/functions1.ts
Welcome to Deno 🦕
Welcome to Deno 🦕

deno run functions1.ts

if (import.meta.main) {
  // function btoa(s: string): string;
  console.log(`btoa("hello")`, btoa("hello")); // aGVsbG8=
  console.log(`btoa("Hello World!")`, btoa("Hello World!")); // SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh

  // function atob(s: string): string;
  console.log(`atob("aGVsbG8=")`, atob("aGVsbG8=")); // hello
  console.log(`atob("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh")`, atob("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh")); // Hello World!

Functions : functions2.ts

➜ deno run functions2.ts                      
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/functions2.ts
btoa("hello") aGVsbG8=
btoa("Hello World!") SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh
atob("aGVsbG8=") hello
atob("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh") Hello World!

deno run functions2.ts

// function fetch(input: Request | URL | string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;

if (import.meta.main) {
  const response = await fetch("https://api.github.com/users");
  const users: User[] = await response.json();
  console.log(users.map((user) => user.login));

interface User {
  login: string;
  id: number;
  node_id: string;
  avatar_url: string;
  gravatar_id: string;
  url: string;
  html_url: string;
  followers_url: string;
  following_url: string;
  gists_url: string;
  starred_url: string;
  subscriptions_url: string;
  organizations_url: string;
  repos_url: string;
  events_url: string;
  received_events_url: string;
  type: string;
  site_admin: boolean;

Functions : fetch.ts

➜ deno run fetch.ts                           
error: Uncaught PermissionDenied: network access to "https://api.github.com/users", run again with the --allow-net flag
    at unwrapResponse ($deno$/ops/dispatch_json.ts:43:11)
    at Object.sendAsync ($deno$/ops/dispatch_json.ts:98:10)
    at async fetch ($deno$/web/fetch.ts:265:27)
    at async file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/fetch.ts:4:22

deno run fetch.ts

➜ deno run --allow-net=api.github.com fetch.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/fetch.ts
  "mojombo", "defunkt", "pjhyett",
  "wycats", "ezmobius", "ivey",
  "evanphx", "vanpelt", "wayneeseguin",
  "brynary", "kevinclark", "technoweenie",
  "macournoyer", "takeo", "caged",
  "topfunky", "anotherjesse", "roland",
  "lukas", "fanvsfan", "tomtt",
  "railsjitsu", "nitay", "kevwil",
  "KirinDave", "jamesgolick", "atmos",
  "errfree", "mojodna", "bmizerany"

deno run --allow-net=api.github.com fetch.ts

if (import.meta.main) {


  try {
    const fileInfo = await Deno.stat("./foo.txt");

    if (fileInfo.isFile) {
      const openedFile = await Deno.open("./foo.txt", { read: true });

      const buffer = new Uint8Array(fileInfo.size);

      await Deno.read(openedFile.rid, buffer);

      console.log("[read buffer]", new TextDecoder().decode(buffer));


      await Deno.remove("./foo.txt");
  } catch (error) {
    const file = await Deno.create("./foo.txt");

    const text = `Hello, Deno : ${new Date().toISOString()}`;

    const data = new TextEncoder().encode(text);

    await Deno.write(file.rid, data);
    console.log("[write text]", text);


File System : file.ts

➜ deno run --allow-read --allow-write file.ts
  isFile: true,
  isDirectory: false,
  isSymlink: false,
  size: 38,
  mtime: 2020-06-21T13:01:23.938Z,
  atime: 2020-06-21T13:01:27.367Z,
  birthtime: 2020-06-21T13:01:23.937Z,
  dev: 16777222,
  ino: 53370832,
  mode: 33188,
  nlink: 1,
  uid: 501,
  gid: 20,
  rdev: 0,
  blksize: 4096,
  blocks: 8
[read buffer] Hello, Deno : 2020-06-21T13:01:23.937Z
[write text] Hello, Deno : 2020-06-21T13:02:31.480Z

deno run --allow-read --allow-write file.ts

if (import.meta.main) {
  for (let i = 0; i < Deno.args.length; i++) {
    const filename = Deno.args[i];
    const file = await Deno.open(filename);
    await Deno.copy(file, Deno.stdout);

Example : cat.ts

➜ deno run --allow-read cat.ts /Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt
Hello, Deno : 2020-06-21T13:02:31.480Z%

deno run --allow-read cat.ts /Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt

async function print() {
  const file = await Deno.open("/Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt");
  const buffer = new Uint8Array(100);
  await Deno.read(file.rid, buffer);
  const text = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer);

if (import.meta.main) {
  const status = await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "read" });
  if (status.state !== "granted") {
    throw new Error("need read permission");
  console.log("read permission exist");
  await print();
  await Deno.permissions.revoke({ name: "read" });
  await print();

Example : permission.ts

➜ deno run permission.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/permission.ts
error: Uncaught Error: need read permission
    throw new Error("need read permission");
    at file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/permission.ts:13:11

deno run permission.ts

➜ deno run --allow-read permission.ts
read permission exist
Hello, Deno : 2020-06-21T13:02:31.480Z
error: Uncaught PermissionDenied: read access to "/Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt", run again with the --allow-read flag
    at unwrapResponse ($deno$/ops/dispatch_json.ts:43:11)
    at Object.sendAsync ($deno$/ops/dispatch_json.ts:98:10)
    at async Object.open ($deno$/files.ts:37:15)
    at async print (file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/permission.ts:2:16)
    at async file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/permission.ts:18:3

deno run --allow-read permission.ts

if (import.meta.main) {
  const watcher = Deno.watchFs("/Users/mark/Desktop/");
  for await (const event of watcher) {
    console.log(">>>> event", event);
    // { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt" ] }

