WordPress in 2019

A brave new year for WordPress

2018 was a big year..

WordPress 5.0

The big "block editor" update

The world didn't end

30% of the internet didn't break

So now what?

WordPress is a little divided

  • Lots of users are using the new block editor
  • Reactions have been mixed
  • General consensus is it's better for new projects
  • Offers the most to non-technical users
  • Can be slow when writing long / large posts

If you're worried..

Classic Editor has you covered

Should I look for another CMS?

Short Answer: no

Long Answer: Maybe?

Picking the right tool

  • If you use meta fields a lot then it could be time to look elsewhere
  • It's not dire or urgent, classic editor has long-term support
  • There are plenty of great CMS' out there, though most are commercial / licensed
  • Check out Statamic, Craft CMS, or ProcessWire for custom / heavily structured sites
  • These all need developers to build the front end

Gutenberg Phase II

Going beyond


Menus & Widgets

The goals are simple

  • Unified editing interface
  • Bring live edit to WordPress
  • Convert legacy content structures to blocks
  • Increase freedom and creativity for users

Plugins and Themes

Some great experiences

  • Atomic blocks plugin & theme is great
  • Genesis themes have all been upgraded
  • WooCommerce is making strides with blocks

But it takes time..

  • Plenty of plugins and themes are lagging behind
  • In general themes shouldn't 'break'
  • Lots of plugins that use shortcodes have not added 'blocks' to use in the new editor
  • Expect 2019 to be the year these catch up

example: WooCommerce

example: Atomic Blocks

Big changes for developers!

Finally dropping PHP5.3 support

Gutenberg has solved the "shortcode" problem

I expect to see the community build some amazing things in 2019

So in summary

  • 💥 Big changes, but things are okay now
  • 📦 Classic editor will be supported long-term
  • 🔥 The community is now making great plugin and theme features for Gutenberg
  • 🕶 Gutenberg phase 2 is converting menus and widgets to blocks
  • 🎢 WordPress continues to move forward
  • 🛠 Always assess your needs, and select the right tool for the job

Q & A

Thanks for watching!

WordPress in 2019 - WordPress Adelaide

By WordPress Adelaide

WordPress in 2019 - WordPress Adelaide

A look at what's ahead, and how to stay on track.

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