Page Builders for Developers

How some technical skills can take them to the next level

Developers & Page Builders have some 'bad blood'

"(PB's) are for non-technical people"

"There's too many options, the client will be confused"

"I don't agree with how they do xxx"

Some things have changed recently

  • Latest batch of page builders are generally pretty performant
  • Many offer great interfaces to extend them
  • They all have many filters which can be used to alter the end product to your (or your client's) needs.

The big benefits

  • 🥇 Lots of things provided for you
  • 👀 Focus on building the unique things
  • 👮🏼‍♀️ Ability to remove or hide options from users
  • ⚙️ Lots of options and settings to extend
  • 🎨 Great user interface
  • 🤷🏽‍♀️ Clients are generally happier!

Some Ideas for you..

Scared the client will 'ruin it'?

  • Filter the settings by user roles
  • Remove the default widgets and bring your own
  • Combine the two to only show clients 'approved' options

// Some sudo code for you

add_filter( 'PAGE_BUILDER_REGISTER_SETTINGS', 'my_plugin_customise_settings', 10, 4 );

function my_plugin_customise_settings( $settings, $instance ) {
    if ( current_user_can( 'edit-posts' ) {
        return [
            // This is an array of cut down settings to show editors

    return $settings;


// Actual Elementor code 

* Editor user restrictions.
* Filters the user restrictions in the editor.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param array $restrictions User restrictions.

$restrictions = apply_filters( 'elementor/editor/user/restrictions', $restrictions );

Using ACF flex content?

Look at custom modules instead of ACF Flex content for pages

Build custom widgets to bring things from the rest of the admin into the builder

Elementor Hello World

Packaging Modules as a plugin

  • Portable
  • Reusable
  • Distributable

Great for Teams

Common Interfaces = Shared Success


Page Builders for developers - WordPress Adelaide

By WordPress Adelaide

Page Builders for developers - WordPress Adelaide

For too long it's been Developers vs Page Builders - things have changed, find out how your dev skills and page builders can compliment each other to create awesome experiences for your clients!

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