Example : watcher.ts

➜ deno run --allow-read watcher.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/watcher.ts
>>>> event { kind: "remove", paths: [ "/Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt" ] }
>>>> event { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt" ] }
>>>> event { kind: "modify", paths: [ "/Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt" ] }
>>>> event { kind: "modify", paths: [ "/Users/mark/Desktop/foo.txt" ] }

deno run --allow-read watcher.ts

Deno Standard Library

if (import.meta.main) {
  const hostname = "";
  const port = 8080;
  const listener = Deno.listen({ hostname, port });
  console.log(`Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`);
  for await (const conn of listener) {
    Deno.copy(conn, conn);

TCP Server : echo_server.ts

➜ deno run --allow-net echo_server.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/echo_server.ts
Listening on
ConnImpl {
  rid: 4,
  remoteAddr: { hostname: "", port: 49878, transport: "tcp" },
  localAddr: { hostname: "", port: 8080, transport: "tcp" }

deno run --allow-net echo_server.ts

➜ nc localhost 8080

hello deno
hello deno

nc localhost 8080

import { BufWriter, BufReader } from "https://deno.land/std/io/bufio.ts";
import { writeResponse, readRequest } from "https://deno.land/std/http/_io.ts";

if (import.meta.main) {
  const hostname = "";
  const port = 8080;
  const listener = Deno.listen({ hostname, port });
  console.log(`Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`);
  for await (const conn of listener) {
    const reader = new BufReader(conn);
    const writer = new BufWriter(conn);

    const request = await readRequest(conn, reader);

    if (request === null) break;


    await writeResponse(writer, {
      status: 200,
      body: new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify({ hello: "Deno" })),


HTTP Server : http_server.ts

➜ deno run --allow-net http_server.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/http_server.ts
Listening on
ServerRequest {
  done: Promise { <pending> },
  _contentLength: undefined,
  _body: null,
  finalized: false,
  conn: ConnImpl {
    rid: 4,
    remoteAddr: { hostname: "", port: 58829, transport: "tcp" },
    localAddr: { hostname: "", port: 8080, transport: "tcp" }
  r: BufReader {
    r: 572,
    w: 572,
    eof: false,
    buf: Uint8Array(4096) [
      71, 69, 84, 32, 47, 32, 72, 84, 84, 80, 47, 49, 46,  49,
      13, 10, 72, 111, 115, 116, 58, 32, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 104,
      111, 115, 116, 58, 56, 48, 56, 48, 13, 10, 67, 111, 110, 110,
      101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 58, 32, 107, 101, 101, 112, 45,  97,
      108, 105, 118, 101, 13, 10, 67, 97, 99, 104, 101, 45, 67, 111,
      110, 116, 114, 111, 108, 58, 32, 109, 97, 120, 45, 97, 103, 101,
      61, 48, 13, 10, 85, 112, 103, 114, 97, 100, 101, 45, 73, 110,
      115, 101,
      ... 3996 more items
    rd: ConnImpl {
      rid: 4,
      remoteAddr: { hostname: "", port: 58829, transport: "tcp" },
      localAddr: { hostname: "", port: 8080, transport: "tcp" }
  method: "GET",
  url: "/",
  proto: "HTTP/1.1",
  protoMinor: 1,
  protoMajor: 1,
  headers: Headers { host: localhost:8080, connection: keep-alive, cache-control: max-age=0, upgrade-insecure-requests: 1, user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36, accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9, sec-fetch-site: none, sec-fetch-mode: navigate, sec-fetch-user: ?1, sec-fetch-dest: document, accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br, accept-language: ko-KR,ko;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7 }

deno run --allow-net http_server.ts

import { listenAndServe } from "https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts";

if (import.meta.main) {
    hostname: "localhost",
    port: 8080,
  }, (req) => {

    if (req.url === "/") {
        status: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify({ hello: "Deno" }),


    req.respond({ status: 404 });

Using HTTP module : serve.ts

➜ deno run --allow-net serve.ts
Compile file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/serve.ts
ServerRequest {
  done: Promise { <pending> },
  _contentLength: undefined,
  _body: null,
  finalized: false,
  conn: ConnImpl {
    rid: 4,
    remoteAddr: { hostname: "::1", port: 62943, transport: "tcp" },
    localAddr: { hostname: "::1", port: 8080, transport: "tcp" }
  r: BufReader {
    r: 578,
    w: 578,
    eof: false,
    buf: Uint8Array(4096) [
      71, 69, 84, 32, 47, 32, 72, 84, 84, 80, 47, 49, 46,  49,
      13, 10, 72, 111, 115, 116, 58, 32, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 104,
      111, 115, 116, 58, 56, 48, 56, 48, 13, 10, 67, 111, 110, 110,
      101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 58, 32, 107, 101, 101, 112, 45,  97,
      108, 105, 118, 101, 13, 10, 67, 97, 99, 104, 101, 45, 67, 111,
      110, 116, 114, 111, 108, 58, 32, 109, 97, 120, 45, 97, 103, 101,
      61, 48, 13, 10, 85, 112, 103, 114, 97, 100, 101, 45, 73, 110,
      115, 101,
      ... 3996 more items
    rd: ConnImpl {
      rid: 4,
      remoteAddr: { hostname: "::1", port: 62943, transport: "tcp" },
      localAddr: { hostname: "::1", port: 8080, transport: "tcp" }
  method: "GET",
  url: "/",
  proto: "HTTP/1.1",
  protoMinor: 1,
  protoMajor: 1,
  headers: Headers { host: localhost:8080, connection: keep-alive, cache-control: max-age=0, upgrade-insecure-requests: 1, user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36, accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9, sec-fetch-site: cross-site, sec-fetch-mode: navigate, sec-fetch-user: ?1, sec-fetch-dest: document, accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br, accept-language: ko-KR,ko;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7 },
  w: BufWriter {
    usedBufferBytes: 0,
    err: null,
    writer: ConnImpl {
      rid: 4,
      remoteAddr: { hostname: "::1", port: 62943, transport: "tcp" },
      localAddr: { hostname: "::1", port: 8080, transport: "tcp" }
    buf: Uint8Array(4096) [
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
      ... 3996 more items

