Exiting the PHP Dark Ages

Or, welcome to 2014 I'll be your guide

WordPress and PHP

  • The project has officially supported 5.2 until now
  • Many devs used newer features
  • Plugin & Theme repository developers were locked to 5.2
  • Most commercial developers were too, as they had to support everyone

WordPress 5.2 = PHP 5.6

  • 🥇 First version bump in over 5 years!
  • 👀 We get loads of new language constructs
  • 👮🏼‍♀️ Interfaces! Enforce things, swap things!
  • ⚙️ Traits, reflection, heaps more OOP tools
  • 🎨 Nicer syntax, like short array syntax
  • 🤷🏽‍♀️ Don't use everything just for the sake of it!

Be a part of modern PHP development (sort of)


Short Arrays


/* Old Style */

$my_list = array(
    'thing1' => 'my value',
    'thing2' => 'my other value'

/* New style */

$my_list = [
    'thing1' => 'my value',
    'thing2' => 'my other value'

Short Arrays cont..


/* Old Style */

$my_list = array();

/* New style */

$my_list = [];

/* Nesting is neater */

$foo = [
        'key1' => 'hey',
        'key2' => 'listen!'

Anonymous Functions


/* Old Style */

function my_namespace_my_filter_function( $value ) {
    return 'different value';

add_filter( 'the_title', 'my_namespace_my_filter_function', 10, 1 );

/* New style */

add_filter( 'the_title', function(){ return 'different value'; }, 10, 1 );

// Warning, can make it hard to unhook - use in custom projects, not distributed themes

Anon Functions & array_map


/* Old Style */

$animal_noises = array( 'woof', 'meow', 'chirp' );

function my_namespace_my_function( $param1 ){
    if ( $param1 === 'woof' ){
        return 'doggo';
    } else {
        return 'not a doggo'

$is_doggo_list = [];

foreach ( $animal_noises as $noise ) {
    $is_doggo_list[] = my_namespace_my_function( $noise );

/* New style */

$animal_noises = array( 'woof', 'meow', 'chirp' );

$is_doggo_list = array_map( function( $noise ){
    return ( $param1 === 'woof' ) ? 'doggo' : 'not a doggo';
}, $animal_noises );


WIP! WordPress and Modern PHP - WordPress Adelaide

By WordPress Adelaide

WIP! WordPress and Modern PHP - WordPress Adelaide

or 'Welcome to 2014 I'll be your guide'

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