deno run --allow-net serve.ts

function main(): void {
  const CORSEnabled = serverArgs.cors ? true : false;
  const addr = `${serverArgs.port ?? serverArgs.p ?? 4507}`;

  if (serverArgs.h ?? serverArgs.help) {
    console.log(`Deno File Server
    Serves a local directory in HTTP.

    deno install --allow-net --allow-read https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

    file_server [path] [options]

    -h, --help          Prints help information
    -p, --port <PORT>   Set port
    --cors              Enable CORS via the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header`);

    async (req): Promise<void> => {
      let normalizedUrl = posix.normalize(req.url);
      try {
        normalizedUrl = decodeURIComponent(normalizedUrl);
      } catch (e) {
        if (!(e instanceof URIError)) {
          throw e;
      const fsPath = posix.join(target, normalizedUrl);

      let response: Response | undefined;
      try {
        const fileInfo = await Deno.stat(fsPath);
        if (fileInfo.isDirectory) {
          response = await serveDir(req, fsPath);
        } else {
          response = await serveFile(req, fsPath);
      } catch (e) {
        response = await serveFallback(req, e);
      } finally {
        if (CORSEnabled) {
        serverLog(req, response!);

  console.log(`HTTP server listening on http://${addr}/`);

if (import.meta.main) {

File Server : https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts

Deno Third Party Modules

import { Application, Router } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

const router = new Router();
  .get("/", (context) => {
    context.response.body = { hello: "Deno" };
  .get("/book/:id", (context) => {
    if (context.params && context.params.id) {
      context.response.body = context.params.id;

const app = new Application();

app.use((ctx) => {
  ctx.response.body = "error";

await app.listen({ port: 8080 });

Third Party module : oak.ts

➜ deno install -qAf --unstable https://deno.land/x/denon/denon.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/denon.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/deps.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/watcher.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/runner.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/daemon.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/cli.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/config.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/args.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/log.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/log/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/log/logger.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/log/levels.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/log/handlers.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/yaml.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/read_json.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/write_json.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/permissions/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/omelette/omelette.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/scripts.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/src/merge.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/exists.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/empty_dir.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/ensure_dir.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/ensure_file.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/ensure_link.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/ensure_symlink.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/expand_glob.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/move.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/copy.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/read_file_str.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/write_file_str.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/walk.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/eol.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/parse.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/stringify.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/schema.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/schema/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/_util/assert.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/win32.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/posix.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/common.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/separator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/_interface.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/glob.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/node/events.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/async/delay.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/fs/_util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/loader/loader.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/loader/loader_state.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/io/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/_util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/win32.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/posix.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/common.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/separator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/interface.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/glob.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/schema/core.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/schema/default.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/schema/failsafe.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/schema/json.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/dumper/dumper.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/dumper/dumper_state.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/utils.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/node/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/testing/asserts.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/error.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/mark.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/path/_globrex.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/state.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/_globrex.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/path/_util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/testing/diff.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/node/_util/_util_callbackify.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.53.0/node/_utils.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/binary.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/bool.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/float.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/int.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/map.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/merge.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/nil.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/omap.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/pairs.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/seq.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/set.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/str.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.57.0/encoding/_yaml/type/timestamp.ts
Compile https://deno.land/x/denon@v2.2.0/denon.ts
✅ Successfully installed denon

deno install -qAf --unstable https://deno.land/x/denon/denon.ts

➜ denon run --allow-net oak.ts
[denon] v2.2.0
[denon] watching path(s): *.*
[denon] watching extensions: ts,tsx,js,jsx,json
[denon] starting `deno run --allow-net oak.ts`
[denon] watching path(s): *.*
[denon] watching extensions: ts,tsx,js,jsx,json
[denon] restarting due to changes...
[denon] starting `deno run --allow-net oak.ts`
Compile file:///Users/mark/Deno/oak.ts
[denon] watching path(s): *.*
[denon] watching extensions: ts,tsx,js,jsx,json
[denon] restarting due to changes...
[denon] starting `deno run --allow-net oak.ts`
Compile file:///Users/mark/Deno/oak.ts

denon run --allow-net oak.ts

3. API Server 만들기

1-1) 프로젝트 개요

1-2) mysql 실행 및 설정

1-3) Nessie 를 이용한 DB 마이그레이션

1-4) 라우팅 설정하기

1-5) dotenv 를 이용한 환경 변수 설정

1-6) 로그인 처리하기

1-7) jwt 토큰 내려주기

1-8) Books 테이블 추가하기

1-9) GET /book

1-10) Error Handling

1-11) POST /book

1-12) GET /book/:id

1-13) 인증 함수 분리하기

1-14) deps.ts 파일로 의존성 관리하기

프로젝트 개요

# 로그인

POST /login
Body { email, password }

# 로그아웃

DELETE /logout
  Authorization: Bearer ${token}
# 책 목록보기

GET /book
  Authorization: Bearer ${token}

# 책 추가하기

POST /book
Body { title, message, author, url }
  Authorization: Bearer ${token}

# 책 상세보기

GET /book/${book.id}
  Authorization: Bearer ${token}

# 책 수정하기

PATCH /book/${book.id}
Body { title, message, author, url }
  Authorization: Bearer ${token}

# 책 삭제하기

DELETE /book/${book.id}
  Authorization: Bearer ${token}
  • API Server Project

  • install mysql

  • nessie : A database migration tool for deno.

  • oak : A middleware framework for Deno's http server, including a router middleware.

  • denon : denon is the deno replacement for nodemon providing a feature packed and easy to use experience.

  • bcrypt : BCrypt support for hashing and checking passwords

  • djwt : The absolute minimum to make JSON Web Tokens on deno. Based on JWT and JWS specifications.

  • dotenv : Dotenv handling for deno.

mysql 실행 및 설정

➜ docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 --name books-api-mysql mysql:5.7.30
Unable to find image 'mysql:5.7.30' locally
5.7.30: Pulling from library/mysql
8559a31e96f4: Pull complete 
d51ce1c2e575: Pull complete 
c2344adc4858: Pull complete 
fcf3ceff18fc: Pull complete 
16da0c38dc5b: Pull complete 
b905d1797e97: Pull complete 
4b50d1c6b05c: Pull complete 
d85174a87144: Pull complete 
a4ad33703fa8: Pull complete 
f7a5433ce20d: Pull complete 
3dcd2a278b4a: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:32f9d9a069f7a735e28fd44ea944d53c61f990ba71460c5c183e610854ca4854
Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:5.7.30

// m1 mac 의 경우
➜ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 --name books-api-mysql mysql:5.7.30


➜ docker exec -i -t books-api-mysql bash                                                    

into the Docker

root@9808ce150fc5:/# mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.7.30 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


into the MYSQL

mysql> CREATE DATABASE `books-api` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Create Database : books-api

Nessie 를 이용한 DB 마이그레이션

➜ deno run -A --unstable https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts init --dialect mysql
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Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/testing/asserts.ts
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Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/deps.ts
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Warning Implicitly using latest version (0.100.0) for https://deno.land/std/hash/mod.ts
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Check https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts

Generates a nessie.config.ts file

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";

const client = new ClientMySQL({
  hostname: "localhost",
  port: 3306,
  username: "root",
  password: "1234",
  db: "books-api",

/** This is the final config object */
const config: NessieConfig = {
  migrationFolders: ["./db/migrations"],
  seedFolders: ["./db/seeds"],

export default config;


➜ deno run -A --unstable https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts make:migration create_users
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Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/packets/parsers/result.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/packets/builders/auth.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/packets/packet.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/packets/parsers/err.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/constant/packet.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/auth_plugin/index.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/packets/builders/query.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/bytes_formater@v1.4.0/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/sql_builder@v1.7.0/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/hash/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/log/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/encoding/utf8.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/connection/connection.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/type.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/number.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/_errors.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/child_command.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/action_list.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/boolean.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/command.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/enum.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/help/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/string.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/path/_util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/fs/_util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/_util/assert.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/input.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/_generic_list.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/confirm.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/prompt.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/_generic_input.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/number.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/toggle.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/secret.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/figures.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/_generic_prompt.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/checkbox.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/select.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/list.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/datetime/tokenizer.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/validate_flags.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/_errors.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/types/number.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/normalize.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/types/string.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/types.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/flags.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/types/boolean.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/table/cell.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/table/row.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/table/table.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/keycode/key_code.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/keycode/key_codes.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/pool.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/connection/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/utils.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/sqlite@v2.4.0/build/sqlite.js
Download https://deno.land/x/sqlite@v2.4.0/build/sqlite.d.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/sqlite@v2.4.0/src/error.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/sqlite@v2.4.0/src/wasm.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/sqlite@v2.4.0/src/row_objects.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/ansi/tty.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/ansi/chain.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/ansi/ansi.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/ansi/ansi_escapes.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/ansi/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/ansi/cursor_position.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/query/decode.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/query/encode.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/constant/capabilities.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/buffer.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/auth_plugin/caching_sha2_password.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/constant/mysql_types.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/complete.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/fish.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/zsh.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/bash.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/deps.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/bytes_formater@v1.4.0/deps.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/bytes_formater@v1.4.0/format.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/hash/_wasm/hash.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/hash/hasher.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/_utils.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/_utils.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/connection/packet_reader.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/connection/scram.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/connection/packet_writer.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/deps.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/auth.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/constant/charset.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/_utils/distance.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/deps.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/log/handlers.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/log/levels.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/log/logger.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/_util/assert.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/async/pool.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/async/delay.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/_generic_suggestions.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/integer.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/help/_help_generator.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/types/command.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/prompt/_utils.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/table/layout.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/table/border.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/flags/types/integer.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/sqlite@v2.4.0/build/vfs.js
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/src/auth_plugin/crypt.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/ansi/deps.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.77.0/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/fs/exists.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/_fish_completions_generator.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/_bash_completions_generator.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/command/completions/_zsh_completions_generator.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/query/decoders.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/query/oid.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/encoding/base64.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/hash/_wasm/wasm.js
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/encoding/hex.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/encoding/base64.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/bytes/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/hash/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/hash/sha256.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/table/utils.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.19.2/table/deps.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.99.0/encoding/base64.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/query/array_parser.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.11.2/query/types.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/bytes/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/async/delay.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/async/pool.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/hash/hasher.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/hash/_wasm/hash.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/io/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/io/buffer.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/_util/assert.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/rsa.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/hash/_wasm/wasm.js
Download https://deno.land/std@0.93.0/encoding/hex.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/src/rsa.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/src/basic_encoding_rule.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/src/helper.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/src/math.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/src/eme_oaep.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/god_crypto@v0.2.0/src/primitives.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/hash/mod.ts
Warning Implicitly using latest version (0.100.0) for https://deno.land/std/hash/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/hash/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/hash/_wasm/hash.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/hash/hasher.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/encoding/base64.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/encoding/hex.ts
Download https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/hash/_wasm/wasm.js
Check https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/clients/ClientMySQL.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/clients/ClientPostgreSQL.ts
Download https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/clients/ClientSQLite.ts
Check file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/books-api-deno/nessie.config.ts
Created migration /Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/books-api-deno/db/migrations/20210712225503_create_users.ts

Make migration file

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";

export default class extends AbstractMigration<ClientMySQL> {
    /** Runs on migrate */
    async up(info: Info): Promise<void> {
      // await this.client.queryArray("CREATE TABLE table1 (id int)");

    /** Runs on rollback */
    async down(info: Info): Promise<void> {
      // await this.client.queryArray("DROP TABLE table1");
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";
import { v4 } from "https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/uuid/mod.ts";
import * as bcrypt from "https://deno.land/x/bcrypt@v0.2.4/mod.ts";

export default class extends AbstractMigration<ClientMySQL> {
  /** Runs on migrate */
  async up(info: Info): Promise<void> {
    await this.client.query(`
            CREATE TABLE Users (
                userId varchar(36) NOT NULL,
                name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                email varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                password varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
                updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
                PRIMARY KEY (userId)

    const uuid = v4.generate();
    const name = "Mark Lee";
    const email = "2woongjae@gmail.com";
    const hashed = await bcrypt.hash("deno1234");

    await this.client.query(
      `INSERT INTO Users VALUES ('${uuid}', '${name}', '${email}', '${hashed}', DEFAULT, DEFAULT)`

  /** Runs on rollback */
  async down(info: Info): Promise<void> {
    await this.client.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Users");
➜ deno run -A --unstable https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts migrate
INFO connecting localhost:3306
INFO connected to localhost:3306
Starting migration of 1 files 

Migrating 20210712225503_create_users.ts
Check file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/books-api-deno/db/migrations/20210712225503_create_users.ts
Done in 7.25 seconds

Migrations completed in 7.25 seconds
INFO close connection


➜ deno run -A --unstable https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts rollback
INFO connecting localhost:3306
INFO connected to localhost:3306
Starting rollback of 1 files 

Rolling back 20210712225503_create_users.ts
Check file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/books-api-deno/db/migrations/20210712225503_create_users.ts
Done in 6.91 seconds

Rollback completed in 6.91 seconds
INFO close connection


import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";
import Dex from "https://deno.land/x/dex@1.0.2/mod.ts";
import { v4 } from "https://deno.land/std/uuid/mod.ts";
import * as bcrypt from "https://deno.land/x/bcrypt/mod.ts";

export default class extends AbstractMigration<ClientMySQL> {
  /** Runs on migrate */
  async up({ dialect }: Info): Promise<void> {
    const query = Dex({ client: dialect }).schema.createTable(
      (table: any) => {
        table.string("userId", 36).primary().notNullable();
        table.string("name", 255).notNullable();
        table.string("email", 255).notNullable();
        table.string("password", 255).notNullable();
        table.timestamps(null, true);

    await this.client.query(query);

    const uuid = v4.generate();
    const name = "Mark Lee";
    const email = "2woongjae@gmail.com";
    const hashed = await bcrypt.hash("deno1234");

    await this.client.query(
      `INSERT INTO Users VALUES ('${uuid}', '${name}', '${email}', '${hashed}', DEFAULT, DEFAULT);`

  /** Runs on rollback */
  async down({ dialect }: Info): Promise<void> {
    const query = Dex({ client: dialect }).schema.dropTable("Users");

    await this.client.query(query);

Migration Using Dex

라우팅 설정하기

import { Application } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import router from "./routes.ts";
import notFound from "./not_found.ts";

const port = 5000;

const app = new Application();



await app.listen({ port });


import { Router } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import UserController from "./controllers/UserController.ts";
import BookController from "./controllers/BookController.ts";

const router = new Router();
const userController = new UserController();
const bookController = new BookController();

  .post("/login", userController.login)
  .delete("/logout", userController.logout)
  .post("/book", bookController.createBook)
  .get("/book", bookController.getBooks)
  .get("/book/:id", bookController.getBook)
  .patch("/book/:id", bookController.updateBook)
  .delete("/book/:id", bookController.deleteBook);

export default router;


import { Context } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export default function notFound(context: Context) {
  context.response.status = 404;
  context.response.body = { error: "Not Found" };


import { RouterContext } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export default class UserController {
  public login(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "login";

  public logout(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "logout";


import { RouterContext } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export default class BookController {
  public createBook(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "createBook";

  public getBooks(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "getBooks";

  public getBook(context: RouterContext) {
    const id = context.params?.id || null;
    context.response.body = "getBook : " + id;

  public updateBook(context: RouterContext) {
    const id = context.params?.id || null;
    context.response.body = "updateBook : " + id;

  public deleteBook(context: RouterContext) {
    const id = context.params?.id || null;
    context.response.body = "deleteBook : " + id;


➜ deno run --allow-net main.ts


dotenv 를 이용한 환경 변수 설정



import { config } from "https://deno.land/x/dotenv/mod.ts";
import { Application } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import router from "./routes.ts";
import notFound from "./not_found.ts";

const env = config();
const port = Number(env.PORT) || 5000;

const app = new Application();



await app.listen({ port });


➜ deno run --allow-net --allow-read main.ts


로그인 처리하기

import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export default class UserController {
  public async login(context: RouterContext) {
    const result = (await context.request.body()) as BodyForm;
    console.log(result.type, await result.value);

    context.response.body = "login";

  public logout(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "logout";

// form URLSearchParams {
//  [Symbol(list)]: [ [ "email", "2woongjae@gmail.com" ], [ "password", "1234" ] ],
//  [Symbol("url object")]: null,
//  [Symbol("[[webidl.brand]]")]: Symbol("[[webidl.brand]]")

POST /login

declare class URLSearchParams {
    init?: string[][] | Record<string, string> | string | URLSearchParams,
  static toString(): string;

  append(name: string, value: string): void;
  delete(name: string): void;
  getAll(name: string): string[];
  get(name: string): string | null;
  has(name: string): boolean;
  set(name: string, value: string): void;
  sort(): void;
    callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void,
    thisArg?: any,
  ): void;
  keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
  values(): IterableIterator<string>;
  entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
  toString(): string;


import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export default class UserController {
  public async login(context: RouterContext) {
    const { type, value } = (await context.request.body()) as BodyForm;
    const params = await value;

    const email = params.get("email");
    const password = params.get("password");

    console.log(email, password); // 2woongjae@gmail.com deno1234

    context.response.body = "login";

  public logout(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "logout";

POST /login

import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export default class UserController {
  public async login(context: RouterContext) {
    const { type, value } = (await context.request.body()) as BodyForm;
    const params = await value;

    const email = params.get("email");
    const password = params.get("password");

    console.log(email, password); // 2woongjae@gmail.com deno1234

    if (email === null || password === null) {
      context.response.status = 422;
      context.response.body = { error: "email or password required" };

    context.response.body = "login";

  public logout(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "logout";

POST /login

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";

export const connectionOptions = {
  hostname: "localhost",
  port: 3306,
  username: "root",
  password: "1234",
  db: "books-api",

const client = new ClientMySQL(connectionOptions);

/** This is the final config object */
const config: NessieConfig = {
  migrationFolders: ["./db/migrations"],
  seedFolders: ["./db/seeds"],

export default config;


import { Client } from "https://deno.land/x/mysql/mod.ts";
import { connectionOptions } from "../nessie.config.ts";

const client = await new Client().connect(connectionOptions);

export default client;


import client from "./config.ts";

export interface User {
  userId: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;
  created_at: Date;
  updated_at: Date;

export async function getUserByEmail(email: string): Promise<User> {
  const { rows } = await client.execute(
    `SELECT * FROM Users WHERE email = '${email}'`
  if (rows === undefined) throw new Error();
  if (rows.length !== 1) throw new Error();
  return rows[0];


import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { getUserByEmail } from "../models/User.ts";
import * as bcrypt from "https://deno.land/x/bcrypt@v0.2.4/mod.ts";

export default class UserController {
  public async login(context: RouterContext) {
    const { type, value } = (await context.request.body()) as BodyForm;
    const params = await value;

    const email = params.get("email");
    const password = params.get("password");

    console.log(email, password); // 2woongjae@gmail.com deno1234

    if (email === null || password === null) {
      context.response.status = 422;
      context.response.body = { error: "email or password required" };

    const user = await getUserByEmail(email);

    const match = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.password);

    context.response.body = "login";

  public logout(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "logout";

POST /login

➜ deno run --allow-net --allow-read --unstable main.ts


jwt 토큰 내려주기

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/djwt@v2.2/mod.ts";
import { User } from "../models/User.ts";

const key = "markzzang";

const header: Header = {
  alg: "HS256",
  typ: "JWT",

export async function generate(user: User): Promise<string> {
  return await create(
      iss: "mark",
      exp: getNumericDate(10 * 60 * 60),
      userId: user.userId,
      email: user.email,


import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { getUserByEmail } from "../models/User.ts";
import * as bcrypt from "https://deno.land/x/bcrypt@v0.2.4/mod.ts";
import { generate } from "../utils/token.ts";

export default class UserController {
  public async login(context: RouterContext) {
    const { type, value } = (await context.request.body()) as BodyForm;
    const params = await value;

    const email = params.get("email");
    const password = params.get("password");

    console.log(email, password); // 2woongjae@gmail.com deno1234

    if (email === null || password === null) {
      context.response.status = 422;
      context.response.body = { error: "email or password required" };

    const user = await getUserByEmail(email);

    const match = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.password);

    if (match) {
      context.response.body = { token: await generate(user) };
    } else {
      context.response.status = 400;
      context.response.body = { error: "wrong password" };

  public logout(context: RouterContext) {
    context.response.body = "logout";


➜ curl --location --request POST 'localhost:5000/login' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'email=2woongjae@gmail.com' \
--data-urlencode 'password=deno1234'


Books 테이블 추가하기

➜ deno run -A --unstable https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts make:migration create_books
Created migration /Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/books-api-deno/db/migrations/20210714233352_create_books.ts

Create Books Table

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";

export default class extends AbstractMigration<ClientMySQL> {
  /** Runs on migrate */
  async up(info: Info): Promise<void> {
    await this.client.query(`
            CREATE TABLE Books (
                id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                ownerId varchar(36) NOT NULL,
                title varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                message varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                author varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                url varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
                updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
                PRIMARY KEY (id)

  /** Runs on rollback */
  async down(info: Info): Promise<void> {
    await this.client.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Books");

Create Books Table

➜ deno run -A --unstable https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts migrate
INFO connecting localhost:3306
INFO connected to localhost:3306
Starting migration of 1 files 

Migrating 20210714233352_create_books.ts
Check file:///Users/mark/FastCampus/deno2021/books-api-deno/db/migrations/20210714233352_create_books.ts
Done in 8.40 seconds

Migrations completed in 8.40 seconds
INFO close connection

Mirgate Books Table

GET /book

➜ deno install -qAf --unstable https://deno.land/x/denon/denon.ts

➜ denon run --allow-net --allow-read --unstable main.ts


import { RouterContext } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export default class BookController {
  public getBooks(context: RouterContext) {

    const authorization = context.request.headers.get("authorization");

    context.response.body = "getBooks";

GET /book

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/djwt@v2.2/mod.ts";
import { User } from "../models/User.ts";

const key = "markzzang";

const header: Header = {
  alg: "HS256",
  typ: "JWT",

export async function generate(user: User): Promise<string> {...}

export async function validate(token: string): Promise<Payload> {
  return await verify(token, key, header.alg);


import client from "./config.ts";

export interface Book {
  id: string;
  ownerId: string;
  title: string;
  message: string;
  author: string;
  url: string;
  created_at: Date;
  updated_at: Date;

export async function getBooksByOwnerId(userId: string): Promise<Book[]> {
  const { rows } = await client.execute(
    `SELECT * FROM Books WHERE ownerId = '${userId}'`
  if (rows === undefined) throw new Error();

  return rows;

GET /book

import { RouterContext } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { validate } from "../utils/token.ts";
import { getBooksByOwnerId } from "../models/Book.ts";

export default class BookController {
  public async getBooks(context: RouterContext) {
    try {
      const authorization = context.request.headers.get("authorization");

      if (authorization === null) {
        throw new Error();

      if (!authorization.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
        throw new Error();

      const token = authorization.replace("Bearer ", "");

      const payload = await validate(token);

      const userId = payload.userId as string;

      if (userId === undefined) {
        throw new Error();

      const books = await getBooksByOwnerId(userId);

      context.response.body = books;
    } catch (error) {
      context.response.status = 401;
      context.response.body = { error: "Unauthorized" };

GET /book

Error Handling

import { config } from "https://deno.land/x/dotenv/mod.ts";
import { Application } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import router from "./routes.ts";
import notFound from "./not_found.ts";

const env = config();
const port = Number(env.PORT) || 5000;

const app = new Application();

app.use(async (context, next) => {
  try {
    await next();
  } catch (error) {
    context.response.status = error.status || 400;
    context.response.body = { error: error.message };



await app.listen({ port });

Error Handling

export class UnauthorizedError extends Error {
  status = 401;
  message = "Unauthorized Error";


import { RouterContext } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { validate } from "../utils/token.ts";
import { getBooksByOwnerId } from "../models/Book.ts";
import { UnauthorizedError } from "../utils/error.ts";

export default class BookController {
  public async getBooks(context: RouterContext) {
    const authorization = context.request.headers.get("authorization");

    if (authorization === null) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    if (!authorization.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    const token = authorization.replace("Bearer ", "");
    const payload = await validate(token);
    const userId = payload.userId as string;

    if (userId === undefined) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    const books = await getBooksByOwnerId(userId);

    context.response.body = books;

GET /book

POST /book

import client from "./config.ts";

export type BookPostData = Pick<Book, "title" | "message" | "author" | "url">;

export async function getBooksByOwnerId(userId: string): Promise<Book[]> {...}

export async function createBook(
  book: BookPostData,
  ownerId: string
): Promise<void> {
  await client.execute(
    `INSERT INTO Books VALUES (DEFAULT, '${ownerId}', '${book.title}', '${book.message}', '${book.author}', '${book.url}', DEFAULT, DEFAULT)`


import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { validate } from "../utils/token.ts";
import { getBooksByOwnerId, createBook } from "../models/Book.ts";
import { UnauthorizedError, ParameterRequired } from "../utils/error.ts";

export default class BookController {
  public async createBook(context: RouterContext) {
    const authorization = context.request.headers.get("authorization");

    if (authorization === null) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    if (!authorization.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    const token = authorization.replace("Bearer ", "");

    const payload = await validate(token);

    const userId = payload.userId as string;

    if (userId === undefined) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    const { type, value } = (await context.request.body()) as BodyForm;
    const params = await value;

    const title = params.get("title");
    const message = params.get("message");
    const author = params.get("author");
    const url = params.get("url");

    if (title === null || message === null || author === null || url === null) {
      throw new ParameterRequired();

    await createBook({ title, message, author, url }, userId);

    context.response.body = { success: true };

  public async getBooks(context: RouterContext) {...}

POST /book

export class UnauthorizedError extends Error {...}

export class ParameterRequired extends Error {
  status = 422;
  message = "All Paramets Required";


GET /book/:id

import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { validate } from "../utils/token.ts";
import { getBooksByOwnerId, createBook, getBookById } from "../models/Book.ts";
import { UnauthorizedError, ParameterRequired } from "../utils/error.ts";

export default class BookController {
  public async getBook(context: RouterContext) {
    const bookId = Number(context.params.id) || null;

    if (bookId === null) {
      throw new ParameterRequired();

    const authorization = context.request.headers.get("authorization");

    if (authorization === null) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    if (!authorization.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    const token = authorization.replace("Bearer ", "");

    const payload = await validate(token);

    const userId = payload.userId as string;

    if (userId === undefined) {
      throw new UnauthorizedError();

    const book = await getBookById(bookId, userId);

    context.response.body = book;

GET /book/:id

export async function getBookById(id: number, ownerId: string): Promise<Book> {
  const { rows } = await client.execute(
    `SELECT * FROM Books WHERE ownerId = '${ownerId}' AND id = id`
  if (rows === undefined) throw new Error();
  if (rows.length !== 1) throw new Error();

  return rows[0];


인증 함수 분리하기

import { Middleware } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { UnauthorizedError } from "../utils/error.ts";
import { validate } from "../utils/token.ts";
import { getUserByUserId, User } from "../models/User.ts";

const auth: Middleware<{ user: User }> = async (context, next) => {
  const authorization = context.request.headers.get("authorization");

  if (authorization === null) {
    throw new UnauthorizedError();

  if (!authorization.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
    throw new UnauthorizedError();

  const token = authorization.replace("Bearer ", "");

  const payload = await validate(token);

  const userId = payload.userId;

  if (typeof userId !== "string") {
    throw new UnauthorizedError();

  const user = await getUserByUserId(userId);

  context.state.user = user;

  await next();

export default auth;


export async function getUserByUserId(userId: string): Promise<User> {
  const { rows } = await client.execute(
    `SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userId = '${userId}'`
  if (rows === undefined) throw new Error();
  if (rows.length !== 1) throw new Error();
  return rows[0];


import { Router } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import UserController from "../controllers/UserController.ts";
import BookController from "../controllers/BookController.ts";
import auth from "./auth.ts";

const router = new Router();
const userController = new UserController();
const bookController = new BookController();

  .post("/login", userController.login)
  .delete("/logout", auth, userController.logout)
  .post("/book", auth, bookController.createBook)
  .get("/book", auth, bookController.getBooks)
  .get("/book/:id", auth, bookController.getBook)
  .patch("/book/:id", auth, bookController.updateBook)
  .delete("/book/:id", auth, bookController.deleteBook);

export default router;


import { RouterContext, BodyForm } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { getBooksByOwnerId, createBook, getBookById } from "../models/Book.ts";
import { ParameterRequired } from "../utils/error.ts";
import { User } from "../models/User.ts";

export default class BookController {
  public async createBook(context: RouterContext<{}, { user: User }>) {
    const { type, value } = (await context.request.body()) as BodyForm;
    const params = await value;

    const title = params.get("title");
    const message = params.get("message");
    const author = params.get("author");
    const url = params.get("url");

    if (title === null || message === null || author === null || url === null) {
      throw new ParameterRequired();

    await createBook(
      { title, message, author, url },

    context.response.body = { success: true };

  public async getBooks(context: RouterContext<{}, { user: User }>) {
    const books = await getBooksByOwnerId(context.state.user.userId);

    context.response.body = books;

  public async getBook(context: RouterContext<{ id: string }, { user: User }>) {
    const bookId = Number(context.params.id) || null;

    if (bookId === null) {
      throw new ParameterRequired();

    const book = await getBookById(bookId, context.state.user.userId);

    context.response.body = book;

  public updateBook(context: RouterContext<{ id: string }, { user: User }>) {...}

  public deleteBook(context: RouterContext<{ id: string }, { user: User }>) {...}


deps.ts 파일로 의존성 관리하기

export { config } from "https://deno.land/x/dotenv@v2.0.0/mod.ts";

export {
} from "https://deno.land/x/oak@v7.7.0/mod.ts";
export type {
} from "https://deno.land/x/oak@v7.7.0/mod.ts";

export {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";
export type {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nessie@2.0.0/mod.ts";

export {
} from "https://deno.land/x/djwt@v2.2/mod.ts";
export type { Header, Payload } from "https://deno.land/x/djwt@v2.2/mod.ts";

export { Client } from "https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.9.0/mod.ts";

export { v4 } from "https://deno.land/std@0.100.0/uuid/mod.ts";

export * as bcrypt from "https://deno.land/x/bcrypt@v0.2.4/mod.ts";


import { config, Application } from "./deps.ts";
import errorHandler from "./middlewares/errorHandler.ts";
import router from "./middlewares/router.ts";
import notFound from "./middlewares/not_found.ts";

const env = config();
const port = Number(env.PORT) || 5000;

const app = new Application();


await app.listen({ port });


Deno 2021

By Woongjae Lee

Deno 2021

Deno 2021

  • 2,385